pissed off


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sorry to hear. Not surprised, but sorry it happened to you.

Sadly, it's more a case of when, than if....it will happen.

....been bitten too. In my case, I wasn't paying attention. I wasn't watching my stuff. I got complacent.

Thieves are a sub species of human.

Most people are cool. Some are without principles. And they look pretty much the same...that's the tough part....recognizing the difference based on appearance.

What's the movie line...'You gots to watch everyyyyyyybodddddy budddddy!'....and that gets tiring.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
We purchased 10- 5 place Q Claws for our Bar and put them out every league nite. After 2 years and completely replacing the 1st 10, we sold the rest. No good deed goes unpunished. Brian.


Anybody read this?
Silver Member
Just so you all know there is only one thief in the pool world. Everybody else is just trying to get their sh*t back.


< Searing Twins
Silver Member
I can do you one better than that. I play in a Monday night local 9 ball league and one night last year after we finished playing I came out to go home and my GMC pick up was gone! It wasn't a newer truck, but it had a lot of sentimental value to my wife and I. It originally belonged to her father who bought it new in 1988 and when he passed away it sat for a couple of years. My mother in law decided to let my wife have it and we started restoring and replacing parts on it and we finally got it in excellent condition. It had 45,000 miles on it (a 1988 model!) and all it needed was a new paint job and it would have been near perfect since we'd replaced all the older parts like the starter, battery, tires, A/C compressor, radio etc. and to say I was upset when someone stole it is an under statement!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I feel your pain.
About 12 years ago I was a pool thief victim. Had a nice box case with my trusty Mcdermott and a plain gray Joss that I used for a break cue stolen from a Wed night Tournament.
What really sucked was I had just spent $100 getting the McDermott refinished & re-wrapped from Meullers. Dammit!


Silver Member
Sorry to hear that happened to you.

Did anyone by chance see the news this morning. The two azzholes that backed their car into the front door of a store, jumped out of the car, ran inside and stole a frigging 18 pack of beer!

That's all they took. Damaged the store probable in the 10s of thousands of dollars, not to mention their car, or the chance of going to prison, for an 18 pack of beer.

My father always said, there are more horse's asses than there are horses!

If any of you pieces of sh!t that like to steal peoples property read this thread, know that we all would like the opportunity at some point to shove a house cue up your ass!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member


Silver Member
We purchased 10- 5 place Q Claws for our Bar and put them out every league nite. After 2 years and completely replacing the 1st 10, we sold the rest. No good deed goes unpunished. Brian.

The room I play in has a good solution to this - they have 5 place Q claws permanently screwed down to the cocktail tables at each pool table in the house.


Ready, fire...aim
Silver Member

About two years ago a guy said that he put a small tracker in his case after having his stuff stolen. All of those things have gotten even smaller and less expensive so it might be worth a look. I know it wouldnt do anything for the individual cue thief but the case might be located.

I found this on Ebay but I dont know how reliable they are.



New member
That sucks.
I watch my stuff like a hawk
I have the same bullet scuffer that fits a 3/8 x 10 that I never use.
If this will fit your cue I will send it to you no charge.
Can't help with your other loss.

thank you for the offer! but i use a 5/16 x 14 at first i was just pissed that the joint protector got lost or someone walked off with it. when i got home, i realized my jump cue went missing. Although, i can't be sure it was at league. I used it in a tourney the friday before and know i packed it up when i left. Trying to remember if i went anywhere or did anything with my cues over the weekend.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
how I wish I wasn't so cynical and untrusting.

but recent, and even some not so recent history here on az has taught me to *always* be cautious.

To the op:

you are probably a stand up fellow who got ripped off for your scuffer and jump cue.

that you posted links showing where the items could be purchased bugs me a little more than if you would have simply said, 'crap, my poison jump cue and scuffer got stolen'.

and I only think it bothers me like it does because you've only been here 2 months and have just 60 posts.

we're learning the hard way around here to err on the side of caution.

it was nice that someone offered you a free replacement scuffer.

sorry about your lost gear.

l hope it's not a scam.

brian kc


Active member
Does the place have a video camera? Maybe they will see who took it and bar them for life. Some people just have to take things that don't belong to them. Sorry