John Schmidt's and Corey Deuel's comments on aiming systems

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Gives new meaning to using all the tools in your tool box!

Put your foot parallel to the cue, let's see... same thing we've been saying on here for years; accelerate through the cb, uh, again, same thing has been said on here for years; use a hammer to learn to stroke a cue, that's a new one! Gives new meaning to using all the tools in your tool box! Here's one for you- pull out a screwdriver, care to guess what you can do to yourself with that tool??

The best way I can think to describe this is
in an analogy.... FIRST, imagine asking a professional
Rifleman/Sniper/Sharpshooter to describe his "aiming system"....he would look
at you kind of funny and say "I look at my target, then I line up my back gun
sight to my front gun sight and put it directly where I want my bullet to go
and then squeeze the trigger....if my nerves are steady and no negative
thoughts enter my mind, my bullet will generally hit where I'm aiming....if it
goes a little low, the next time I'll aim a little higher and if it goes high
and to the right, next time I'll aim a little lower and to the other
words I'll calibrate my "sights" so that I hit my desired target, but it may
take some practice before my gun sights are perfectly in line with my eye
sight. In other words, his eyes, body, and gun would have to ALIGN to the
target for his shot to be successful...THEREFORE EVERY PART OF THE ALIGNMENT
IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT (feet/body/eyes/sights/gun) This is a process that even
the best marksman in the world would have to go through and it's the same in
pool. And it's the same because once the marksman's alignment is calibrated
through some trial, error and practice he no longer has to think about it...he
simply lines up as usual, pulls the trigger and hits the target....doesn't
this sound like how a pro describes his "aiming system?"

Now, the other part
of the analogy would go back to pool itself, and the question would be "what
do the gun sights represent in a pool shot?"

The front gun sight in this
analogy would be your eyes aiming down the line of the shot....lets just say
it's a straight in shot so that we don't further complicate this by how we're
going to create the desired angle (once our alignment is correct and we
understand how this all comes together creating any angle is no more difficult
than shooting a straight in shot).

The back sight is your feet....they point
your body at the target in such a way that you can consistently do it time
after time.....because think for a moment, no matter how good your "aim" is in
pool, if your body's not in the same position relative to the line of your
pool shot, it would be impossible to get the same result time after time..and
your body follows your feet so you must in effect aim with your
your body, like the back gun sight MUST BE in the same relative position to
your eyes, thus to the line of the pool shot every time.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think we're going to lose it again or...

I'm thinking we should try to get this thread back on topic ASAP by discussing John Schmidt's and Corey Deuel's comments on aiming systems. :)

In corresponding with JS recently, he reiterated "they (aiming systems) r all sales tactics. if they worked nobody would ever miss."
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CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
.The hardest part of pool is hitting the ball straight...not "aiming".....let's stay

I'm thinking we should try to get this thread back on topic ASAP by discussing John Schmidt's and Corey Deuel's comments on aiming systems. :)

I received a PM from JS saying "they (aiming systems) r all sales tactics. if they worked nobody would ever miss."

That's want to see my PM from him? ....The hardest part of pool is hitting the ball straight...not "aiming".....let's stay on subject.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member

I'm thinking we should try to get this thread back on topic ASAP by discussing John Schmidt's and Corey Deuel's comments on aiming systems. :)

In corresponding with JS recently, he reiterated "they (aiming systems) r all sales tactics. if they worked nobody would ever miss."

