cue length


I was experimenting today with a house cue in my pool hall (dont have a cue), and tried the snooker stance. My game immediately improved and my ability to pocket balls also improved. In fact I dont even need to take any practice strokes with this stance, I just find my aiming point and fire away with one stroke. The house cue I was playing with was a bit short also (probably around 57inches or so). I cannot figure out why I play much better with a shorter cue because my height is 5'9. It just seems like its easier to keep my stroke in alignment with a shorter cue, and i dont get as much side sway with a shorter cue because theres no "slack." Maybe short arms? Any theories?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's called "new-cue-itis". Play with the house cue for a while you will go back to playing like you normally do.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"It's all in your head"

Do whatever you want. There is no "right" way to anything.
I'm 6'-4", play with a 65" cue, and have an "pool" stance rather than a snooker stance.
I run out just fine.


9 Ball Choke Artist
Silver Member
I had been playing with a normal sized cue, but had a Balance Rite extension. Then, when I switched to a snooker-type stance (more square to the cue ball and the table, chin on cue), I found that I didn't need the extension and could play with the normal length cue. I'm 6'3". I think that maybe because the snooker stance gets you more square when you address the ball, you may be positioning yourself closer to the table and thus don't need as much cue length. Just a theory, but that seems to be the case in my situation.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's called "new-cue-itis". Play with the house cue for a while you will go back to playing like you normally do.

This^ It can happen with a new cue or just a different cue. You'll be back to normal in a bit. That's as far as the cue goes, the stance may actually help some:cool:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think this is the case. Good inpit

I agree, gotta be the jb case. No other possible explanation.

But why does he have a case but no cue? And also, wh bring it?

Of everything, the dietary influences of the day likely play a major role.

I have no concept of everything.


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
Maybe what you think of as a "snooker stance" actually just corrected
a flaw in your regular stance. Like your back arm was too far out to the side,
and by rotating your body you brought it back in line. Something like that.


From what I can tell, I shoot a bit better with a slightly shorter cue and that's what I currently use.


Raised by Wolves in a Pool Hall
Silver Member
I got nothing

Why am I the Colonel? Because I always get the chicken