“Scooter” Goodman goes undefeated to claim Jersey Girl Billiards Deck the Balls tournament


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‘Texas Heat’ Kim Hernandez Pierce wins Natural Born Women’s tournament The 163 competitors who signed on to last weekend’s (Dec. 20-22) main Deck the Balls Tournament, organized by Jersey Girl Billiards and hosted by JOB Billiards Club in Madison, TN, had to be at least one of three different kinds of people; either so organized that everything they needed to accomplish in the four-three-two days before Christmas was already done so that they could exit the facilities on Sunday night, comfortable in the knowledge that they were good to go for Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve, or they thrived on […]

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Double hill matches, seem to me to mean the handicaps were pretty close to accurate, I wondered if Hillbilly still played, he was a great player for a while, always wondered if he had to get a job and it hurt his ability. Scooter will be one of the people to bet on to survive the Apocalypse, hell, he may be in charge when it is over.


I am the storm
Silver Member
So good to see Veronica Perez rise to the top, but what a delight to see Scooter in the winner's circle. My, he has really grown up. I remember him as a young pup barking at Super Billiards Expo.