May want to avoid purchasing an X-Breaker


OB-1 Kenobi
Silver Member
A conspiracy at the highest levels. I don't expect this thread to last much longer.


Really Old School
Silver Member
In spite of all the people who have deposits in, and cues ordered, and who have not heard a word regarding their orders and cannot reach Richard, his website is still accepting deposits, and Richard is still an advertiser here. Stinks really.

We need to keep this out front and warn people not to send any deposits...Tom


Silver Member
Bunch o stinking poo, if ya ask me.

I never look at the banners so i dont know if Richard is still on advertising here or not..but if he is this stinks to hihj heaven.

I am assuming the thread was removed b/c of the two guys offereing alternatives to the xbreaker...which wouldnt be illegal if the deal was actually as rob explained it. .. who knows....


KE = 0.5 • m • v2
Silver Member
I spoke to Richard in person this evening. Please, only if you have a genuine stake in this PM me.

John Barton

New member
Varney Cues said:
Man I could have a message from the Taliban & couldn't get a thread to vanish!:D

In the old days - 90s :) it was generally the rule that to kill a thread you had to interject the word "hitler". Now I think it's "not enough dead muslim fanatics".

Well it's nice to know that Richard is alive and apparently there IS a story there on WHY he isn't here. Slasher knows all!

Love this business......

John Barton

New member
okinawarob said:
I have 25 break jump cues from Taiwan with the G10 tips. They do not have the limbsaver bumper but you can order that online for $30. Just search limbsaver on google. The cues are $200 each and shipping is free in the US. I take paypal. PM me and I can send you a photo and tell you what weights I have as well as the colors.

Translation: I have crappy copies of the X-breaker for sale that I picked up cheap in Taiwan. I see an opportunity here to rip off the owner of the x-breaker intellectual property while he is absent. I don't know where Richard is but screw him - he's not here to defend himself so screw him.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
JOHN to you ever shut up????what would you know anyway you haveNT seen or even herd about these cues that have been coming out the back door of x/ what would you actually know about them...........go sell some nylon!dude i hope your not one of those guys that just stay on forums saying the same old sh#t over and over......

John Barton

New member
matt9ball said:
JOHN to you ever shut up????what would you know anyway you haveNT seen or even herd about these cues that have been coming out the back door of x/ what would you actually know about them...........go sell some nylon!dude i hope your not one of those guys that just stay on forums saying the same old sh#t over and over......

No I don't. I don't know anything MORE that you tell us. You and Rob are both telling us that you sell X-Breakers without logos. So forgive me if I don't like to keep quiet when you perpetrate theft in front of me.

But since Richard has stated he can't build any more cues and presumably can't or won't defend his intellectual property I guess it's wide open for anyone wanting to copy and sell with impunity. Start calling them X-Breakers, no one will stop you.

Case closed - Best of luck to Richard and here is hoping for a full recovery and for resolution with his customers.


John Barton

New member
I don't know what to say. I am nearly speechless. I applaud you Rob. It takes some real character to go back to the source and get the real story.

You're right, I have seen so much duplicity and been burned so many times in this industry it makes me wonder why I stay in.

And I know plenty of dealers who are in the same boat you are getting lied to by their suppliers and passing that story on down the line.

You're right it's an endless fight. Right now I am developing a new line of cases. Some really sweet features and innovations not yet seen in cue cases. But I hesitate to bring them out because I don't know how to protect them. I am actually scared when I should be producing these cases and celebrating the next level in cue cases.

Sure I can and will copyright and patent my designs this time. And we will probably threaten and sue the companies we catch who copy us. But what scares me is how much I am going to lose to those we don't catch. How many cases are going to be sold to unsuspecting customers without the benefit of all the great things I designed for them.

That's why I felt so bad for Richard. I know what a hard time he has had finding someone to manufacture the ideas he has.

I take it all back Rob and I applaud you for your integrity. The pool world needs more people like you who will do the right thing even at the expense of their profits.

Well, this is the second of two good things to happen today. Thank you Rob for your diligence and good luck to you as well.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
okinawarob said:
Matt you and I should be thanking John for speaking out despite his assumptions that everyone is and forevermore will be a scumbag. He has been in these situations over and over in a losing battle. It's because everyday he wins a battle a new company forms in order to take advantage of any product that makes money. That does not just go for the pool world, that happens in every business.

John because I did read every line you wrote taking everything to heart, I wanted to go back to my source in Taiwan that I have been doing business with for 10 years and seek deeper due dilligence. Someone in the business that after knowing for 10 years I feel I can trust. Everthing I posted was based on the direct information from my supplier and by research online as provided by the dealers of these two products.

When I first called and asked my supplier who owned the rights to the X-breaker he said "Richard owned the rights to the logo only, and we can make the cues but not put the X-breaker name on them". I then asked who designed the cue, the Taiwan company or Richard? He said "Taiwan company". Next I asked him if the cue was sold in Taiwan before the X-breaker was sold in the states and he said "Yes, everything is OK dont worry, no problem". "What is the problem" he asked me.


I told him I had tried to sell one of the cues I bought from him to someone in the states. He said "no problem". I then said these words that made him freeze for a moment then change to say "Rob I think you should not try to sell these cues in the states". The words I spoke were "John Barton on AZbilliards is telling me that Richard owns the rights." I asked "What is the truth?" After speaking John Bartons name the truth came out straight from MY source. He said "Richard owns the cue, so just dont sell in the states". Every bit of credibility I had with him over the last 10 years left with those words.

I admit my source did lie to me in order to sell me his products, thanks to you John I now know. I also thank you for giving me the insight from your position in the industry. Matt take this to heart IF buyers dont have access to the full story and people like John dont keep screaming and standing up to tell the story, even if John does it without tact due to the number of times he has been burnt, we could be the ones paying the biggest price of all.

John I would very much like to call you to talk more about the industry in Taiwan and China. I have bought cues from my source for 10 years only selling in my pool room. I do wish to buy cue and cases in the future but can no longer trust or place any faith in my supplier. One more note, on that same call I asked about the "Taiwan METRO" pool table that he told me Taiwan designed then Brunswick bought from Taiwan. Same story he lied, I am just lucky I did not buy a container of those.

John please PM me your number. I want to call you to talk about the company I am buying from and ask you who I can buy from and trust based on my purchase amounts for my next 10 years of business.

Matt know these words are true without fail.



I have lived and worked in China since the early 90's.

Remember this - When anyone here says " No problem" it usually means "Big Problem!"

If you have not established personal relationships with the people and developed a sense of trust with the people you are dealing with Look Out.


Silver Member
I stand corrected also... I was going off of rob's post that said he was legit... since it comes to light that he was getting jobbed my stand lost credit...

Barton ... way t ostand the ground.. iguess you might kn ow a little bit about the industry in China after all :)

Ky Boy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So, for informational purposes, what happened to Richard?

Can't find it in this thread. Thanks
