Long vs. short posts............

Do you read or skip over LONGG posts?

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WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Been reading since I was a child…so long posts don’t scare me….but posts I don’t like do.
I used to write more like a newspaper column width….maybe I’ll go back to it.
Hu does some longer ones, which I enjoy…Stu also.


Well-known member


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If it's written with proper grammar and punctuation, I'll likely read it. But if it is full of run-on sentences, I'll probably shy away. Not that I don't make mistakes....I do. But at least I try.

Biloxi Boy

Man With A Golden Arm
SJM pretty much has it. Being less familiar with you folks, I add/substitute quality of writing and coherent expression. Topic is important, but I will read odd stuff if it is making sense.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It depends on the topic and poster for me. If it’s something that interests me I definitely will read it.

I’ve become quite impatient myself. The first thing I do on YouTube videos is check the length. If I hit play and an ad immediately comes on I’ll often close the whole window and forget it.

For forum posts, I’ll often read the first page of a thread and become engaged, but if it goes on several pages I may choose to bail out and not read it further.


This is a good reminder to be brief. I should edit my posts more often. I can usually say the same thing in 1/3 to 1/2 fewer words.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
if it doesnt have paragraphs fugettaboutit
the rest depends on the content and how it starts out
i will read some long posts and skip others

Cue Alchemist

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't mind reading long posts, if the person knows, what there on about.
If looks like ramblings, or someone trying to make, some kind of point. I don’t agree with. i'll read the first few lines, and skip past it.

That solid tip thread, that was on here, a while back. Had some real long paragraphs. That was a great read. The great thing about az. Lots of knowledgeable people!!


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
The long posts are a problem in display. If the system can format a long post to require a button to expand it, that solves the display problem.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I write long posts. The goal isn't to make them easy to understand, it is to make them impossible for over 90% of readers to misunderstand. I'm chuckling about the people that don't make it past the first paragraph or didn't make it past the avatar. It isn't like I get paid for readership numbers.

If I put technical information in a post I figure only some percentage in the single digits benefit. According to this poll only about 1/3 read so probably less than five percent benefit. Most that read have been around the block a few times and know pretty much the same things I do anyway.

Works for me!



Mini cues
Silver Member
I write long posts. The goal isn't to make them easy to understand, it is to make them impossible for over 90% of readers to misunderstand. I'm chuckling about the people that don't make it past the first paragraph or didn't make it past the avatar. It isn't like I get paid for readership numbers.

If I put technical information in a post I figure only some percentage in the single digits benefit. According to this poll only about 1/3 read so probably less than five percent benefit. Most that read have been around the block a few times and know pretty much the same things I do anyway.

Works for me!

I started reading your long posts when I first joined. Fascinating to me, then an now. Great story teller and always interesting.

Cuebuddy....Hu is the real deal


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I started reading your long posts when I first joined. Fascinating to me, then an now. Great story teller and always interesting.

Cuebuddy....Hu is the real deal

Thanks for the kind words. After awhile you learn who the quality posters are but some can sneak by our attention for a surprisingly long time.

I could go down the membership list and select the "must read" posters. Other posters I read if I am in the mood but if I see a post by you, PT109, maybe a dozen or so more posters, I stop and read them. Short or long, post and poster quality is why I read posts.

With time on my hands I read some other posters for the same reason that we used to look at the headlines and front page pictures of scandal sheets while we were waiting in the checkout line at a supermarket. Unlikely to learn much but entertainment has it's value too.



Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I started reading your long posts when I first joined. Fascinating to me, then an now. Great story teller and always interesting.

Cuebuddy....Hu is the real deal

Anudder weakness of mine, Li'l Johnny jokes. Fascinating jarred a memory. Li'l Johnny at school: The teacher is having different students make sentences with words from the vocabulary list. The next word is fascinate and Li'l Johnny is waving his hand. The teacher didn't see too much potential for embarrassment so she called on him.

"My sister has a blouse with nine buttons but her tits are so big she can only fasten eight." The teacher just banged her head on her desk top a few times.

An oldy but goodie: A new school year had just started and the teacher saw a way to do an end around some of the new restrictions to find out about the students' families and check a little on the students spelling level at the same time. She starts going down the rows asking each student what their father did for a living and asking how to spell it.

First was little Susie. "My daddy is a cook, c, o, o, k." "Very good."
Next was Mikey. "My daddy is a mechanic, m, e, c, h, a, n, i, c." "Great!"
Then Debi was next. "My daddy sells shirts, s, h, i, t, s." The teacher turns a little pale. "Try again please." My daddy sells shirts, s, h, i, t, s." The teacher is really pale now. "One more time please."
Li'l Johnny jumps up. "My dad's a bookie, b double o, k, i, e, and I'll give you five to three she spells shits again!"

Hu is a perfect example of a southern boy's ability to spin a tale, particularly that gifted subset from south Louisiana.

Thanks for the kind words! As you know all of them and more apply to you. I had kinda been aware of it without really giving it much thought but the gulf rim all the way from Texas to Florida is a community.

You have probably read JoeyA's website end to end as I have several times. Puts my story telling in the shade! Not only that, he designed and had put together the POW/MIA cue. It will be a family heirloom going down to Joe Jr as it should but I have lusted after it from the first time I saw it. Hitting a few balls with it just made things worse. It hits as good as it looks which is saying something. Aside from his stories, a person can read about his special cue on his site.

Unfortunately for us, a good deed for fellow marines blew up on him and his site to find fellow marines is probably pushing a hundred thousand members now. It was at seventy thousand and growing fast last I looked. Doesn't leave him much time for AZB. Anyway, for some great stories, some pool related, some not, all can visit Joey's earlier site.

