Arthritis in my neck at age 36! Thanks alot Billiards


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just got my MRI results back seems that playing pool most of my 36 years has caused degenerative arthritis from my C3-C6 vertebrae. Looks like Im going to physical therapy for a while. I sure hope they have a pool table in the physical therapy office.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just got my MRI results back seems that playing pool most of my 36 years has caused degenerative arthritis from my C3-C6 vertebrae. Looks like Im going to physical therapy for a while. I sure hope they have a pool table in the physical therapy office.

Isn't that a little like hoping they have beer at the AA meeting?

poQet trainer

Silver Member
. theres gotta be more involved. probably had an underlying condition. have you ever had an automobile accident? how about your diet? is it common in your family? or are you the only pool playing person in the world that at 36 gets arthritis? or do you like sucking..... lol, couldnt help it. sry. im sure more than one factor contributes to your condition. and therapy wont help with arthritis. medicine will. still sucks though.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have had lot of issues with lower back (L4-L5) and too long at the table my lower back starts acting up. Mine turned out to be something that was not right from birth the doc told me, nothing to do with playing pool. Usually there are some exercises and/or stretching regimens that can lessen the discomfort, at least in my case there was.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just got my MRI results back seems that playing pool most of my 36 years has caused degenerative arthritis from my C3-C6 vertebrae. Looks like Im going to physical therapy for a while. I sure hope they have a pool table in the physical therapy office.

This reminds me of the 'cell phones cause brain tumors' scam some woman's
husband tried to pull a few years back.

If pool playing caused degenerative arthritis, there would be a need for 100 times
more clinics. Same with lower back issues.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ive got it my neck also, never thought about playing pool for 15-20 yrs. may have caused it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wish you speedy recovery, but I would like to also add that stance and the way you stand and position your head has alot to do with most of the back & neck issues, there are some ways that help you prevent issues if you stand in a more natural way.

Some people like to straighten their left leg and bending their right leg (Depending on how they hold the cue obviously) to make a stance that looks like a snooker stance, which for pool in my opinion isn't good for your back, the best way in my opinion is to bend both knees slightly and have the back to be more straighter than how it look when you stand in a snooker stance position (Straight legged) which I don't recommend.

If you watch Earl strickland or efren in his early, they bend both knees, Earl bends them more so, and this helps your back severly specially if you are tall guy.

For the neck issue, I also recommend having your neck look straightening within your back, I don't know how to explain it well, I have to show you in person, but ill try to explain and give examples.

If you go down on a ball, try to look at the ball with the top edge of your eyes, so you want to bend your chin to the inside of your body, so that when you bend yourself, your head will still be straight as it was while you are standing, just look at jason shaw or SVB.

The wrong head position is when you tilt it upwards and start to see the balls straight to your face, if you see the snooker player Stephen Hendry or John Higgins, both of them use the bad head position, which is, they bend their backs, but the tilt their head up , so their face is straight toward the table, this will cause stress to the backside of your neck because its bending, which will cause problems in the future.

so to fix this just move your forehead more so down, don't pull it up when you go down on the ball.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just got my MRI results back seems that playing pool most of my 36 years has caused degenerative arthritis from my C3-C6 vertebrae. Looks like Im going to physical therapy for a while. I sure hope they have a pool table in the physical therapy office.

Sounds like Minnesota Fats playing stance is just what the doctor ordered for you.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
hahahahah. how the hell did you even find that???

To be perfectly honest I was diagnosed with it years ago, even though I told my Doc I mostly plated one pocket and 8-ball. Mine will cause a nerve to get pinched if I play long sets and I keep some mild muscle relaxers to relieve it. He said it was caused by being bent over and having your head cocked back.

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
I'm not making fun of your condition, Ring, but your post reminded me of this really good looking girl I used to go with. Whenever we would go to a nice restaurant and walk through the door, every head in the place would turn. Every head but hers, that is. She had no neck. :smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Oddly enough after 20 plus years of not playing ANY, I went the other day to play with a few friends of mine. BOY, my neck killed me the most. I was so shocked. Besides my eyes going bad, my gate was awful, I looked like I never played a game of pool in my life. Every move, everything was struggle. Even the fellows asked, "are you sure you use to play".

Nine ... corner

Silver Member
Just got my MRI results back seems that playing pool most of my 36 years has caused degenerative arthritis from my C3-C6 vertebrae. Looks like Im going to physical therapy for a while. I sure hope they have a pool table in the physical therapy office.

Wow ... if that's the case wait until you get old like me!!! I remember being taken away in an ambulance from a car accident about 20 years ago and having all kinds of X-rays taken. When the Doctor came in and told me everything was OK but did say I had a lot of arthritis in my neck I asked how that happened. He said by living this long!!! As they say in the NFL ... pros play hurt! Not nearly a pro but certainly play hurt. :frown:

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not uncommon infact by age 40 over 50% of the population will have some form of degenerated discs either in neck of back ,, the number grows from there
Yes therapy most certainly helps along with meds ,, the less meds the better

Shooting pool especially if your chin on stick is very hard on the neck ,, the higher off the stick the better ,, if you carry your pool sticks in your case with a shoulder strap over your shoulder stop that and carry it by the handle ,,

If you shower like I do in the morning if you don't you should ,,stretch your neck side to side forward and back pushing with your hands , slowly , this will help keep your range of motion ,,



Go Pack!!!!!
Silver Member
I made something similiar to this device to stretch my neck. It has helped a lot.


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