I'm over at the thread AIMING SYSTEMS - THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS....this thread is dead...too much "mud slinging" ....:eek:

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
.I feel like to play at the highest level you must aim with your whole body

Isn't that just another way of saying we should spend more time focusing on our fundamentals?

sure...I feel like to play at the highest level you must aim with your whole body....not just your eyes/cue ... that's what I had to do anyway :wink:

Roger Long

Sonoran Cue Creations
Silver Member
After the insults and name calling he has done, and out right lies about me when he thought I wouldn't see them, no, I have zero respect for him. I did nothing more than Patrick, Dr. Dave, and a few others did. For some sick reason, he decided to turn on me. I don't take kindly to jerks. He stops bringing me up, I have nothing to say to him or anymore about his posts. Personally, I have never seen anything from him that isn't already out there or easily obtained. You guys think you can learn something from him, fine, maybe you will, maybe you won't. But if he wants to keep trying to trash me, I will defend myself against his lies. I've said several times I don't want him mentioning me. Don't go after me, go after him, he started it, and for whatever childish reasons, he seems to want to keep it going. If you really want to hear form a pro, talk to Mark Wilson, Charlie Bryant, Stan Shuffett, or Tony Robles.They will give you accurate info.

And, I've got nothing against anyone on here trying to sell DVD's. Just when they constantly say they are soley here to give away free info, but if you really want the good stuff, buy my upcoming series of DVD's. If he didn't want to sell DVD's, he wouldn't even be here, and couldn't care less about helping anyone on here.

I've been trying to stay out of this thing between CJ and Neil, but after reading the above post by Neil I think it's time I shared a little something with everyone.

A good friend of mine, who also happens to be a professional player, once told me, that Efren told him, that he (Efren) learns something from everyone he plays. As I've thought about that over the years, I've come to realize that it's true; if you look closely enough, you should be able to pick up some new tidbit from anyone wielding a cue.

Now I may not agree with a lot of things duckie says, or the way he says them, but a little while back duckie seemed to be succumbing to the frequent brow beatings he was getting from a few members on here. So, out of compassion, I put up an encouraging post to duckie in which I ended by saying, "I, for one, value your input." I said this in rememberance of Efren's philosophy on learning.

Well, the next day, I received red rep from Neil for that post, along with the message, "If you value his input, you must not know much of anything about pool." (This from a guy that just wants to "help" others.)

You are right about that, Neil, I don't know much of anything about pool. But that's why I keep coming back to these forums; to learn more. Most recently, I was lured back here because I had heard that CJ was posting here. And I haven't been disappointed by what I've learned from him. But in keeping with Efren's philosophy, I have to admit that I've learned a bit from you, too: I've learned how it's possible to claim to want to help people, all-the-while working behind the scenes to get Roger Long, Dr. Dave, PJ, and a few others permanently banned from these forums. I've learned how it's possible to remove all of your past postings from the forums if you don't get your way in having certain people banned. And I've also learned how not to conduct myself on these forums if I want people to believe anything I've got to say.

So, is CJ the bad guy here? I think not.

(I know, I know, I'M the bad guy...again)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've been trying to stay out of this thing between CJ and Neil, but after reading the above post by Neil I think it's time I shared a little something with everyone.

A good friend of mine, who also happens to be a professional player, once told me, that Efren told him, that he (Efren) learns something from everyone he plays. As I've thought about that over the years, I've come to realize that it's true; if you look closely enough, you should be able to pick up some new tidbit from anyone wielding a cue.

Now I may not agree with a lot of things duckie says, or the way he says them, but a little while back duckie seemed to be succumbing to the frequent brow beatings he was getting from a few members on here. So, out of compassion, I put up an encouraging post to duckie in which I ended by saying, "I, for one, value your input." I said this in rememberance of Efren's philosophy on learning.

Well, the next day, I received red rep from Neil for that post, along with the message, "If you value his input, you must not know much of anything about pool." (This from a guy that just wants to "help" others.)

You are right about that, Neil, I don't know much of anything about pool. But that's why I keep coming back to these forums; to learn more. Most recently, I was lured back here because I had heard that CJ was posting here. And I haven't been disappointed by what I've learned from him. But in keeping with Efren's philosophy, I have to admit that I've learned a bit from you, too: I've learned how it's possible to claim to want to help people, all-the-while working behind the scenes to get Roger Long, Dr. Dave, PJ, and a few others permanently banned from these forums. I've learned how it's possible to remove all of your past postings from the forums if you don't get your way in having certain people banned. And I've also learned how not to conduct myself on these forums if I want people to believe anything I've got to say.

