Diamond could not level? Who is the best slate whisper


Now I wonder about why this thread was started in the first place, with no response from the OP!

After all, he was asking for help, and said Diamond was going to send someone out again, but in all fairness, DIAMOND had NO idea whatsoever about this situation because they were NOT involved at all. So, why no more conversations from the OP?
Sorry I been traveling on the road for tournaments. You are wrong. I been in contact with Ray at Diamond and even had a in depth discussion about my table after Diamond came out at the recent Suoer Expo in Philly. Ray assured me that a crew will be sent out again for free from Diamond in June to take the table apart and level it completely for free. Do not assume you k ow what is going on.


Funny, the OP never did respond to my offer to help, but I did get a call from another customer, here's his response;

Nice work, sir

From: Michael Hollis <Michael@argcorporation.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 2:23 PM
To: Aaron Berger <aaron@diamondbilliards.com>
Subject: Glen Hancock

Hey Aaron-

Just wanted to pass something along. I called Diamond about a week ago about my table being out of level. Because you weren’t available at the time, I believe I was passed on to Ray(?). Anyways, someone there gave me Glen Hancock’s number.

I called Glen to tell him that I had ordered a Starrett level and was attempting to level the table myself. No questions. No chest banging. He just jumped right in and we got to work. He started by helping me realize that my level needed to be recalibrated and talked me through that process. He then spent HOURS with me walking through the entire process. Two things that impressed me about Glen. One, he knows his shit! It was as if he were standing over my shoulder and seeing what I was seeing. He could also anticipate to a 1/10th of an inch how one adjustment at one side of the table was gonna effect other measurements on the other side of the table. Truly remarkable. Even more impressive though was that he understood I was a novice at leveling. He had an UNBELIEVABLE amount of patience with me. He didn’t/wouldn’t stop until the job was done right.

Professionalism like that is rarely seen in today’s day and age. I just wanted to pass along to you and the powers to be at Diamond that you are being very well represented by Glen Hancock.


Michael Hollis
Sorry I been out traveling for tournaments all month and just got back from Super Expo. My issue with the table will be taken care of by Diamond in June when they are in the area. I have talked to Ray at Diamond on the phone and in person at the recent Super Expo and they will resolve it for free since I already paid for them to attempt to level it once after the recover. Ray said they will take the table completely apart and make sure it is level. I am just now catching up on emails and social media after being on the road for a month... I did not mean to cause a storm of arguments. Diamond has always taken care of me. This table gets played on everyday and all day by multiple players who stay for long periods of time. Diamond is doing the right thing and it will be done. Thanks for everything.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Sorry I been out traveling for tournaments all month and just got back from Super Expo. My issue with the table will be taken care of by Diamond in June when they are in the area. I have talked to Ray at Diamond on the phone and in person at the recent Super Expo and they will resolve it for free since I already paid for them to attempt to level it once after the recover. Ray said they will take the table completely apart and make sure it is level. I am just now catching up on emails and social media after being on the road for a month... I did not mean to cause a storm of arguments. Diamond has always taken care of me. This table gets played on everyday and all day by multiple players who stay for long periods of time. Diamond is doing the right thing and it will be done. Thanks


Well-known member
Silver Member
Was your table level up until the time it was recovered? Who recovered the table last? When you say Diamond, do you mean someone from the factory, or someone local representing Diamond? Those are the questions I need answered.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Sorry I been out traveling for tournaments all month and just got back from Super Expo. My issue with the table will be taken care of by Diamond in June when they are in the area. I have talked to Ray at Diamond on the phone and in person at the recent Super Expo and they will resolve it for free since I already paid for them to attempt to level it once after the recover. Ray said they will take the table completely apart and make sure it is level. I am just now catching up on emails and social media after being on the road for a month... I did not mean to cause a storm of arguments. Diamond has always taken care of me. This table gets played on everyday and all day by multiple players who stay for long periods of time. Diamond is doing the right thing and it will be done. Thanks for everything.
If the table was level from the time it was delivered until it was recovered, I completely fail to understand the reason it needs to be taken completely apart and checked for why its no longer level. I AM Diamonds Professional Table mechanic, and don't understand the need for the dissasembly, only to start over again.


Was your table level up until the time it was recovered? Who recovered the table last? When you say Diamond, do you mean someone from the factory, or someone local representing Diamond? Those are the questions I need answered.
I always called Diamond directly and emailed Ray. Diamond directly has been the only crews that have set up or reclothed the table.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If those in charge, or think they're in charge of this industry, knew what they were doing, there wouldn't be so many screwed up pool tables. Take Predator for example, they started out with 16 tournament tables, now they're down to only 8, because if they knew what they were doing, they wouldn't have let 8 tables get destroyed in the process of transportation and set up at the events they're promoting.

Buy new rail cushions, do they come with factory directions explaining how to install them? Nope

Buy new cloth, does it come with instructions explaining the best way to install it? Nope

Nothing in this industry comes with instructions, why not?

If installers were required to pass a skill certification test in order to be able to work on pool tables, 99% of the installers would fail, why?

Because there's NO schools, not training courses, NOTHING to teach anyone how to work on pool tables.

This is a monkey see, monkey do trade, no skills required to get started!

There's only a few installer/mechanics over the last 17 years I've been on AZB that I've seen that have actually applied themselves to this trade, to become professionals, the rest just expect to be called professionals just because they work on pool tables!

There's an idea! Start your own pool table installation facility?