Is Schmidt's and charlie 626 Legit

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Silver Member
wow, I spelt it right out there for you and you still can't get it.

Last time: Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

So no, I... don't... know... if... he... broke... the... record.

Lou Figueroa
But, you'll continue to argue against it anyways. LMAO Knock your socks off. Nobody knew you would bet a dime. Hell, even you don't trust your own instincts. lol


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
But, you'll continue to argue against it anyways. LMAO Knock your socks off. Nobody knew you would bet a dime. Hell, even you don't trust your own instincts. lol

You’re really having trouble with this, aren’t you (no, no, that wasn’t a question).

Where am I arguing against anything? How do you know what my instincts tell me?

Lou Figueroa


Silver Member

But I still have the DVD to watch again anytime I want. I can put it on slow-mo, or speed it up. I can study it and learn patterns.

What do the people who went to "the show" have?

Lou Figueroa
Yeah, what do you get away from sitting and discussing the world record straight pool run with......wait for it...... the world record holder himself. I'm sure folks thought just like you when they went to see Mosconi play. And some other bright knucklehead later brags about missing the event because he stayed home and watched an old Minnesota Fats video for the 3rd time instead. lol

Yeah, folks would never want to sit and play with the best players on the planet, they'd much rather have a fuzzy dvd.
And folks never go to concerts because listening to the CD is always better. Sure. LOL

But, hey, you're not arguing one way or the other about this. As long as you believe it, then it can't be a lie - George Costanza
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Silver Member
I will cover your dime(Roosevelt) bet.
Flip that dime a hundred times, 50/50 heads/tails, yes/no, did he/did he not.
Few even care.
You’re already a straw man, trying to weasel formal admission for an unknown straw man by keyboard browbeating other azb’ers.
You have yet to supply even one verifiable statement in representation of js claim to fame.
So, stick one Finger in either ear so this can linger for a moment.
No one Certifies a Practice Record for any record.
Much less two nobodies representing a dying pool arganization.
Or you could just man up and view the unedited video and take down $10K. What's the matter, cat got your tongue. All talk, no action. Yeah, trust me, everyone here already knew that. Another railbird nit, with no money in his pockets, always squawks the loudest. LMAO


Silver Member
More bs from a google-eyed chalk pusher, who thinks money solves everything.
Easy to make unsubstantiated remarks.
Trust you, hell no.
You are not trustworthy.
Everyone there knows that to be gospel.
Man-up and bring your sorry ass to a pool joint and start with your railbird nitshit and you’ll quickly find my type not on the rails, Pasquale.
Oh, and by the way, no way, you have all the pocket change, moneybags.
Still laffing, jerkoff?
I thought I was clear, another railbird nit, with no money in his pockets, always squawks the loudest.

Of course, you could call my "bluff" and watch the unedited version and prove the entire pool playing world of the greatest fraud this decade. Hell, you might make the cover of BD. Dude, that's gotta be worth the price of admission, no ?

Oh, am I still laughing? Oh yeah, big time.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yeah, what do you get away from sitting and discussing the world record straight pool run with......wait for it...... the world record holder himself. I'm sure folks thought just like you when they went to see Mosconi play. And some other bright knucklehead later brags about missing the event because he stayed home and watched an old Minnesota Fats video for the 3rd time instead. lol

Yeah, folks would never want to sit and play with the best players on the planet, they'd much rather have a fuzzy dvd.
And folks never go to concerts because listening to the CD is always better. Sure. LOL

But, hey, you're not arguing one way or the other about this. As long as you believe it, then it can't be a lie - George Costanza

You are talking out of your ass.

I'm going to guess I have played in and watched *many* more big tournaments, and played *many* more pro players and world champions, than you have. oh, and I occasionally like to watch a pool DVD or stream ;-)

Lou Figueroa


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Or you could just man up and view the unedited video and take down $10K. What's the matter, cat got your tongue. All talk, no action. Yeah, trust me, everyone here already knew that. Another railbird nit, with no money in his pockets, always squawks the loudest. LMAO

I don't have to man up -- I'm happy to watch a video if it ever becomes availble, which I'm guessing will never happen.