So, is CJ the bad guy here? I think not.

(I know, I know, I'M the bad guy...again)

Why don't you practice what you preach, Roger? And, quit throwing lies out there while you are at it. I have NEVER tried to get you, Dr. Dave, or PJ banned. In fact, just this week I posted a video clip of yours and Dr. Daves, told CJ to get Dr. Dave's VEPPS series so he would have an idea of the knowledge "out there today". I stated in the past why I removed my postings. That you did not read why, or understand why is not my problem. Are you here for anything other than to stir up the flames in the hope that I will get banned? When are YOU going add much info to the forums, you are supposed to be an instructor. Most of your postings have been on trying to discredit aiming systems. Why didn't you mentioned that my red rep to you was no more than a retaliatory red rep for the one you gave me for explaining why I left? Didn't want anyone to know the whole truth??

edit: why on earth would I try and get Dr. Dave or PJ or you banned? Dr. Dave puts out great info on here, PJ puts out a lot of great info and as far as his crassness, well, he usually finds a way to get himself banned for that. And as far as you, why would anyone try and get you banned? You hardly ever post anything anyways. Pretty telling when you don't say anything until CJ says he is leaving this thread and going to the other ones he has going, which you know I haven't bothered with. Pretty telling that all you really want is to keep the crap flowing and where afraid it was all over. Which is was. But I guess some on here just aren't happy unless they flame something, just like all you did in the CTE threads.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Put your foot parallel to the cue, let's see... same thing we've been saying on here for years; accelerate through the cb, uh, again, same thing has been said on here for years; use a hammer to learn to stroke a cue, that's a new one! Gives new meaning to using all the tools in your tool box! Here's one for you- pull out a screwdriver, care to guess what you can do to yourself with that tool??[/QUOTE]

Neill! That was not nice! Not at all! :( For as screwed up as everyone on this forum knows that my head is, Everyone still tries to help me.) Mr. Wiley and everyone else does the best they can to lead us in the direction that works for them. It just might help us too!
I could name many others including you that help around here!
Please keep it that way? No one here does not appreciate what you have to say!
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Silver Member
I've been trying to stay out of this thing between CJ and Neil, but after reading the above post by Neil I think it's time I shared a little something with everyone.

A good friend of mine, who also happens to be a professional player, once told me, that Efren told him, that he (Efren) learns something from everyone he plays. As I've thought about that over the years, I've come to realize that it's true; if you look closely enough, you should be able to pick up some new tidbit from anyone wielding a cue.

Now I may not agree with a lot of things duckie says, or the way he says them, but a little while back duckie seemed to be succumbing to the frequent brow beatings he was getting from a few members on here. So, out of compassion, I put up an encouraging post to duckie in which I ended by saying, "I, for one, value your input." I said this in rememberance of Efren's philosophy on learning.

Well, the next day, I received red rep from Neil for that post, along with the message, "If you value his input, you must not know much of anything about pool." (This from a guy that just wants to "help" others.)

You are right about that, Neil, I don't know much of anything about pool. But that's why I keep coming back to these forums; to learn more. Most recently, I was lured back here because I had heard that CJ was posting here. And I haven't been disappointed by what I've learned from him. But in keeping with Efren's philosophy, I have to admit that I've learned a bit from you, too: I've learned how it's possible to claim to want to help people, all-the-while working behind the scenes to get Roger Long, Dr. Dave, PJ, and a few others permanently banned from these forums. I've learned how it's possible to remove all of your past postings from the forums if you don't get your way in having certain people banned. And I've also learned how not to conduct myself on these forums if I want people to believe anything I've got to say.

So, is CJ the bad guy here? I think not.

