mosconi question


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm trying to figure out logistics to go see my first mosconi cup. I'm curious, what goes on after the matches? I'm wondering if I should stay at mandalay or if it doesn't matter. If there is a lot going on after the matches end? Or does everyone just disperse and do their own thing?

cardiac kid

Super Senior Member
Silver Member
Two years ago at Tropicana, as soon as the matches ended, the crowd of nearly a thousand filed out. Some after match TV commentary with the UUUUUROPE players. Bring ear plugs. Bring big money if your buying drinks in the venue. I'll be in Vegas in December during the event. Probably will not go as the prices are just too high. We'll see.



Mini cues
Silver Member
Two years ago at Tropicana, as soon as the matches ended, the crowd of nearly a thousand filed out. Some after match TV commentary with the UUUUUROPE players. Bring ear plugs. Bring big money if your buying drinks in the venue. I'll be in Vegas in December during the event. Probably will not go as the prices are just too high. We'll see.


Many go out and do their own their own thing. Dinner, gambling and shows are just a few of your choices.
The crowd I am with will usually head to one of many pool rooms. It's a hoot and if there is interest there is sometimes a AZ meet and greet. I for one need to check out Griff's.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Many go out and do their own their own thing. Dinner, gambling and shows are just a few of your choices.
The crowd I am with will usually head to one of many pool rooms. It's a hoot and if there is interest there is sometimes a AZ meet and greet. I for one need to check out Griff's.

So there isn't a reason to stay at mandalay? I want to check out Griffs for sure. Hoping to see some good action there.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Except for Herpes.., that stuff will come back with ya.

I personally have stayed at the Mandalay Several times. I love that place. Plus you have easy access to other places through a long mall type corridor.

I have always wanted to go to the Mosconi Cup. Wish I could get away this year and go see it, since i like the Venue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm trying to figure out logistics to go see my first mosconi cup. I'm curious, what goes on after the matches? I'm wondering if I should stay at mandalay or if it doesn't matter. If there is a lot going on after the matches end? Or does everyone just disperse and do their own thing?

The last time I went to a MC it was at The Mirage and the winning team (guess who) did party the night of their victory at one of the hotel bars, so there's that. Here's my last day trip report.

It's Over (Blessedly) - Mosconi Cup Final Day - 12-05-2013, 10:25 AM

And so the fat lady sings. In fact, starting off at a 2-8 deficit, everyone had been pretty much listening to her warming up since Tuesday and were sending in song requests.

Wednesday morning, on the way to the arena, I stop at the Mirage coffee shop and join Bob Jewett for breakfast. We talk of our favorite arias, the coming concert, and wonder aloud what our tickets for Thursday's scheduled Mosconi Cup might bring on eBay. We decide: not much.

In the arena, rIght out of the gate things continue their slide into perdition, with Earl and Hatch losing 3-6.

On the next Ring of Hell was Earl in full melt down mode against Karl Boyles. Earl is chittering away to Karl, the crowd, and to his own inner demons. Referee, Ken Shuman, admonishes Earl that he's had enough.

Then at one point, after a particularly poor shot, Earl lashes out and instantaneous does grievous injury to the seven foot Zulu spear he uses as a cue.

But wait... it gets better.

On his next turn at the table the funniest moment of the MC occurs. Earl gets down on his shot and suddenly stands up. He then brings his weapon up to his eye and sights down the length of the cue. Earl's cue whacking has put a serious swarp into his cue and now he must put the butt of the cue onto the floor and try and bend the shaft as close to straight as his remaining time on the shot clock will allow. Everyone in the crowd cannot believe what they are seeing center court and the reactions are basically laughter, disbelief, and a general "I've seen it all now." But, straight spear or not, Boyles continues the beatings with a 4-6 win. And then finally it was Niels and Mika administering the coup de grâce to team Hatch and Morris, another 4-6.

Man. They beat us like a rented mule.

The awarding of the actual Cup was painful to watch. To me, the most impressive part was how the majority of the predominantly American crowd stayed to watch and applaud the European team in their victory. When it came time for Barry Hearn to hang the second place medals around the neck of each of the Americans, I think everyone felt uncomfortable but blessedly the medals are all accepted with due restraint.

