Declaration of "not an instructor" status -- do we have it all backwards?

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My webpage describes my magazine series, my book and DVD, my hundreds of students, and some of my professional collaborations. I've already explained about my playing accomplishments.

Please send a link to your book and DVD or your website, Fran--I'd like to review them sometime, and I could not find them online--only your many recognitions and accomplishments as a playing pro and famous instructor recognized for her achievements.

Thank you.

Oh grow up, Matt. Be honest about yourself for a change. It would do you some good.

One Pocket John

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You two need to knock it off.

The only way I see it is a race to nine in 9 ball for $1k, or 10k

Whats it gonna be? Some more back and forth or some serious action


Silver Member
You two need to knock it off.

The only way I see it is a race to nine in 9 ball for $1k, or 10k

Whats it gonna be? Some more back and forth or some serious action


I will continue to be polite and kind. That's how I roll and why in life, I get all the rolls... :)

Silver Member
Oh grow up, Matt. Be honest about yourself for a change. It would do you some good.

My behavior and posts are that of a mature adult. Since I am an adult, I can handle criticism, so feel free to continue to respond to me and I will respond to you and correct my work as well.

I feel you are capable of a response when someone is rude toward you--that's easy--but your posts to me read like someone who is unsure how to deal with someone who is polite and kind. Something to think about, isn't it?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You two need to knock it off.

The only way I see it is a race to nine in 9 ball for $1k, or 10k

Whats it gonna be? Some more back and forth or some serious action


Just trying to help you guys out here. If you're not interested in the truth just say so. Do you think standing up to him like this is easy? It's not. I don't enjoy one minute of it. Not even one second of it. I'd rather have root canal.


This thread has become ridiculous. Typical of today's thinking by people. Not a lick of common sense. First, just ask yourself Why is there a separate section labled Ask The Instructor? Obvious answer- so people can ask someone with known knowledge a question and expect a reliable answer. To separate all the wannabes from those that actually know the answers.

All this nonsense about what is an instructor is just nonsense. And is nothing more than hurt feelings because some don't like being excluded from posting here. Guess what, if you ever played for money, you are, by some peoples reckoning, a pro. Why don't you go answer questions in that forum too?

General opinions are for the main forum. This is not the main forum. It's that simple folks. If you aren't or haven't been an actual instructor, then this forum wasn't put here for your answers. That isn't saying you don't or can't have the correct answer, it's just saying it's not your place to reply here. Give your answer in the main forum.

Sure seems like some can't see the forest for the trees. Yes, everyone that ever taught anyone one thing is technically a teacher, or instructor. Common sense says that is not what this forum is for. No more than anyone that ever helped someone with a mental issue is a psychiatrist and is free to post on their forums. And some of you have trouble with the aiming threads? They never got as ridiculous as this one has!

Then you have a short memory.

I have no problem with having an Ask the Instructor Forum being used exclusively for conversations with instructors, but I do have a problem with someone paying a few hundreds dollars and becoming one in just a few days.

Who uses this sub-forum is a big fat non issue. Instruction in general is the problem, and whether the process itself is fit for purpose.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Then you have a short memory.

I have no problem with having an Ask the Instructor Forum being used exclusively for conversations with instructors, but I do have a problem with someone paying a few hundreds dollars and becoming one in just a few days.

Who uses this sub-forum is a big fat non issue. Instruction in general is the problem, and whether the process itself is fit for purpose.

Well, if it's any consolation to you, you can only gain an entry level certification after a few days of training and testing. The advancement process to upgrade from Recognized to Certified to Advanced to Master takes years.

Silver Member
Then you have a short memory.

I have no problem with having an Ask the Instructor Forum being used exclusively for conversations with instructors,

but I do have a problem with someone paying a few hundreds dollars and becoming one in just a few days.

Who uses this sub-forum is a big fat non issue. Instruction in general is the problem, and whether the process itself is fit for purpose.

This sounds like a good deal.. Where can I go to get those couple of days and a shingle.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ah, the hell with it, I'm on a roll, I'll plunk along on the phone.

I think this issue would be easily solved by having a distinctively designed indicator (perhaps the letter "I", maybe in a different color) next to the user name.

How would that be selected and administered? The devil is in the details, of course, but I think that could be handled easily enough. Mike and Jerry certainly are familiar with many of the more prolific "instructors" that participate here. They could select a core group of active participants to begin with, and empower them to select/suggest others to receive that designation as well.

What would thus accomplish? It would make it simple for anyone using the forum to understand that those folks are considered "instructors", at least in the eyes of those who run and administer this site. This benefits the site in other ways, beyond the scope of this little argument we are having here. Those with that designation would be easily identifiable in any discussion, which in turn provides more credence in keeping discussions on track, and hopefully more civil.

