Judd Trump to play U.S. Open.................


Well-known member
His opponent forgot how to play pool. With that said his break was solid. Trump had some good safety shots and drilled some long shots. Had a couple of really good banks and the pockets are tight at 4.25. Side pocket got him a couple of times and he needs to work on position play with more practice he is gonna do well I think. He is playing with a whole diff cue as well on top of everything else that has to take some getting used to. I am interested to see how he does as the tournament progresses.


His opponent forgot how to play pool. With that said his break was solid. Trump had some good safety shots and drilled some long shots. Had a couple of really good banks and the pockets are tight at 4.25. Side pocket got him a couple of times and he needs to work on position play with more practice he is gonna do well I think. He is playing with a whole diff cue as well on top of everything else that has to take some getting used to. I am interested to see how he does as the tournament progresses.
Looks like he gets one more warm-up match and then he's gonna face a 733 Fargo Rate player. Will be a huge, huge test for him.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Side pocket got him a couple of times and he needs to work on position play with more practice he is gonna do well I think.
Side pockets can be tricky when changing from one game to another. If you are aiming for center pocket but erring on missing on the pro side, then you should err on the far side (like aiming for the back board in basketball) on an American pool table, but the near side on a snooker table or English or Chinese pool table. No matter how much a player knows this, old habits die hard. Shane visibly had the same problem (but with the other side of the pocket) last time I saw him play Chinese 8 Ball.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My thoughts...

Trump shot well, which was expected.
Break was good, but the table was breaking super easy.
He obviously didn't know what to do on a few shots... just used instinct and shot.
He will eventually get crushed by one of the 780+ players. I predict 9-3 (if in the race-to-9 round)
His opponent screwed up about 3 easy outs, which usually equate to 2 game swing each time. A mediocre player would have made it close. A pro would have crushed him.

Aside, the tables are playing fair; tight, but seem to play very predictable... nothing like the tables in Vegas. The top guys will run large packs.

Entertaining though :)


I am the storm
Silver Member
Karl Boyes taught Judd Trump well on the break. With his snooker background, his long shots were executed like the pool pros, but his strategy and other shots were shaky.

I felt so sorry for Joe Magee. On the one hand, it was the experience of a lifetime playing this champion, but on the other hand, being on the TV table for what may have been the first time with a super star, that can be overwhelming. I was in the Maryland State Championship for ladies in Baltimore one year, accompanied by the Maryland State Champion for men, Michael Gerace (Geese). I received ball in hand on the game ball and missed. I was just too nervous with all the eyeballs staring at me.

Judd will need to improve to rise to the top 16, but he did not disappoint this virtual railbird.


Reverse Engineer
Silver Member
I cant lie, I was pulling for Trump! Felt a little sorry for Magee, but that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes. If you haven't been there before, you haven't played much pool.... and his experience was much more extreme.

Hat tip to them both!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And we just take this no name at his word? There are a lot of haters in this world. An APA 3 is a 300-400 fargo, you mean to tell me a 400 fargo won a US Open match?
If he payed another similarly rated player, why not? It would be naive to think Magee was the only 300-400 Fargo rated player in the field.


Well-known member
Anyone who saw the Trump match and thinks Magee is an APA 3 is delusional - In fact, it actually says more about your speed than his.
In his second match, didn't Magee beat a FR 520 by a score of 9-8. He's at least a 500 player, and according to Dr. Dave's comparison that would put him around APA 7 or 8 in 9-ball??


AzB Member
Silver Member
I thought he looked like a very, very nervous APA 5/6 out there.
I only saw his Trump match, placed on the big stage, first match of the tourney, facing a world snooker champion, live crowd, huge TV audience, commentators, media buildup, with friends watching - all on 4.25” pocckets??? Yes he was obviously and understandably nervous.