I see a post or two that expose ignorance of the playing character of ivory, both in the ferrule and joint. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge or experience. My experience comparing ferrules came in the 1980s.
My ferrule experience exposed a different feel in the hit that was due to the hardness or flexibility of the ferrule material. A McDermott had a softer feel than a Meucie. Ivory felt similar to a Meucie but perhaps a little heavier and or harder. My taste favorite is ivory. The joint material can effect the feel of the hit in a similar manner. Stainless joint feels crisp and an ivory joint has a more lively feel.
My ferrule experience exposed a different feel in the hit that was due to the hardness or flexibility of the ferrule material. A McDermott had a softer feel than a Meucie. Ivory felt similar to a Meucie but perhaps a little heavier and or harder. My taste favorite is ivory. The joint material can effect the feel of the hit in a similar manner. Stainless joint feels crisp and an ivory joint has a more lively feel.