Best and worst commentator??


recreational banger
Silver Member
I would rather not comment on the worst, but IMHO Jeremy Jones is the best all around.
His knowledge, and ability to predict and explain the game is second to none
Agreed...once I got past my general dislike of "know it alls", and listened...well, I began to realize he comes off that way because he really does have a vast knowledge of the game and probably comes as close to knowing it all as anyone on the planet. When he speaks, it pays to listen.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I liked Pepsi…I thought he was a breath of fresh air, like Sid Waddell.
I feel anyone who teams up with JJ or Karl is automatically better.
I think Mark White brings something to the table also…especially with his pre-views.
Jim Wych is a pro…as a player and a commentator.
Scott Frost is making his bones..he can bring excitement without raising his voice…he’s still too careful in his speaking but he will get comfortable and become one of the best.

I think the worst are too smug and think anything they say is interesting.


New member
Some other names. I like Ra Hanna from the OTW streams. I recently saw a 2015ish one pocket match on AS that SVB commentated and thought it was excellent. I learned more from that then 20 other matches with the usual commentators.


Staff member
Having been watching a ton of old Accu-Stats videos lately, hearing Weenie Beanie on commentary brought back memories of watching matches when I was a kid.

Other favorites are JJ (who I think is the best in the business), Jim Wych and Sid Waddell (there will never be another Sid).

Billy and Grady are also a lot of fun to listen to.

I know I’m biased but I love listening to Jerry Forsyth on the mic. He’s family though.


C'mon, man!
Silver Member
Having been watching a ton of old Accu-Stats videos lately, hearing Weenie Beanie on commentary brought back memories of watching matches when I was a kid.

Other favorites are JJ (who I think is the best in the business), Jim Wych and Sid Waddell (there will never be another Sid).

Billy and Grady are also a lot of fun to listen to.

I know I’m biased but I love listening to Jerry Forsyth on the mic. He’s family though.
Agree with all of that. I also like Jay. Go back and watch the Jeremy Jones vs Jim Rempe US Open match. That's back when JJ was a bit portly. Jay was fun to listen to in that match.


Well-known member
I liked Pepsi…I thought he was a breath of fresh air, like Sid Waddell.
I feel anyone who teams up with JJ or Karl is automatically better.
I think Mark White brings something to the table also…especially with his pre-views.
Jim Wych is a pro…as a player and a commentator.
Scott Frost is making his bones..he can bring excitement without raising his voice…he’s still too careful in his speaking but he will get comfortable and become one of the best.

I think the worst are too smug and think anything they say is interesting.
Really like what Scott Frost is doing, particularly one pocket of course. JJ is the standard now but I really like Scott. My pet peeve in one pocket is the assumption that a player will definitely shoot a certain shot if he gets down on it. “He’s playing the seven rail combo kick bank!!!” No, he is going to get up and shoot something else. JJ and Scott aren’t in this group.

If not the best, John Henderson and Joe Long together were great, RIP JH.


Best are those who explain to the general audience: Tim De Ruyter, Tony Robles, Mike Yednak, Earl Strickland once he is not talking about himself, Alison Fisher, Imran Majeed, Jim Wych (sp) ... I also like Mark White for his high energy commentary.

I don't like commentators who talk to each other in the booth at their own level of knowledge even though they are very knowledgeable. Sometimes I cannot understand the shots they are calling even though I know pool a bit. They need to make better use of telestrators.


Showin some A$$
Silver Member
Depends on the game for me......and in some cases "why" I am watching.

If I am watching 1-pocket...for sure Frost.....He knows what is supposed to happen (and why) or why it was not the right shot...Billy (Grady) on all games for the same reason.

If I am watching for the purpose of trying to gain some technique knowledge....I like it when Mark Wilson is commentating as he will usually note things about a players technique

Pool commentating to me is like Baseball commentating....It needs a Vin Scully (ish) or even a (although not a commentator per say) Paul Harvey (ish) commentator to fill the gaps....but the stories need to have an element of pool to them and it needs to flow between action like Vin Scully did so well.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
(blasphemy alert!)

can’t listen to grady, he whistles
between his teeth while he talks

it’s like when someone eats with
their mouth open

it actually makes me sick and i have
to leave (hit the mute button)


C'mon, man!
Silver Member
(blasphemy alert!)

can’t listen to grady, he whistles
between his teeth while he talks

it’s like when someone eats with
their mouth open

it actually makes me sick and i have
to leave (hit the mute button)
I understand what you are saying but for some reason I can tolerate Grady where every other person doing that would drive me nuts.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Really like what Scott Frost is doing, particularly one pocket of course. JJ is the standard now but I really like Scott. My pet peeve in one pocket is the assumption that a player will definitely shoot a certain shot if he gets down on it. “He’s playing the seven rail combo kick bank!!!” No, he is going to get up and shoot something else. JJ and Scott aren’t in this group.

If not the best, John Henderson and Joe Long together were great, RIP JH.

hendy was great. when POVpool got him in the booth it was gold for an hour or so, after that he was itching to get to the snooker table and play golf, lol
No longer around, well Buddy is, but Grady and Buddy were my all-time favorites.
Have to agree here. Especially when in the booth together.

As many disagreements as I had with Grady over the years(mostly just him barring me from his poolroom or telling me I'm a nit after I scalped him at the latest game he begged me to bet on/play) I have to say he's hands down my favorite commentator of all time if I had to pick one.