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  • Thanks for the comments back in June. Apparently I'm not knowledgeable enough because I never know when I have rep comments (just saw yours, lol). Thanks again and have a good one!
    This kid is wasting all our time with his nonsense. I can tell already he isn't going anywhere in life, except maybe becoming some kind of con man, which he is already.
    Gene - I thought I was going crazy because I thought you dropped me a message but then I couldn't find it. Here it was all along - my first visitor message.

    Anyway, it's going alright. I've been busy on the home front with the kiddos so not much time for pool right now. It's sort of on the back burner right now.

    I see you are still a busy man. I'm still following your thread, it's one of the more interesting ones on AZ. Maybe our paths will cross again...
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