Do I think this will take place, probably not. But I thought that I might put it out there, and maybe it might strike the powers that be as something potentially desirable to contemplate for future site upgrades.

Seems like a good idea to me. Solves many of the problems we have discussed.
Once "identified" perhaps there will be less of a need to post with such authority.

Those with an opinion can post as needed. They too will be identified by default and their comments may be food for thought and discussion.
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Silver Member
Just trying to help you guys out here. If you're not interested in the truth just say so. Do you think standing up to him like this is easy? It's not. I don't enjoy one minute of it. Not even one second of it. I'd rather have root canal.

It's easy to name call. For example you say my bio is vague--I point out how it isn't. Then you say, "grow up".

I think the issue you have is playing credentials, a good thing to discuss on this thread regarding all instructors and not just us. You are both a pro and teacher but can you accept how anyone who plays at a semi-pro level can be a good teacher? Isn't it true across a wide variety of sports that few of the best players are also the finest teachers? I'm not denigrating your teaching, I'm saying that some non-pro players in all sports are very fine teachers.

Pool students don't care if we tell them we won the all-mid-Tennessee Scotch Doubles 7-Ball Invitational while playing jacked up one-handed after our partner got killed in a freak shuffleboard accident the night before the finals, what they care about is whether they get better when they take lessons from us or not.

The students get better and I receive a steady stream of "Wow, I read most everything you post, Matt, it's so helpful" in addition to giving helpful lessons in person.

I'm aware that you plan to criticize me the moment I step out of line at AZ regarding incorrect instruction. That's fine, as a matter of fact, I welcome it as a mature person who loves to learn. But I am asking you again for a clean slate regarding all the name calling--the "Grow up, Matt" and the "It's so hard to deal with Matt, it makes me ill" is both beneath you and not the way I'm responding back to you in kind.

I'm trying sincerely to post in ways that people find less objectionable. You can be a part of the solution and write criticism without calling me names or making vague, unsavory accusations.

Oh, and Fran, you're not the only one. I've been very tempted to call out other instructors on their instruction but notice that whether they receive private or public messages they tend to hold grudges, name call and etc. Shame on them, especially when they have a popular teaching gig going like you or I. I have never once criticized your instruction, only your illogic.

Thanks for considering my offer.


Silver Member
Well, if it's any consolation to you, you can only gain an entry level certification after a few days of training and testing. The advancement process to upgrade from Recognized to Certified to Advanced to Master takes years.


Thaiger is referring to the other thread regarding the seemingly simplistic qualifications to become a PBIA 'certified' instructor.

Has there been a miscommunication? Does the initial 3 day session result only in 'recognition' or can it be a 'certification' as well? If the 3 day session is passed, can that person say he is 'certified' or can he only say that he is 'recognized'. If it is only recognized & not certified, why was that not pointed out by Scott Lee & others in that thread. It might have saved much time & 'discussion'.

How much more study does it take to go from 'recognized' to 'certified'? I certainly do not know but perhaps BCA guidelines are being circumvented.

That does not really matter in the realm of this discussion but I think it cetainly has a bearing in the other discussion.

Thanks in advance &
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sean, There is no Boundary other than what certain "instructors" attempt to create and then are okayed by a moderator. One of the good guys put it quite clearly, " It ain`t rocket science, folks!" The long and short of it is, an instructor with initials can be good or bad. A player with years of experience can instruct well or poorly.
I got kicked off the Ask Forum along with C.J.Wiley. Ridiculous !. Let the writing speak for it self.


Silver Member
To reply more directly to the original question, IMHO I think it would be more 'professional' & perhaps beneficial for 'instructors' to make clear their 'what ever you want to call it' status. Then everyone would know just what they are & all others would be stating their 'unsanctioned' opinions regardless of how 'correct' or 'incorrect' they might be.

As has been pointed out there is often differences of opinions even among the 'sanctioned' instructors. I think that fact opens it up for anyone to express their opinion. So, any differences should be discussed logically & civilly & let the 'arguments' be the deciding factor for the OP what they accept & what direction they wish to venture. There should be no, well I have credentials & you don't so...or I have been an instuctor for X years & you just got certified last year so... knid of 'stuff'.

As has also been pointed out, if this sub-forum was intended only for 'certified' instuctors a simple name change & a registration to the site management would be more restrictive because as it is now the term 'instructor' is certainly subjective. That would set a more clear boundary but would also exclude some true pool instuctors that are simply not 'certified'.

