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Another similar story to many others...LOL

I played pool in the UK in my 20’s – 30’s. Actually, ran a pool league for a few years.
I would say I was certainly an above average player winning a few league singles championships (maybe 200 players) and played in a team good enough to win the league quite a few times.

Also played in a snooker league, pretty average player I think highest break around 50.
Stopped playing 25 years ago when I came over to the USA but, a chance comment with a neighbor last July led us to a local pool hall and I soon became addicted again.
I had a few weeks of going on my own at lunchtimes ($6 tables 12-6pm) and I would spend a couple hours or so practicing.
Although the place was never full at that time of day (they have 12 tables) I started to get to know some locals and invited to play some racks.
It was, at times, a slow and frustrating progression getting used to the larger tables and heavier balls than I played on in the UK.

I think the biggest mistake I made was sitting here hour after hour watching videos and FB reels showing all the best aiming systems, watching everything about ‘cut induced throw’….’gearing’….’shadow ball’…etc etc etc.

I was trying them all and going in circles.

Of course, in the old days, I knew nothing of all that. Playing pool was instinct. I looked at the table, looked at the ball and knew where to hit it. Knew what to allow if applying side. Had enough idea of angles to put the white where it needed to go.

I stopped trying to reinvent the wheel and simply spent hours going back to basics, making sure I was approaching the shot correctly, making sure my stance was locked, arm was straight. I would also say (at 66yo ) hours of actually gradually getting myself down on the shot. These old muscles and bones are not as limber.

Have days where everything on the practice table goes in the pocket and 1st shot of a tournament game miss a 3” cut into pocket. I’m sure everyone has ‘been there, done that’…but…Pool will always be one of those games frustrating at times but also has moments of joy to run a table when things go ‘just right’

Mr M

New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm someone who grew up with an 8/4 ft table playing in the States and then had moved to Australia about 12 years ago and due to the combo of different sized tables, balls and cues I had stopped playing roughly 6 years ago.

Recently had a company christmas party where the venue happened to have a pool table (6/3 ft) and after seeing a colleague nail a behind the back shot I got hooked again. I've since been able to find a local pool hall with the American sized equipment and begun playing regularly.

I have just bought my current cue a McDermott GS09 (photos attached) and have been very happy about it. Ironically it was very similar to the Mali cue I grew up with and I'll look to post more information around that on a Mali cues post along with information about my Dad's Mali pool cue as well.

Just wanted to say that I really have appreciated this forum as a resource while getting back into pool and I wanted to begin also adding my own limited information and stories where I can.


Mr M


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New member
First WELCOME. I don't think that McDermott gets the accolades it should. There quality is Top Notch and I have never had a Bad one in my hands.I currenlty have a Predator P3 with Revo shaft and a McDemott G222 with Defy shaft, there sure is a lot I like over the revo with the defy shaft. Just more feel with the Defy shaft to name one.
Hi folks, new member here from San Antonio, TX. After a 30-year hiatus from competitive play to raise a family and build a career I'm back to competitive play. Kids are grown, career winding down and I suddenly find myself with lots of free time. Joined an APA Masters league and a BCA/ACS league. Lots has changed since I last played leagues and tournament. Particularly with cues. I've got a late 80s Shoen but looking at a Predator P3. Lots of fun so far!


New member
Thanks for adding me here! I am not a "big" pool player. The main reason I joined is because of my father. He passed away and has 2 Sampaio - Made in Portugal pool cues in hinged carrying cases. I see others have been able to post pictures and get a little history and values here. Can someone point me to the correct sub-forum thread to see if I can get some accurate background? Thanks!!


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Thanks for adding me here! I am not a "big" pool player. The main reason I joined is because of my father. He passed away and has 2 Sampaio - Made in Portugal pool cues in hinged carrying cases. I see others have been able to post pictures and get a little history and values here. Can someone point me to the correct sub-forum thread to see if I can get some accurate background? Thanks!!
Here's a thread on Sampaio cues from 2022

You might also ask in "Ask the Cuemaker"

or "Cue Reviews"

or "Cue and Case Gallery"



New member
Hello. New to the forum. Just got an 8' Brunswick contender table and in the process of getting it set up this week. Couple of questions. I have read that approx 5' around the table is needed. I currently have a little over 4 feet on one side. The guy setting it up for me is one of the best. He said I am good if I use 52" cues. Pros and cons of using a shorter cue? Also, Aramith balls. I have a set of NIB Premiums. Good balls? I have read a lot of opinions on here and they are all over the place. I wanted a set of DS Bronze but wasn't able to find one.