And money wise, well... let's just say Gail and I are comfortably retired (just booked two first class tickets for three weeks in Europe next year.) Put another way: I don't have to sell chalk for my dough.

Have a nice day.

Lou Figueroa


Silver Member
You are talking out of your ass.

I'm going to guess I have played in and watched *many* more big tournaments, and played *many* more pro players and world champions, than you have. oh, and I occasionally like to watch a pool DVD or stream ;-)

Lou Figueroa
but, but, but you said you'd rather watch a DVD that sit around talk pool with champions. And here you, talking about all the champions you lost too. Dude, pick a fucking lane and stay in it.

So, if we are playing "my dad can beat up your dad" to see who played or knows the most pool champions. LMAO
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Silver Member
I don't have to man up -- I'm happy to watch a video if it ever becomes availble, which I'm guessing will never happen.

And money wise, well... let's just say Gail and I are comfortably retired (just booked two first class tickets for three weeks in Europe next year.) Put another way: I don't have to sell chalk for my dough.

Have a nice day.

Lou Figueroa
Ummmm, was I talking to you? Did I tell you to man up?
Seriously, why do you need to respond when I offer a bet to someone else as if I responded to you. WOW. Read much??

Yes, you can afford a plane ticket. Were all very proud of you. Awww, how nice you live on a small pension from the military, you showed me. LMAO.

So, my work is done here. I just like to pop into this moronic thread every once in a while to see if the deniers are still clinging to Mosconi's balls. Now worries, have it, I won't be back for a few months, lol
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Silver Member
BD is same as you, plastered with bs articles of claimants of being pool master players who constantly get reminded of their frailties and authors of pool stories that keep sliding into anonymity.
Bring some real evidence to this scene and quit keyboard gloating out of your ass.
I have already proven that the whole js626 saga is fictitious. There is no such game as 14.1 hi run.
There are no witnesses to the run, only js team members with a couple of passersby that signed some witness article.
It's just another gimmick pushed onto the American pool playing public.
Damn. Sounds like an easy $10K for you then. I'll call my accountant have him on stand by to write that check. Oh, wait, you don't want to take my money. Weird. It's right here for the taking. Easy money. What could possibly stop you from taking the cheese? C'mon get you some ;)

Like I said, my work is done here. Some folks talk a good game, but that's about it. Keep up the good fight. I think you are getting a few folks to change their mind. I will pop back in a few months and see if they put JS in jail. Power to the people.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
but, but, but you said you'd rather watch a DVD that sit around talk pool with champions. And here you, talking about all the champions you lost too. Dude, pick a fucking lane and stay in it.

So, if we are playing "my dad can beat up your dad" to see who played or knows the most pool champions. LMAO

Please show me where I said I would "rather watch a DVD that(sp) sit around talk pool with champions."

And oh, BTW, I beat a few of them or took games off them -- an accomplishment you could begin to fathom or even dream about, lol.

Lou Figueroa
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ummmm, was I talking to you? Did I tell you to man up?
Seriously, why do you need to respond when I offer a bet to someone else as if I responded to you. WOW. Read much??

Yes, you can afford a plane ticket. Were all very proud of you. Awww, how nice you live on a small pension from the military, you showed me. LMAO.

So, my work is done here. I just like to pop into this moronic thread every once in a while to see if the deniers are still clinging to Mosconi's balls. Now worries, have it, I won't be back for a few months, lol

I'll respond when and where I want.

So... actually, there was the not so small matter of some stock and real estate investments that went better than OK. Not that I would expect you to know much about those things, lol.

Good luck with the chalk sales : -)

Lou Figueroa
get over it


Well-known member
The Billiard Congress of America sanctions the high-run record, and has examined the video evidence and the affidavit, and declared John Schmidt has the current high-run record. The video has also been viewed by no end of people that are prominent in the billiard community, such as Bob Jewitt, Mark Wilson, Nick Varner, et. al. Schmidt has been congratulated by leading players in 14.1 as well as leading players in other billiard disciplines.

If you look up the definition of fraud, the dictionary says.
"a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities."

