I agree 100%Your spot on when it comes to casinos and people donating.. Many years ago my sister and her first husband drove from Palo Alto to Tahoe for a weekend. Well he wanted to go straight to Reno first so off we went.. He lost his entire roll in two hours flat!! He came to.me for a loan which I said No Freaking Way to. They were busted and my wife and I drove with them in the back seat all the way back to Palo Alto.
Up and back in one day.. Needless to say we never made another trip with them up there...Never witnessed anything like it!
Me I do not like donating to bums on corners, casinos, or just about anything with the potential of no return for me...
Helping people is one thing, enabling them in another
Casinos? I’m amazed nobody’s woke up and those joints have been clipping massive $ for over 100 years. Never ends-ever. I suppose it could be said “the promise of $ is more powerful than $ itself”.
Fatboy<——-deep thinker