Come on Lou.... If you are gonna change my words at least COLOR them so I know something was changed and thus I have to re-read my same post again......
The question remains still that for some reason you keep dodging? Not sure why.
Do you believe that hundreds of folks (combined) bought DVD's, books and/or took personal lessons with a CTE instructor? YES or NO.
Come on Lou... I'm asking you point blank, no word changing, no re-posts, not tirades about CTE, no smart alecky wordsmithing, but a simple answer to a very simple question. What say you ??
I apologize for missing it -- honestly, the only reason I've been here so much the last few days is that I'm sitting in front of these two computers transferring files and tweaking the new one. I drop in here at high speed for comedic relief.
To answer your question: yes, I do believe several dozen folks have bought the one DV out there. I also believe a few hundred folks have received lessons that touched on CTE, among many other topics. I have a pretty good pool library and I don't believe many have read much on CTE because there's not much out there on it, per se, though other variants have been described. On line I know you can visit Dr. Dave's excellent web site to read about it.
I go to a number of tournaments each year and get to travel around the country quite a bit, and when I do, or even just go to my local room, and ask players, "So, what do you think of CTE?" I get nothing but blanks stares, or a pro saying, "I hang out with a lot of pros and none of them are using aiming systems or I would have heard about it." (That last little sound bite may have made it onto a Sammy Depp vid, but I don't know for sure.)
I also believe that people can watch DVDs and pay for lessons and a few weeks (or even just a few days) later have forgotten how to make a system work, or decide it's not for them. Maybe they didn't even learn it right the in the first place, or the DVD posed more questions than provide answers). Years ago I learned the Sid End Rail Kicking System, which is a useful thing to know as a 1pocket player. But, now I have my own system for 1 rail kicks that I have far more confidence in.
So, did I learn the system? Yes.
Do I now use the system? No.
And that's how I feel about CTE, given all the above. Did a lot of people learn it? Sure. Are there a few hard core fanatics that still use it? Sure. Are there thousands and hundreds using it today? Most probably not.
It all reminds me of the old guy they recently busted down in Florida for tagging lamp posts with the initials of some group. After they booked the guy turns out he's the only one who belongs
Lou Figueroa