House Come the Pros don't use Chalk Holders?


Banger Extraordinaire
Silver Member
If they did then you would instantly know that they can't play.

House about them Spurs!!


Hate has no home here
Silver Member
If they did then you would instantly know that they can't play.

House about them Spurs!!
Agreed, most probably don't because it is already provided, already in their pocket, etc.
The only few I see are the women pro players. The only time I remember for a male pro player was Rodney Morris, but that was years ago.


Loose Rack
Silver Member
When you play carom billiards, or snooker, you keep your chalk in your pocket. It has become a custom. So much so, that if you don't, people look at you funny.

Culture is a bit different in the US, it's sorta the other way around. If you have your bring your own chalk, or wear gloves, you are a fag apparently.

Where I come from, not apparently...definitely.


recreational banger
Silver Member
If I knew there was always going to be good free chalk out on the tables where I play I wouldn't bother with one either. A lot of pros will carry the chalk in their pocket. I wouldn't like getting my pockets all blue but that's just me.

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Bingo! Never could get decent chalk in some of the places I play, so I started using a chalk holder. Now it's become a part of my pre shot routine. So much so that using chalk on the table feels strange. Plus, I'm now 70...chalk holder saves steps.


Silver Member
<<<<<< Brings own chalk but doesnt use chalk holder, 1/2 a dork????
I just put my chalk on table when its my turn and pick it up when them game/match is over. One thing I dont like about table chalk is some guys take the chalk back to their seat with them, I have no idea why they feel the need to chalk when they are not shooting, second reason is because I do not like chalk that is drilled to bottom of cube, I do not want chalk on my ferrule.:angry:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When you play carom billiards, or snooker, you keep your chalk in your pocket. It has become a custom. So much so, that if you don't, people look at you funny.

Culture is a bit different in the US, it's sorta the other way around. If you have your bring your own chalk, or wear gloves, you are a fag apparently.

I don't play much snooker or carom and, as such, I am terrible at it. Here I was thinking thats why everyone looks at me funny. Now that I know, I will pocket a cube of chalk to see it it helps! -Josh <--doesn't know the answer to the OP's question.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't use a chalk holder but I did buy a huge box of Masters chalk. I hate walking into a bar with old drilled down chalk and almost always forget to pick mine up when I leave the table.

144 ct. Does that make me a dork?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't understand this discussion. You mean you guys are not rushing out to get your $1000 qpod to keep you $30 piece of chalk?
Don't you realize that qpod now has a magnet clip?


because they're just used to just leaving their chalk in the table (sometimes the open side down to the table, my uncle does this, drive me nuts! so i keep on turning it up again and again :)) BUT I notice they prefer that their opponent doesn't use the chalk they are using.

Pre-Flag Master

Cue Ball Man
Silver Member
Some of you guys are talking about two different things as if they are one thing. I like to use my own chalk too. BUT I don't use a chalk holder. I don't keep it in my pocket either (don't want that all over the inside of my pocket).

The pros usually use their own chalk. To me that was a given when I posted the OP. Some of them keep it in their pocket, some of them leave it on the table, and some of them just carry it around. BUT I was not aware of any pros who use actual chalk holders (notwithstanding the posts above about a couple - new info to me).

So the question still stands. Why is it so rare that pros use chalk holders? It's so much the opposite than the gobzillions of amateurs using them.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
because they're just used to just leaving their chalk in the table (sometimes the open side down to the table, my uncle does this, drive me nuts! so i keep on turning it up again and again :)) BUT I notice they prefer that their opponent doesn't use the chalk they are using.

I just watched that 150 ball run by Mike Siegel from 1989. I think at about 130 balls in he starts thinking about a shot and taps the chalk face down 30 times, then grinds it into the rail (like you would on a cue tip).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I certainly can't speak for the pros, why don't you ask one of them?? Personally, I find chalk holders annoying. Guy where I used to work made me one with the stick and string, I didn't like having to pull it out of my pocket all the time. As far as just the cube holder, too much bother also.


Silver Member
because they're just used to just leaving their chalk in the table (sometimes the open side down to the table, my uncle does this, drive me nuts! so i keep on turning it up again and again :)) BUT I notice they prefer that their opponent doesn't use the chalk they are using.

I hate when they do that!!!!!:angry: Either upside down chalk on the rail or tapping the chalk upside down on the rail, why do some people feel they need to clean out the chalk by doing this? Do it on my table I will slap them so hard that they will beg me to kick them next time.:grin-square:


Swim for the win.
Silver Member
Cant speak for anyone but me
Keep it in my pocket, I reach in for the chalk and get a cheap thrill everytime.
Been doing since I was 13, next stop....Lasik


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Who's the pro with the diamond encrusted chalk holder?

What kind of chalk lives in that thing?