Free tate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We all need a break once in a while. This will be like a vacation for our man Tate. He may actually get some work done as well!

P.S. Tate if you get bored drive over my way, my table is open and you can catch me dead out of stroke! :smile:

Chris needed (by his own admission) to practice for the upcoming "End Of The World" tournament anyway. Now he has more time!!


thrash attack

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You certainly caught the salient parts.

Were you in LA in Black Flag dayze?, and if so, where did you play pool?

No I'm a few years too young. Just a fan of late 70's/early 80's punk especially stuff like the screamers and geza x.


Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
Chris needed (by his own admission) to practice for the upcoming "End Of The World" tournament anyway. Now he has more time!!



Such a smart idea for a tourney (if it does happen because the world doesn't end).



Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
No I'm a few years too young. Just a fan of late 70's/early 80's punk especially stuff like the screamers and geza x.

You are hard core.

So was I. Back when I was *wince* young.

Now its Mraz and love songs.

You'll see, mellow will happen to you.

Handing you a walker with a "Free Tate" sticker on the centerpiece.

thrash attack

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You are hard core.

So was I. Back when I was *wince* young.

Now its Mraz and love songs.

You'll see, mellow will happen to you.

Handing you a walker with a "Free Tate" sticker on the centerpiece.

It's already happened. I haven't been on tour since september 2007.


recreational banger
Silver Member
FWIW, I've learned to scan right past any posts by JAM. Dunno how she does it, but "it" starts all too often as a result of what she posted.


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
A "tally-ban" day at AZB -- ban tally: 4

Who and how many got banned ?
I missed a lot of it... Thank God

Yup, I missed it, too. Only caught the tail end of it after Justin posted what was going on here at Facebook.

Looks like it was definitely a "tally-ban" day for sure. Ban tally: 4 (Tate, Juice, Mr.Wilson'sMom and the alter-ego screenname of Mr.Wilson'sMom [name of which escapes me at the moment]).



Aggressively passive
Silver Member
Weird how some innocent bystanders are consistently at the scene of the crime. :rolleyes:

Tate, hope you do something productive with you time off. I look forward to your return.


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
It's a sad day when a good guy like Chris Tate needs to be banned.


I agree. The "a" word Chris used is a lot less sharply corrugated than the "c" word that Juice used, and it was a shame to see Chris get banned over it.



Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
Handing out black arm bands that say "C.T. 11/31/12"

and some "Free Tate" bumper stickers.


#1 Troublemaker
Silver Member
Randy g would be the only one close to knowing more But he might be the only one. He used to own the largest Palmer collection.


cue accumulator
Silver Member
If anyone requires assistance on Palmer cues during Tate's hiatus from the forum, I am available in case of emergency.
Not trying to play the hero, just trying to help in times of need.
You never know when someone's life could depend on a Palmer ID, and where's Tate when you need him.


Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
If anyone requires assistance on Palmer cues during Tate's hiatus from the forum, I am available in case of emergency.
Not trying to play the hero, just trying to help in times of need.
You never know when someone's life could depend on a Palmer ID, and where's Tate when you need him.

I know. Our time of need and Tate bails.

I'm arranging a midnight vigil outside the AZ Billiards Corporate Complex. I'll be handing out candles and BIC lighters and scarves we can put over our faces so the powers that be can't recognize us and retaliate.



Out To Win
Silver Member
Tate is a good man, and I am sure he will be back soon. I don't know anyone else involved in this fiasco, but I have had correspondence with Chris Tate and I know that he is an upstanding human being that we are all lucky to have around here.

Also, the Circle Jerks were always better than Black Flag. Bad Religion is better than both, and still making music. No Control and Recipe For Hate are both nearly flawless albums. But if you really want to talk about that era of punk music, you can't do so without mentioning Minor Threat.


Skee Ball Monster Playa
Gold Member
Tate is a good man, and I am sure he will be back soon. I don't know anyone else involved in this fiasco, but I have had correspondence with Chris Tate and I know that he is an upstanding human being that we are all lucky to have around here.

Also, the Circle Jerks were always better than Black Flag. Bad Religion is better than both, and still making music. No Control and Recipe For Hate are both nearly flawless albums. But if you really want to talk about that era of punk music, you can't do so without mentioning Minor Threat.


damn it wouldn't let me post that alone.