I don’t like it


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Ok here it goes. I can’t keep it bottled up any longer.

Where to start? Who knows so I’ll just fire out a list in no particular order:

Purple 5 ball

Shaws record


Was this a foul? Was that a foul? Let’s watch in instant replay.

Where’s Daz, where’s Gorst? Who else is missing?

Table specs & what’s a record and what isn’t.

This is reminding me of instant replay in football and is way to technical, which is why I ignore football or any other technical nonsense milk drinker sport.

I came into pool 40 years ago because it was rough around the edges, the 5 was orange and people weren’t under the microscope. If they had habits it was on them. It was every man for himself. It wasn’t perfect, it was broken then and that was ok.

People could hustle other people, obtaining money under false pretenses was celebrated not looked down on.

You wanted to learn you had to pay your dues. Now you can buy your dues(almost).

2 records in the same run? To make everyone happy. The rule nazi’s and the rest of the pool fans? How does that even make sense?

Champions who should be in tourneys are sidelined for saying “fuk” or what ever or because they are from the wrong country.

All the PC shit is worming it’s way into pool. Had I saw this coming, I’d have passed long ago. I’d have never been part of the pool world in any shape or form.

I miss guys like UJ Puckett, Grady, Keith, Cole, Bobby Pickle, etc. Broken people with personality’s and yet they made their way in life and were fun. I’m a broken person and I can’t make a ball compared to them. Not in the same league, but I’m fun and not a milk drinker. There were lots of non-pro people in pool who were personality’s. I don’t see new ones coming in and others leaving for these PC reasons.

I’m tired of the milk drinker robots, wrong color balls and constantly arguing over the pocket size just to have a record “modified” because maybe a ball was brushed ina exhibition. Shaw was cool and said what he had to about it-he’s smart, however what he thought and said I’d bet are 2 VERY different things. Think the guys listed above would have gave that answer 30 years ago? Shaw had no choice-again he’s smart.

It’s taking the seediness, smoky back room Allure that pool had for me. WADA? Gtfo of here!!!! Go to the Olympic’s not pool!!!!

If I disappear tmr from pool this is why, not many will notice. But I refuse to succumb to the current state of affairs.

Bobby Pickle was awesome!
I’m glad I was able to film him😊


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know of a pool room that's a throw back to the 1960 (not decorated to look old...never changed). Lots of old guys hanging around looking for a sucker to steal from. The vast majority of all the conversation is not politicaly correct. It's my absolute favorite place to spend a Saturday. :)


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
I know of a pool room that's a throw back to the 1960 (not decorated to look old...never changed). Lots of old guys hanging around looking for a sucker to steal from. The vast majority of all the conversation is not politicaly correct. It's my absolute favorite place to spend a Saturday. :)
What is this Utopia called?


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
I am all for balance.
Video calls work as well.
But I do prefer face to face chats, easier to pick up on body language etc and at the end of the day we are very much social animals.

I am just not all doom and gloom about these changes going on, to be honest most have always been there but were punished or no way to have a voice due to who was running the joint..
Loads of examples, but lets leave it at that in this part of the forum.

Failure is success in progress.
Something to keep in mind.

For pool, that does need to change and its long overdue.
The solution is easy, copy Snooker model in every way possible.

My doctors says we can Zoom, I say see you in office.

I am old school still use paper, and pen to make to do lists.

Write reminder notes, and system works when power, or batteries die.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know of a pool room that's a throw back to the 1960 (not decorated to look old...never changed). Lots of old guys hanging around looking for a sucker to steal from. The vast majority of all the conversation is not politicaly correct. It's my absolute favorite place to spend a Saturday. :)
Sign me up!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
As my boss used to say... "Big talk, but what are you going to do"!

With much respect, I understand you are woven into our pool scene, but I would imagine someone with your recources can make things happen.

So what are you going to do?

Great question & it deserves a much better answer than I can give you right now.

I really like and respect that line of thinking.

I started with the purple 5 ball 😉

But in all seriousness you have a valid point. What am I going to do? When I have a answer I’ll certainly make a point of answering it.

What can I do?

What resources am I working with?

Who can I convince to do what?

I can’t fix what’s broken, complaining isn’t a solution-it’s a extension of my frustration. Which really hit me with Shaw’s record becoming 2 numbers. He’s a hell of a great guy in my book, he’s take a lot of heat for playing on a gaffed table-I’d like to see anyone run that many in that table. Then to have it chopped down because he bumped a ball in a exhibition was the straw that broke the camels back-for me. He should be celebrated not knocked for the table or maybe brushing a ball. He handled it like a pro in that interview. Yeah I’m a Shaw fan and consider him a friend-although I don’t speak to him in the regular, I’m sure if I saw him more I would. So I’m biased a bit.

That’s how we got here and the double espresso I drank just before I started this thread.

But again, what am I gonna do? What can I do?

I’ll be pure and honest-that’s a fact.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not sure what problem was with Sardo Rack was as I recall it worked as advertised, it was big & bulky. Friend gave me his I used it many time, it worked well.

Come to think of it has the Sardo Rack become history?
That was a half assed joke in my post. They had a idea, pumped loads of $ into it. I respect that. I don’t know how that story even ended. It wasn’t a shot at them. I was busting balls-all geeked up on espresso ☕☕


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Fatboy, not often I’ll jump into a thread like this but I have to agree with Trent a bit here. You just need to get out & play some pool. Hanging out on the Internet lamenting about the past is a sure path to depression. Cheers ✌️
Your not wrong, neither is Trent


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

You just need a day on the water Fatboy!! Come up to MT and i'll put you on this lake. Hike in, its about 50 acres, super tasty brookies that we cook up on shore after catching.


Hearing the balls.....
Silver Member
I’m tired of the milk drinker robots, wrong color balls and constantly arguing over the pocket size just to have a record “modified” because maybe a ball was brushed ina exhibition. Shaw was cool and said what he had to about it-he’s smart, however what he thought and said I’d bet are 2 VERY different things. Think the guys listed above would have gave that answer 30 years ago? Shaw had no choice-again he’s smart.

Amen Eric!


Unprofessional everything
Silver Member
View attachment 642900
You just need a day on the water Fatboy!! Come up to MT and i'll put you on this lake. Hike in, its about 50 acres, super tasty brookies that we cook up on shore after catching.
That looks like a beautiful place except for a couple things...people. I don't really care for people! (Please accept my apology if this is you, your son or friend. The statement isn't personal. This is just my bitter, cynical attitude.)