I do consider myself a 'teacher' & 'instuctor' based on my past & on an as needed basis in the present, but that past has not been very pool related except in some isolated instances & as of late for the last 5 years with regards to two retired gentlemen where the focus is pool. I am able to 'instuct' them due to my understanding received from 46 years of playing experience as well as 2 yrs. of high school & 2 semesters of physics. I know there are many like me out there that want to freely help any up & coming players & a forum is a very conveinent method of attempting to do so. Personally I feel that the 'instructor' forum would be more efficient & drive more activity if it were divided into a beginner/novice & intermediate/advanced sections.

Just my nickel's worth assessment.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Look at post 122 by Mike Page. Next to his avatar it states "instructor, room owner." The identification is at the beginning of each post he makes and the reader can easily determine who is making a reply.

Seems to me that should solve everyone's problem.:thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The advancement process to upgrade from Recognized to Certified to Advanced to Master takes years.

If you understand, study and learning, and your subject, nothing takes years, not even brain surgery. Can we work to upgrade our sport, or not? Jim S.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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... If you understand, study and learning, and your subject, nothing takes years, not even brain surgery. Can we work to upgrade our sport, or not? Jim S.
This may qualify as the goofiest remark made so far this year in the fora. If you needed brain surgery would you be happy with a 19-year-old surgeon who just took the 9-month "Brain Removal and Repair" course from the University of Phoenix? Perhaps you were being hyperbolic.

The way I see it a "Master" instructor should know a lot about the game and a lot about teaching that the average player who would like to become an instructor does not. Especially, they need to know how to train other instructors since in the PBIA system that is what really sets the Master level off from others.

I think it takes time to learn that stuff. I think a few years is probably not sufficient.

Mark Avlon

Northwest Pool School
Silver Member
Has there been a miscommunication? Does the initial 3 day session result only in 'recognition' or can it be a 'certification' as well? If the 3 day session is passed, can that person say he is 'certified' or can he only say that he is 'recognized'. If it is only recognized & not certified, why was that not pointed out by Scott Lee & others in that thread. It might have saved much time & 'discussion'.

If you're interested in what it takes for the various levels for the PBIA and ACS instructor programs, they have the details on their sites.

The PBIA Instructor Program
The ACS Instructor/Coach Program

It's a bit unfair to discount what it takes to become an entry level instructor or what they can do for a student. With a large base of beginning level players in our sport, entry level instructors can set them on the right course to become a much better player.

No all students need a top level instructor, but they all need a teacher that teaches things that are correct, and can teach them effectively, regardless if it's here or on the table.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
i have to say im not an instructer:eek:
but have taken lessons from some certified and not
especially in the beginning taking MANY lessons from instructors is the easiest way to progress at the rapid rate
its easier to learn things the right way from the beginning than trying to break old habits:wink:
im amazed that this thread which has nothing about it to teach people
how to play better
has had what i would expect without knownig for sure the most posts of any in this forum:confused:


Silver Member
It's a bit unfair to discount what it takes to become an entry level instructor or what they can do for a student. With a large base of beginning level players in our sport, entry level instructors can set them on the right course to become a much better player.

No all students need a top level instructor, but they all need a teacher that teaches things that are correct, and can teach them effectively, regardless if it's here or on the table.

Mr. Avlon,


But this is confusing. It takes 2 years of being a PBIA 'recognized' instructor before one can become a PBIA 'certified' instructor. Yet no one, not even a Master PBAI Instructor, pointed that fact out when this dicussion took off in this direction. Why?

So... one can not become a 'certified' instructor just by attending a 3 day session unless the program, as laid out, is circumvented in some way or there is a provision for such, as I did not read the whole site.

I concur with you that a 'beginning' instructor should certainly be able to help a beginner, novice, etc. with instruction & perhaps even help higher level players by detecting a possible problem that may have crept into their game, etc.

I was in no way attempting to discount what it takes to be an 'entry level' instructor & I do not understand why one would suggest that that is what I was trying to do. I was merely expressing my surprise that one could become a 'certified' instructor by just attending a 3 day session as I thought it would require more than that to become a 'certified' instructor. And now, with your help I find that that is not the case. Thank you again, Sir.

I just find it interesting that this fact has not surfaced prior.

Thanks again &
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
im amazed that this thread which has nothing about it to teach people how to play better has had what i would expect without knownig for sure the most posts of any in this forum

Much of the discussion has been among those who teach though they may or may not identify themselves as a teacher. A bunch of teachers are participating in a discussion about teaching. The end result will benefit students as we all learn more.

Those who can -- do.
Those who can't -- teach.
Those who can't teach, teach teachers.

or so I have been told ;)

In the end we are all students trying to learn more.
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