Lou Figueroa and Danny Harriman have claimed, without evidence, that John Schmidt is fraudulently claiming the high-run record, and that John's team, the pool room owner, the BCA, Bob Jewitt, Mark Wilson et. al. are co-conspirators in this fraud.

Are these accusations of fraud because Lou and Danny weren't consulted? Or is it just that they don't like John Schmidt? Or is it just that they're contrary? Other reasons?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Billiard Congress of America sanctions the high-run record, and has examined the video evidence and the affidavit, and declared John Schmidt has the current high-run record. The video has also been viewed by no end of people that are prominent in the billiard community, such as Bob Jewitt, Mark Wilson, Nick Varner, et. al. Schmidt has been congratulated by leading players in 14.1 as well as leading players in other billiard disciplines.

If you look up the definition of fraud, the dictionary says.
"a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities."

Lou Figueroa and Danny Harriman have claimed, without evidence, that John Schmidt is fraudulently claiming the high-run record, and that John's team, the pool room owner, the BCA, Bob Jewitt, Mark Wilson et. al. are co-conspirators in this fraud.

Are these accusations of fraud because Lou and Danny weren't consulted? Or is it just that they don't like John Schmidt? Or is it just that they're contrary? Other reasons?

I see you like to play libelous (look it up) games -- cool.

So here you go:

Gerry F, well known AZ member, has claimed, without evidence, that John Schmidt is fraudulently claiming the high-run record, and that John's team, the pool room owner, the BCA, Bob Jewett, Mark Wilson et. al. are co-conspirators in this fraud.

Are these accusations of fraud because Gerry wasn't consulted? Or is it just that he doesn't like John Schmidt? Or is it just that he's contrary? Other reasons?

Lou Figueroa


Silver Member
I'll respond when and where I want.

So... actually, there was the not so small matter of some stock and real estate investments that went better than OK. Not that I would expect you to know much about those things, lol.

Good luck with the chalk sales : -)

Lou Figueroa
get over it
haha, yeah, it sucks running a chalk business and selling in more than a 20 countries as a hobby. Then I use the money for 3 things. To buy more pool related stuff, (sponsor folks, add money to tourneys, buy stuff for me) and then donate to animal and veterans charities only. So, yeah, I will keep making the sales, thanks for your support.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I will pop back in a few months and see if they put JS in jail. Power to the people.
haha, yeah, it sucks running a chalk business and selling in more than a 20 countries as a hobby. Then I use the money for 3 things. To buy more pool related stuff, (sponsor folks, add money to tourneys, buy stuff for me) and then donate to animal and veterans charities only. So, yeah, I will keep making the sales, thanks for your support.

RJ, you're back!!!

Just yesterday you were saying, "Farewell cruel world" for a few months, lol. How time flays, ha, ha.

Lou Figueroa
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1 Pocket Ghost

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just a bit of trivia re. two poolplayers - one played a little better than the other ;)...

The cue that Willie Mosconi ran his 526 balls with was built by legendary Chicago cuemaker Herman Rambow. I'm including here a pic of Mr. Rambow - it was taken at his daughter's wedding.

P.S One day in the 1960's, a 19 yr.old 'One Pocket Ghost' nervously walked into Herman Rambow's shop on Wabash st. in downtown Chicago to purchase his first serious pool cue --- I wish I still had it :cry:.

- Ghost


  • RAMBOW.jpg
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Dan Harriman

One of the best in 14.1
Silver Member
I have watched the DH vid three times over the years.

Lou Figueroa
learn something new
each time
Thanks Lou, me 351 is no new World record, it was however an Honest attempt before I sar' the outside English skid at shot 352? Any future runs from me - will have a better production quality and more well insulated room. Should have some new 14.1 from me - to look at before not too long.
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Silver Member
RJ, you're back!!!

Just yesterday you were saying, "Farewell cruel world" for a few months, lol. How time flays, ha, ha.

Lou Figueroa
Well, I heard there was new evidence and surely they were going to convict JS of fraud. But, I show up and still noting. Oh well. Maybe next time. lol
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