Matchroom picks the DRAMA QUEEN.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Earl again, I guess it's really that bad, huh? This had to come from Matchroom as Jeremy Jones can't be that braindead. Doesn't really matter as we're going to get killed with or without Earl but I guess Matchroom had to do something to keep people from tuning out. When you've got no talent you need a sideshow is probably how Barry saw it.
It is a made for (UK) TV event. A good drubbing and wild Yank antics will play well over there. SSDD.


Well-known member
There aren't many other sports where players from past generations can still compete with the best of today's generation. Why are there so many haters?
A few years ago I paid for VIP seating and traveled 400+ miles to attend one of these streamed "money" matches with Earl, a non-trivial expense. The moment it because obvious he was losing, and losing badly, the bad behavior started. I committed the crime of drinking from a cup while Earl was shooting. I wasn't even in his line of sight. He went off on me. He went off on other spectators. Men, women, didn't matter, he insulted them and blamed them for imaginary slights. The mood of the entire venue went dark for the rest of the weekend. His opponent (Skyler Woodward) made attempts to lighten the mood, even making concessions to change the break rules halfway through the match. To no avail, Earl had checked out and didn't even try to win for the rest of the two day match.

I will never again pay a dime towards anything promoting such bad behavior. I've heard all of the excuses and justifications. As far as I am concerned his terrible behavior is being exploited by circus promoters. It is an embarrassment to the sport and should not be tolerated. I no longer wear nostalgia shaded glasses when it comes to him.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He went off on me.
Consider yourself lucky that he didn't assault you, like he did with fellow pro Hunter Lombardo during the American 14.1 Championships tournament last year. Earl is a has-been, who is senile and mentally unstable. It's a disgrace that Matchroom is exploiting his mental illness to create drama.

decent dennis

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Consider yourself lucky that he didn't assault you, like he did with fellow pro Hunter Lombardo during the American 14.1 Championships tournament last year. Earl is a has-been, who is senile and mentally unstable. It's a disgrace that Matchroom is exploiting his mental illness to create drama.
A shove is an assault?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am surprised to learn that Mosconi Cup team captains have not say in the wildcard choices, that they are left to the promoter instead. If I understand correctly, the first three out of five are chosen based on ranking points accumulated by attending Matchroom-sanctioned or -approved pool events. The last two of the five chosen, the wildcards, are the promoter's choice. I am kind of sad that the team captains don't have a choice, but it explains volumes now that I know why some players were chosen in previous Mosconi Cup events.
It’s clear with their wildcard player selections that Matchroom is more concerned with maximizing their exposure for this event than attempting to reward the best performing players over the past year to represent their teams. Bottom line - it’s their event and they make the rules / run the show / select the players. Don’t like it, too bad.

Tin Man

AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
A few years ago I paid for VIP seating and traveled 400+ miles to attend one of these streamed "money" matches with Earl, a non-trivial expense. The moment it because obvious he was losing, and losing badly, the bad behavior started. I committed the crime of drinking from a cup while Earl was shooting. I wasn't even in his line of sight. He went off on me. He went off on other spectators. Men, women, didn't matter, he insulted them and blamed them for imaginary slights. The mood of the entire venue went dark for the rest of the weekend. His opponent (Skyler Woodward) made attempts to lighten the mood, even making concessions to change the break rules halfway through the match. To no avail, Earl had checked out and didn't even try to win for the rest of the two day match.

I will never again pay a dime towards anything promoting such bad behavior. I've heard all of the excuses and justifications. As far as I am concerned his terrible behavior is being exploited by circus promoters. It is an embarrassment to the sport and should not be tolerated. I no longer wear nostalgia shaded glasses when it comes to him.
I agree with this 100%.

I said on a podcast "The MC team shouldn't have anyone that has forfeit out of a tournament in the last 60 days, but I guess that wouldn't work because it would eliminate 40% of the USA roster".

Each to their own. I'll leave the others to watch Earl fighting with referees in races to 5. I'll watch what I want to watch. The sport is big enough for all of us.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In races to 5, Earl can hold his own if his head is screwed on somewhat straight. If Earl happens to be dialed in and focused, Earl can do better than hold his own.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If they made it no jump cues and only jumping with your playing cue, that would change
the game for all and make it even more interesting. Some of these guys are just too good
at jumping with a jump cue.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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Judging by the AzBilliards poll voted on by AzBilliards members to this forum, the majority did vote for Earl Strickland. I guess they're in agreement with Matchroom's choice.

I am surprised to learn that Mosconi Cup team captains have not say in the wildcard choices, that they are left to the promoter instead. If I understand correctly, the first three out of five are chosen based on ranking points accumulated by attending Matchroom-sanctioned or -approved pool events. The last two of the five chosen, the wildcards, are the promoter's choice. ...
I'm pretty sure that is false. JJ was asked repeatedly who he was looking at for the final choice. He didn't say, "Ask Emily."

Or at least it is portrayed as the decision of the Captains.