New table set up and it's playing long


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just completed setup of my table. Brand new ProForm 23oz high speed cloth with new Championship Tour Edition rubber. I am also using a brand new Aramith cue ball. My standard test for checking my rails is 3 rail kick with running english to corner pocket, one rail kick (no english) end rail through center Diamond to corner pocket and one rail kick (no english) through imaginary diamond by middle pocket to corner pocket. The only one that doesn't go long is the end rail to corner pocket. The through corner pocket goes if I hit hard and the three rail shot goes long to end rail by like 6-8". I'm shooting through the 3rd Diamond which is the lowest you should ever have to go, usually 2.5 is my go to on tables playing right. Cl

Cushions nose height nis right at 1-7/16" and the rail bolts are all tight, like 15-20lbs.

Here's a pic of the table.



Silver Member
The cloth is most likely sliding. Clean or new balls + new cloth = sliding.


I just completed setup of my table. Brand new ProForm 23oz high speed cloth with new Championship Tour Edition rubber. I am also using a brand new Aramith cue ball. My standard test for checking my rails is 3 rail kick with running english to corner pocket, one rail kick (no english) end rail through center Diamond to corner pocket and one rail kick (no english) through imaginary diamond by middle pocket to corner pocket. The only one that doesn't go long is the end rail to corner pocket. The through corner pocket goes if I hit hard and the three rail shot goes long to end rail by like 6-8". I'm shooting through the 3rd Diamond which is the lowest you should ever have to go, usually 2.5 is my go to on tables playing right. Cl

Cushions nose height nis right at 1-7/16" and the rail bolts are all tight, like 15-20lbs.

Here's a pic of the table.



Silver Member
If you hit that 3 rail shot with some pace you should be able to actually see it curve on new cloth to verify that its sliding.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree, new cloth just needs to break-in a bit. One other thing, stay away from waxes for the cue ball, it makes for crazy draw, but also makes them bank way long. A good ball cleaner is fine, Johnson floor paste wax not so much. I used to use the paste wax on our CB at my home table back in the 70's and it's awesome what kinda draw even an average player like me could achieve, but even back then I could easily see the serious issues that this causes in the banks. I use Tiger ball cleaner now and I like it, the balls are clean and shiny, but they still grip the rail cloth like they should.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree, new cloth just needs to break-in a bit. One other thing, stay away from waxes for the cue ball, it makes for crazy draw, but also makes them bank way long. A good ball cleaner is fine, Johnson floor paste wax not so much. I used to use the paste wax on our CB at my home table back in the 70's and it's awesome what kinda draw even an average player like me could achieve, but even back then I could easily see the serious issues that this causes in the banks. I use Tiger ball cleaner now and I like it, the balls are clean and shiny, but they still grip the rail cloth like they should.

X2 on the Tiger Ball Cleaner.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
X2 on the Tiger Ball Cleaner.
Yeah no more waxes for me. I used to use furniture polish on my balls. That CB is brand new. Literally took it out of the package to shoot on my new table.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you hit that 3 rail shot with some pace you should be able to actually see it curve on new cloth to verify that its sliding.
Maybe I'll have wife video in slow motion to see if I can catch the curve.

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Silver Member
I took a look at your photo album, great job!

Only thing I noticed: Pretty sure you mounted the cushions upside down.

I use the Championship K55 Tour Edition all the time and the logo goes on the bottom side.

Pretty sure it is supposed to go the same way for the K66 as well

Check out the pics:

Thanks. Sounds encouraging.

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Silver Member
here are the specs for the cushion. Note: the small side is supposed to be at the bottom. See pic:


  • tour-edition-66-tech-specs.gif
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
here are the specs for the cushion. Note: the small side is supposed to be at the bottom. See pic:
Are you freaking kidding me? I could not find any info on what was up what was down so I assume the logo went to the top.

Now what,. That's a several hundred dollars mistake!

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Silver Member
I wonder how the table will play with the cushion mounted that way as the cloth breaks in. Just play it out and see how it goes. You live and you learn.


Are you freaking kidding me? I could not find any info on what was up what was down so I assume the logo went to the top.

Now what,. That's a several hundred dollars mistake!

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wonder how the table will play with the cushion mounted that way as the cloth breaks in. Just play it out and see how it goes. You live and you learn.

If I have to replace the rubber I'm going with Accufast since that was my original choice but thought I had K55 profile. It wasn't until I went to a local supplier with one of my rails and held both up to it and realized I had K66. So at that point I drive 30 min to get to him I decided to just buy whet he had. Wish he would have said something. A little pissed right now.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wonder how the table will play with the cushion mounted that way as the cloth breaks in. Just play it out and see how it goes. You live and you learn.

Even on Championship's site they don't say specifically what way they go. Only on the 3rd pic does it look like the rubber is bigger on one side and that could just be a bad drawing. I emailed Championship and will see what they say or suggest to fix it. Maybe they will give me a new set at cost since the dealer never told me what way they go.

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Bradshaw Billiard Service
Silver Member
I didn't see this, before replying in the Main forum...

I agree, that the cushions are upside-down. An unfortunate mistake. However, I might be inclined to leave them, to see how it plays long-term. It might not be that bad.


Silver Member
I didn't see this, before replying in the Main forum...

I agree, that the cushions are upside-down. An unfortunate mistake. However, I might be inclined to leave them, to see how it plays long-term. It might not be that bad.

I was wondering this as well. I would think it would be interesting to play around on and see how it banks. Keep us posted!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was wondering this as well. I would think it would be interesting to play around on and see how it banks. Keep us posted!


The OP may have to recut the bevel angle because according to my calculations when he takes the same K-66 and merely turns it over and mounts it, there will be a reduction in nose cushion height of about 1/16 to 1/8" depending on the brand of K-66. I'm pretty sure there will be variances between manufacturers. I have an 1/8" slice of K-66 here, and if I trace out the pattern and then flip it over the tip changes height by nearly 1/8", so if the OP is at 1-7/16" now when he flips it over he might be way too low. Just a thought, maybe there is enough height on the bevel that he can raise it slightly, but from the pics it looks like the rubber is flush with the top of the subrail.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I didn't see this, before replying in the Main forum...

I agree, that the cushions are upside-down. An unfortunate mistake. However, I might be inclined to leave them, to see how it plays long-term. It might not be that bad.

It definitely banks and kicks long. And the ProForm cloth has a lower nylon count than Simonis so I doubt slide is a factor. As a matter of fact I have seen many tables with new Simonis and many (including my old table) with it worn and ProForm plays new, like worn Simonis.

I will have to fix it. Banks and kicks are too important to leave like this.

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