Active member
Hello. New to the forum. Just got an 8' Brunswick contender table and in the process of getting it set up this week. Couple of questions. I have read that approx 5' around the table is needed. I currently have a little over 4 feet on one side. The guy setting it up for me is one of the best. He said I am good if I use 52" cues. Pros and cons of using a shorter cue? Also, Aramith balls. I have a set of NIB Premiums. Good balls? I have read a lot of opinions on here and they are all over the place. I wanted a set of DS Bronze but wasn't able to find one.
Welcome.. Should find plenty of advice here 😜
I am new to the forum,was looking for info on a old Brunswick cue that was my uncles and thanks to Pizza Bob
he knew just what it was when it was made and by who.
been shooting sense I was a kid at 16 (now 64) looking to get back at it and with Jacobys custom cue and The Spot pool hall
in my neighborhood things are looking up :) my main cue was a viking (1980"s) with a 14mm shaft and I have a graphite Budweiser cue I bought for a breaking stick and my Brunswick (Willie Mosconi signature series).thanks to Pizza Bob.
thanks for letting me come aboard.
Greetings from Wisconsin.
I could count on one hand the number of times I have shot pool in the last 17 years, but a friend of mine has a pool table and has been inviting me over occasionally. I dug my Rainbow stained Meucci 95-11 out of the closet and it is still straight as an arrow. After reading reviews here I have decided to order myself some Ultraskin tips. After shooting with him 4 times the rust is starting to fall off. Back in the 80's I was the #1 shooter in our league for a few years. I contacted Meucci about ordering a new shaft and they said it is basically the same cue as the HOF 1


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Trapper John

New member
Hi All,

I've owned a 7' table since the early 2000s and played just socially casual games. Last October, after having some maintenance done on the table, I started taking the game more seriously. I practice two to three hours daily and have been soaking up as much info as I can to get better.

I've recently signed up here and I'm Looking forward to getting into the discussions so I can continue to improve.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I got all my sticks re-tipped with medium tips, and I gotta say, I hate them lol. I can't draw a ball to save my life!! Literally every single time I gotta do so for position, it's a mis-cue. Used to be able to pull the CB quite easily.

I have a scuffer and a shaper but am contemplating taking some sand paper to them, or putting on a softer tip.
Many pros get new tips and take about half of the top leather off. I do the same. Try this with one, hit 50 break shot with it and then shoot with it a while. It may feel much better.


New member
Hello all!

New here, and with something a little bit exciting happening over the next few months that I will be sharing with you all in more detail in the next few weeks.

Name's Jack, part of a team that has been developing a new pool game for American and English tables PLUS snooker tables, with 3 sets of balls available as per their respective current ball sizes. Pool on a snooker table? Well, yes... we've all played cricket on one, right?

Grew up in the south west region of the UK, played on a 6ft slate bed snooker table from around age 5 to 9 before dragging an upside down beer crate around a full size table to stand on and play on a full-size at my local club. Made my first century of 112 aged 13 - 14 reds, 14 blacks, but couldn't quite get positioning on the final red and rattled it. I sobbed. I got over it...

However, a hand injury forced my to take over a year off and I couldn't get back into it to a decent enough standard to potentially become future world champion (you never know), but continued to play in local leagues and cups, and even resorted to playing a lot of pool.

Only play from time to time now nearing 40 (still just about closer to 35 for another week), still able to bang in 40's and 50's comfortably.

I'll be looking soon for club owners, bar owners, pub owners, table owners and players far and wide - worldwide, that is - who would be interested in introducing this new pool game into their clubs by purchasing sets of balls. It has been developed in such a way that you will not need any additional accessories. Balls will hopefully be priced similarly to the Aramith sets currently available - have opened discussions with them about producing our balls.

I will also be looking for tournament/league organisers in clubs, cities, towns and regions around the world to become ambassadors of our game which we hope will become a recognised version of pool and endorsed by various billiard associations.

Our plan is that within the next 18 months to have top Open tournaments in locations globally - ticketed and televised, if not streamed online, at least.

It'll be a far more tactical version of pool requiring a little more thought and skill for those playing competitively, but more enjoyable for more "just for fun" players... it'll make sense soon.

Hopefully in the next 3-4 weeks we'll be announcing more info, the brand, the rules and also various other ways to play with our sets along with our website currently being built.

I'll leave you with that for now, but please do message me your name, email/number, club details... whether you'd possibly be looking to buy one or more sets for yourself, your club (how many tables? and what table types), or if you're keen to become an ambassador or league/cup/event organiser.

Stay tuned.



New member

What’s up y’all. Keven here, been shooting pool all my life. Didn’t start to take it serious until about 4 years ago. Haven’t been able to stop, it’s become like an addiction in the healthiest way possible! Always trying to play people that are a higher skill level than me, test myself and grow as a player. I’m a skill level 4 in both APA 9 and 8 ball. I’m from the Philadelphia area, so if anyone close to me ever wants to shoot let me know! I’m always trying to play, especially since now I’m trying to get my robustness up for tournaments. I look forward to playing with some of y’all.
