Efren runs 141 FAST


Straight Pool Fanatic
Silver Member
What a bunch of nonsense.

It was a good match though. Efren and Dallas. Efren intentionally fouls but hits the cue ball with the ferrule and loses 30 and has to rebreak.


I dont think that video is nonsense. you can see the way efren plays straight pool. the patterns and how he builts his runs. I think this is a good way to observe his game in a whole without concentrating too much on every single shot while watching. but just my opinion.


i can't see a damned thing. it looks like he misses his first shot but keeps shooting and the quality is for sheite. to get any idea about his paterns, you have to keep pausing the video. it's a frustrating manic bunch of BS.

does anybody have a link to the real-time vid?


Straight Pool Fanatic
Silver Member
i can't see a damned thing. it looks like he misses his first shot but keeps shooting and the quality is for sheite. to get any idea about his paterns, you have to keep pausing the video. it's a frustrating manic bunch of BS.

does anybody have a link to the real-time vid?

The real time video is an accustats video produced by Pat Fleming and is available for purchase at accu-stats.com.

I don't think Efren is noted for his patterns or even for properly shooting breakshots. Ervolino in an earlier match kept talking about how Efren was shooting them wrong.

Of course, helluva shotmaker, creative solutions, and exquisite cue ball control save the day.


Ervolino in an earlier match kept talking about how Efren was shooting them wrong.

i'd like to see that vid too.

Of course, helluva shotmaker, creative solutions, and exquisite cue ball control save the day.

i'm convinced that this is the key to really high runs, a good shooter generally gets out of trouble with a magnificent and difficult shot. the key to high runs is to limit the number of difficult shots/position. even if you make the though shot, the next hurdle is position. i've had racks where i screwed up the position on the second shot on an open rack and NEVER fully recovered.


Straight Pool Fanatic
Silver Member
i'd like to see that vid too.

I think it was this one:


ME-02 Efren Reyes defeats Jose Garcia 150- 38 76 28 BI, JE, ML $19.95 97

but could have been:

ME-11 Efren Reyes defeats Nick Vlahos SF 150- 61 59 23 GM, JE $19.95 101


thanks for those links. looks like Efren keeps winning, "doing it all wrong". maybe he's on to something....


Straight Pool Fanatic
Silver Member
thanks for those links. looks like Efren keeps winning, "doing it all wrong". maybe he's on to something....

Well, when was this? '95?

Keeps winning is probably not right. I don't think he plays that much 14.1,though.

JE said to give him a week with Efren and the guy would be unstoppable in 14.1.

Even without knowledge of how to set up easier patterns, with his skills, he could wait until the last few balls and then figure something out. Probably not an approach us mortals should ape.


Silver Member
I really enjoy watching when an old school player is doing the commentary on one of the younger players. Sometimes I think you can learn even more from these because they will not only tell you what they would do, but also tell you WHY they wouldnt do what the player did :)