And so it is over. I wander over to Best Billiards and am surprised to find Pilot Jim there practicing, so we play some 1pocket for a few hours. Then I head to dinner and eventually follow the trail of Pink Lady's posts to the Revolution bar in the Mirage, where the Euros have assembled and are in full bull goose looney party mode. The whole team is there with assorted wives, girlfriends, and buddies. Michaela is there as is Angel, Pink Lady, and KoolKat. Hatch comes in and is warmly embraced by his opponents while they all bellow, "Uuuuuuuuuroppppppp!" Karen Corr greets me saying I look familiar and I remind her of how on a rainy night at the Executive West a group of us had pig piled into a shuttle bus and she was forced to almost sit in my lap. Darren Appleton is in a "happy" space. We had played a match in the US Open One Pocket a couple of years ago and he comes up to me, smiling from ear to ear, and semi-affectionately rubs his hand all over the right side of my face and asks, "How you doing'?" And I reply, "Doing good, Darren. You played great." And he smiles even more broadly and whispers, "We got 'lucky.'" And I reply, "Some of us know better than that."

Angel, KoolKat, and I start talking and she mentions her film project. The next thing I know Angel has invited us up to the 20th floor of the Mirage for a private screening of her 10 minute documentary, "Chasing Wincardona" that she has submitted to the Sundance Film Festival. She brings her laptop out to the foyer on that floor of the hotel and we watch and the film is great. But then she also shows us a short teaser for "Raising the Hustler" a film she's been working on for seven years based upon 600 hours of footage she's shot at pool events all over the country. One of the sad footnotes to her project is that over 30 of the players she's filmed and interviewed have passed since she started the project. The film looks splendid and you can tell it is a labor of love. I wish her every success with it.

We return to the party and there is more drinking, kisses, hugs, and photos and I mange to hang for a while longer until the booze, time change, and lack of sleep get the better of me. I head to my room and, as the late, great Grady "Professor" Mathews would have signed off: And so this Mosconi Cup is another piece of pocket billiards history.

Thank God.

Lou Figueroa


Silver Member

If your not set on staying at the Mandalay, stay on the same side of the strip, and take the Monorail..... it'll save you a long walk.

The matches are pretty much done around 3 o'clock, but it varies.

I think a lot of people are still staying at the Trop, because of the original deal. They switched it to Mandalay after the announced date. Trop was WAY cheaper, but even though it's across the street, plan on a 30 min. walk to the Mandalay.

Monorail map:

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
Staff member
Gold Member
Silver Member

If your not set on staying at the Mandalay, stay on the same side of the strip, and take the Monorail..... it'll save you a long walk.
I just reserved at the Luxor. Total including tax and resort fee is $80/night for a Pyramid room with two queen beds. I can cancel until November 30th. or maybe direct.

The same deal on the same site for Mandalay Bay was $200/night.


Silver Member
I just reserved at the Luxor. Total including tax and resort fee is $80/night for a Pyramid room with two queen beds. I can cancel until November 30th. or maybe direct.

The same deal on the same site for Mandalay Bay was $200/night.

I hear ya.... Trop was 224 for 4 nights, total. I'm not paying 800+ just to sleep ;)

edit: ....Of course I booked it way back in the spring.


Broom Handle Mafia
Silver Member
Best Billiards was a good spot for action and the guys would hang out there, but it's been a few years since I've been down. Griff's might be the spot now. If you're not sure which to go to after the cup, make sure you have a rental car; it's expensive to get across town in a cab.

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
Best Billiards was a good spot for action and the guys would hang out there, but it's been a few years since I've been down. Griff's might be the spot now. If you're not sure which to go to after the cup, make sure you have a rental car; it's expensive to get across town in a cab.

Best is long gone (closed). Griffs is close (old Poolshark's location). Super room with great food.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks everyone for the replies. Just waiting to see if a buddy can get off work.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ditch cabs and use Uber or Lyft. Many casino hotels now have a section for curbside Uber/Lyft pickup. I did this last year when I was in Vegas.

Best Billiards was a good spot for action and the guys would hang out there, but it's been a few years since I've been down. Griff's might be the spot now. If you're not sure which to go to after the cup, make sure you have a rental car; it's expensive to get across town in a cab.


Silver Member
Wear comfortable shoes.

Take plenty of cash, more than you anticipate to gamble.

Take a water bottle.

Wear shoes you can walk and/or stand in all day/night.

Buy a monorail pass, 1 day - multiday.

Prostitution is unlawful in Clark County.

Wear comfortable shoes.

Have fun.


Broom Handle Mafia
Silver Member
Best is long gone (closed). Griffs is close (old Poolshark's location). Super room with great food.

I suddenly feel like I just climbed the stairs to the Lincoln Tap Room with a smart-ass kid and his girlfriend who think it's funny there are no tables...