The corner pockets came out to 4.267 - 4.278 Smallest and biggest. Figured that was close enough.
I was not looking for ur opinion realkingcobra
It should look like your work, I could not have done it with out your posts...
I was not looking for ur opinion realkingcobra
I speak from experience jack ass. Happy Holiday's and go fvck yourself!!
Its to bad you have no idea what you're talking about, as you're full of shit making a statement like that, really shows what you know!
get a diamond if that's what you want.
"And when Santa squeezes his fat ass down that chimney...
he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse."
Merry Christmas?
sorry I just get tired of how people treat each other on the internet. Rkc has a ridiculous amount of knowledge but he always has to put people down. How about saying " I have to disagree with you.. I've diamonized many gc's and they play great and the owners were thrilled with them at a very reasonable cost" That's a respectable post.. not immediately calling someone names because they have a different opinion. When I've posted something in anger I now look at and decide would I talk to someone like this if we were face to face? If the answer is no I retype it. Makes for a happier life.
I was looking into mark too
Real deal? What does that mean? If you're saying Mark is a great table mechanic, then yes, I agree. Do yourself a favor, check out my Facebook page, Glen Hancock. There, you'll see the whole "Real....kingcobra" deal!Mark Gregory is the real deal. Reasonable pricing and top notch work.
sorry I just get tired of how people treat each other on the internet. Rkc has a ridiculous amount of knowledge but he always has to put people down. How about saying " I have to disagree with you.. I've diamonized many gc's and they play great and the owners were thrilled with them at a very reasonable cost" That's a respectable post.. not immediately calling someone names because they have a different opinion. When I've posted something in anger I now look at and decide would I talk to someone like this if we were face to face? If the answer is no I retype it. Makes for a happier life.