Jump cue, break cue, masse cue,, out of control!

Tony Longoni

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i logged on this morning to find that this thread has really gotten people pretty heated, on both sides of the fence. i guess that tells me that there just as many, if not more people, that think the opposite of what i think. and i respect everybodys opinion on the matter as there is definitly no right or wrong answer on this. the only thing i want to reply to specifically is to the gentleman who said im a "cue pedlar" and should be happy about all the different cues i say this: selling pool cues is a hobby for me, but the game itself is a passion! i posted this as a player not a pool cue salesman (obviously cause id be killing my own sales). Longoni is a very innovative company and i respect that in a business sense. but my opinions as a player of the game and my opinions as a business man do not always have to match,, and in this circumstance they dont. thanks for all the feedback on the topic everybody, its been a pleasure to read everyone's opinions!


Pool, Snooker, Carom
Silver Member
I don't know about you, but I say that John Barton should just get a round trip to France, go to Capitan Mingaud's grave, dig it up, get his body out and John (with his zoot suit) put some baby powder on his dominant hand and b**ch slap him while he is still boney. That'll teach that French man from changing how pool is! :rolleyes:

John Barton

New member
smokeandapancak said:
Thanks for the offer.. i am in upper franconia..Wuerzburg.. I recently spoke with Markus from Eurowest in Frankfurt, so I will will be visiting there shop soon..hopefully...but if you know anybody around here please pass there info along.. I have a cue that is in desperate need of a refinnish before I head back to the States.

Wuerzburg is kind of a Bermuda Triangle of pool in Germany. :) About an hour south of you in Schwaebisch Hall you will find Franz Hauber who does excellent cue work. Of course there's EuroWest who may or may not be willing to refinish a cue for you. Arthur Cues is down in the Mainz Kastel area - about 2-3 hours from you depending on how you drive.

And I am sure if you ask around there are several more who have come up since I left in 1999.


John Barton said:
Wuerzburg is kind of a Bermuda Triangle of pool in Germany. :) About an hour south of you in Schwaebisch Hall you will find Franz Hauber who does excellent cue work. Of course there's EuroWest who may or may not be willing to refinish a cue for you. Arthur Cues is down in the Mainz Kastel area - about 2-3 hours from you depending on how you drive.

And I am sure if you ask around there are several more who have come up since I left in 1999.

Arthur Cue (Queue) is in Frankenthal near Ludwigshafen/Mannheim, not very far away from Wuerzburg.


Auto rep for belly laughs
Silver Member
I had a real life discussion about this last week with Jeff Peele (I may have spelt that right) who now owns breakers in Rock Hill SC.Those of you from this region may know him.

The point is a simple and valid one.
When playing a three,who has no idea how to shoot a decent saftey,much less shoot out of one...how honest is the game when he breaks out the J/B and goes airborn with the cue for a good hit?

Is he more skilled because he purchased wisely?

This conversation stemmed from small talk,to a me hitting a JB for jumps that he wanted to move for about 85 bucks that he picked uo in trade...(I Forget the name though...dam...wanted to ask you guys about it)...

Anyhow...I have no jump in my game.NONE.Worked on it a few years back for a few weeks and I can still hop a ball a foot out,but not with reliability so its not in my game.

But this thing...Good gawd almighty...I could jump feets!With repeatability!

Was I better at the game?Hell no.Could I have picked up a cue to dig a few more wins?Sure.

I left it there.The game is ON the table...NOT above it.The table is the game.

JB should be banned everywhere from use everywhere (that matters)
Break and jump with your cue if you want...jump six feet with your shooter if you can and want too...

But a cue that makes it this very easy cheapens the game imo.