Any details of Bergman's Hill-Hill game?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Who won? I'm at work and its impossible to browse the bracket on my phone.

What about mike dechaines match?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don't make me drive there.

My wife will be ticked off when she wakes up in the morning. My boss probably wouldn't be too happy either.

Updates haven't been too good this year. Maybe I need to check the action room.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool is a brutal game sometimes

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool is a brutal game sometimes

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Thanks , man
That is awesome match. Sad that it will not be captured on video and will be lost forever .
Interesting thing is these 2 were the lesser celebrated players but in past month suddenly hit tipping point and showed they can hang with best. Berg after taking down big guns and tourneys and Kevin winning his first big tourney $30K
I wasn't fan of these 2 but now I am :)


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Shaw just beat Biado 11-7.
..made a long combo bank on the 9...but drew the length of the table for the safety.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Any idea what the acustat scores were for the Justin/Kevin match?

I doubt we will know since accu stats will not be computing since there is no camera
Best is assessment from a spectator
On stream earlier , Wilson said highest TPA ever at US Open was 0.972 by Lee Van. Ko was at 0.968 towards end of his earlier match . Would not be surprised if this Berg/ Kevin match may surpassed Lee Van's record :grin:


Ace in the side.
Silver Member
On stream earlier , Wilson said highest TPA ever at US Open was 0.972 by Lee Van. Ko was at 0.968 towards end of his earlier match . Would not be surprised if this Berg/ Kevin match may surpassed Lee Van's record :grin:

.972 would be tough to beat. That's probably three mistakes at most for the entire match.


AZB's own 8-ball jihadist
Silver Member
Pool is a brutal game sometimes

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Wicked attitude. He might not get it this year (thought he still might) but with that attitude it will not be a matter of "if" but "when".

Someone needs to start sponsoring Justin and get him out there as a regular on the big stage in international competition.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
More importantly, it sounds like (REPEAT SOUNDS LIKE) Kevin Cheng may have picked up his pace.