(I know, I know, I'M the bad guy...again)

'You're a good man Charlie Brown.' You are the second stand up kind of guy I've run into on here in the last two(2) days and the other one was a Lady. You're in good company. I'll stand up with you. There is plenty of room on here for everyone. John Wayne said, as Davy Crocket, 'I thought anyone man enough to tote a rifle, was due some respect.


PS Now let's see which one of us has the biggest bull's eye on our backs.
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C'mon, man!
Silver Member
Sorry CJ, I don't read the long ones. :wink::wink:

Shorten up your posts a little. Go out in the garage, turn on your table saw and chop up all but one cue stick. Come back and tell me how that made you feel.

The best way I can think to describe this is
in an analogy.... FIRST, imagine asking a professional
Rifleman/Sniper/Sharpshooter to describe his "aiming system"....he would look
at you kind of funny and say "I look at my target, then I line up my back gun
sight to my front gun sight and put it directly where I want my bullet to go
and then squeeze the trigger....if my nerves are steady and no negative
thoughts enter my mind, my bullet will generally hit where I'm aiming....if it
goes a little low, the next time I'll aim a little higher and if it goes high
and to the right, next time I'll aim a little lower and to the other
words I'll calibrate my "sights" so that I hit my desired target, but it may
take some practice before my gun sights are perfectly in line with my eye
sight. In other words, his eyes, body, and gun would have to ALIGN to the
target for his shot to be successful...THEREFORE EVERY PART OF THE ALIGNMENT
IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT (feet/body/eyes/sights/gun) This is a process that even
the best marksman in the world would have to go through and it's the same in
pool. And it's the same because once the marksman's alignment is calibrated
through some trial, error and practice he no longer has to think about it...he
simply lines up as usual, pulls the trigger and hits the target....doesn't
this sound like how a pro describes his "aiming system?"

Now, the other part
of the analogy would go back to pool itself, and the question would be "what
do the gun sights represent in a pool shot?"

The front gun sight in this
analogy would be your eyes aiming down the line of the shot....lets just say
it's a straight in shot so that we don't further complicate this by how we're
going to create the desired angle (once our alignment is correct and we
understand how this all comes together creating any angle is no more difficult
than shooting a straight in shot).

The back sight is your feet....they point
your body at the target in such a way that you can consistently do it time
after time.....because think for a moment, no matter how good your "aim" is in
pool, if your body's not in the same position relative to the line of your
pool shot, it would be impossible to get the same result time after time..and
your body follows your feet so you must in effect aim with your
your body, like the back gun sight MUST BE in the same relative position to
your eyes, thus to the line of the pool shot every time.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
sometimes pool plays forget that we are all just one player....playing just to play

Why don't you practice what you preach, Roger? And, quit throwing lies out there while you are at it. I have NEVER tried to get you, Dr. Dave, or PJ banned. In fact, just this week I posted a video clip of yours and Dr. Daves, told CJ to get Dr. Dave's VEPPS series so he would have an idea of the knowledge "out there today". I stated in the past why I removed my postings. That you did not read why, or understand why is not my problem. Are you here for anything other than to stir up the flames in the hope that I will get banned? When are YOU going add much info to the forums, you are supposed to be an instructor. Most of your postings have been on trying to discredit aiming systems. Why didn't you mentioned that my red rep to you was no more than a retaliatory red rep for the one you gave me for explaining why I left? Didn't want anyone to know the whole truth??

edit: why on earth would I try and get Dr. Dave or PJ or you banned? Dr. Dave puts out great info on here, PJ puts out a lot of great info and as far as his crassness, well, he usually finds a way to get himself banned for that. And as far as you, why would anyone try and get you banned? You hardly ever post anything anyways. Pretty telling when you don't say anything until CJ says he is leaving this thread and going to the other ones he has going, which you know I haven't bothered with. Pretty telling that all you really want is to keep the crap flowing and where afraid it was all over. Which is was. But I guess some on here just aren't happy unless they flame something, just like all you did in the CTE threads.

I'm starting to feel the Love between you's refreshing, sometimes pool plays forget that we are all just one player....playing just to play :smile:

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Sorry CJ, I don't read the long ones. :wink::wink:

Shorten up your posts a little. Go out in the garage, turn on your table saw and chop up all but one cue stick. Come back and tell me how that made you feel.

That's what she said Hungarian LoL :groucho:

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
he'll wake up in the morning feeling like a new man.

Put your foot parallel to the cue, let's see... same thing we've been saying on here for years; accelerate through the cb, uh, again, same thing has been said on here for years; use a hammer to learn to stroke a cue, that's a new one! Gives new meaning to using all the tools in your tool box! Here's one for you- pull out a screwdriver, care to guess what you can do to yourself with that tool??[/QUOTE]

Neill! That was not nice! Not at all! :( For as screwed up as everyone on this forum knows that my head is, Everyone still tries to help me.) Mr. Wiley and everyone else does the best they can to lead us in the direction that works for them. It just might help us too!
I could name many others including you that help around here!
Please keep it that way? No one here does not appreciate what you have to say!

Its ok Frank....Neil's going through some personal "changes" and we have a feeling he'll wake up in the morning feeling like a new man....we've been sending him some Positive Energy.....I've felt like he has before and you know what?'s just being human and we all need to be accepted and appreciated...even though sometimes we don't know how to express our true feelings....:hug:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
sure...I feel like to play at the highest level you must aim with your whole body....not just your eyes/cue ... that's what I had to do anyway :wink:

I think this is what many of us having been saying for a long, long time: that if you align yourself correctly and put all you body parts in the right places the ball will just go and the CB will behave the way you want it to. You don't need an aiming system you need a PSR to hit the ball straight.

Lou Figueroa


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think this is what many of us having been saying for a long, long time: that if you align yourself correctly and put all you body parts in the right places the ball will just go and the CB will behave the way you want it to. You don't need an aiming system you need a PSR to hit the ball straight.

Lou Figueroa

Agree and disagree with that statement. I've always tried to work on my PSR because I know how important it is to my game. One day I would play lights out, and I would make note of the PSR I was using. The next day I would try to replicate the same PSR, and it wouldn't work for me. Thus causing frustration, and trying to find a different PSR.

Ever since I got the SEE system, my PSR has been very consistent. So I don't know how about the other aiming systems, but if they preach a solid PSR as much as SEE does; then they can be beneficial to some (not all).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Agree and disagree with that statement. I've always tried to work on my PSR because I know how important it is to my game. One day I would play lights out, and I would make note of the PSR I was using. The next day I would try to replicate the same PSR, and it wouldn't work for me. Thus causing frustration, and trying to find a different PSR.

Ever since I got the SEE system, my PSR has been very consistent. So I don't know how about the other aiming systems, but if they preach a solid PSR as much as SEE does; then they can be beneficial to some (not all).

Great. So now, having adopted the PSR dictated by that aiming system, you are shooting better and more consistently. But it doesn't mean there isn't a better PSR out there for you. There are PSRs that make you shoot good. Others make you shoot better. A few make you shoot great. Hope you ended up with the last one.

Lou Figueroa


Hearing the balls.....
Silver Member
I think this is what many of us having been saying for a long, long time: that if you align yourself correctly and put all you body parts in the right places the ball will just go and the CB will behave the way you want it to. You don't need an aiming system you need a PSR to hit the ball straight.

Lou Figueroa

You still need to get the correct perception.
Of course you are right about the alignment and *to hit * the stroke straight, but you still need to see the shot. No matter which system you created for yourself. But you definitley have to workout something that works for you. Every poolplayer uses kind of an aiming-system.

And i personally don t care which one the student *want* to use or is using. If it works for him, it s fine.