OB Goes Full Carbon


I saw a post on Facebook that described an interchangeable joint where you could purchase “plugs” with different pin sizes.... so you need only one shaft for multiple butt pins..

Play was described as best “OBShaft ever”.

Does anybody know about this.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yeah, I'm gonna say a big "NAH" to OB after what they went through.

Saturated Fats

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I saw a post on Facebook that described an interchangeable joint where you could purchase “plugs” with different pin sizes.... so you need only one shaft for multiple butt pins..

Play was described as best “OBShaft ever”.

Does anybody know about this.

Universal did this a number of years ago [UNIVERSAL SMART SHAFT], but it never set the market on fire.

Now CUE-MAX makes adapters that will fit many shafts to many butts. These extend the cue length & add some front weight.


Bar Banger, Cue Collector
Silver Member
I thought they went out of business

That was the rumor last year and I think they went bankrupt but came back with a whole slew of new shafts and cues last year including the CF inserts in their shafts called fusion is I remember. Then this year they came out with the Phoenix shafts, now the curly torrified and then this the full carbon.

Personally I haven't tried any of their shafts or cues since their 1st shaft release in early 2000's with the wooden ferrule which I couldn't stand.

I know they sponsor Justin Bergman now, maybe he asked them to make a full carbon, but no clue honestly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That was the rumor last year and I think they went bankrupt but came back with a whole slew of new shafts and cues last year including the CF inserts in their shafts called fusion is I remember. Then this year they came out with the Phoenix shafts, now the curly torrified and then this the full carbon.

Personally I haven't tried any of their shafts or cues since their 1st shaft release in early 2000's with the wooden ferrule which I couldn't stand.

I know they sponsor Justin Bergman now, maybe he asked them to make a full carbon, but no clue honestly.

Great for them. Wasn’t trying to throw any shade. Just surprised they are still making new products after the rumors


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't trust anything from OB. I'm from Dallas so I wanted to like them but I had a horrible experience with their products and customer service. Apparently they were better in the past from what I hear, but they fell off a cliff


Bar Banger, Cue Collector
Silver Member
I don't trust anything from OB. I'm from Dallas so I wanted to like them but I had a horrible experience with their products and customer service. Apparently they were better in the past from what I hear, but they fell off a cliff

No clue myself as I've only tried one product from them in 2007 that I ended up not liking. Just like everything else they have mixed reviews.

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
OB Cues

Just to set the facts straight.......

OB did go through a rough time with staffing changes and it did affect the quality of our products. I became CEO of OB around October 2019. We closed the shop, stopped production and made a lot of adjustments.

It took several months for things to really get straightened out, and the biggest changes took place when Jeremy & AMY Jones took over the actual operations. We did not go through a bankruptcy.

As of right now we have a real solid staff - with several guys that have been there for years. We eliminated several shaft lines and now offer what I feel are the best shafts in the industry.

Briefly, we offer the FUSION, PHOENIX, the new CARBON (with an interchangeable insert), plus a few others that are very unique to OB. We are all American made in Plano (Dallas) Texas. Our customer service is back where it belongs and I think it warrants checking out the product line. With all the events being cancelled, it’s hard to really penetrate the market, but give OB a shot.....I think you’ll be quite impressed in the quality and the hit.

Feel free to reach out to Jeremy & Amy........

Mark Griffin

Thunder Thighs

Silver Member
Just to set the facts straight.......

OB did go through a rough time with staffing changes and it did affect the quality of our products. I became CEO of OB around October 2019. We closed the shop, stopped production and made a lot of adjustments.

It took several months for things to really get straightened out, and the biggest changes took place when Jeremy & AMY Jones took over the actual operations. We did not go through a bankruptcy.

As of right now we have a real solid staff - with several guys that have been there for years. We eliminated several shaft lines and now offer what I feel are the best shafts in the industry.

Briefly, we offer the FUSION, PHOENIX, the new CARBON (with an interchangeable insert), plus a few others that are very unique to OB. We are all American made in Plano (Dallas) Texas. Our customer service is back where it belongs and I think it warrants checking out the product line. With all the events being cancelled, it’s hard to really penetrate the market, but give OB a shot.....I think you’ll be quite impressed in the quality and the hit.

Feel free to reach out to Jeremy & Amy........

Mark Griffin

I liked the OB-1 when it first came out. Mine is stamped Schon OB 1. Now I have the Phoenix. Aptly named because it looks like OB is coming out of the ashes as a better company. Good luck to ya’ll. :eek:k:

Keith E.

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just to set the facts straight.......

OB did go through a rough time with staffing changes and it did affect the quality of our products. I became CEO of OB around October 2019. We closed the shop, stopped production and made a lot of adjustments.

It took several months for things to really get straightened out, and the biggest changes took place when Jeremy & AMY Jones took over the actual operations. We did not go through a bankruptcy.

As of right now we have a real solid staff - with several guys that have been there for years. We eliminated several shaft lines and now offer what I feel are the best shafts in the industry.

Briefly, we offer the FUSION, PHOENIX, the new CARBON (with an interchangeable insert), plus a few others that are very unique to OB. We are all American made in Plano (Dallas) Texas. Our customer service is back where it belongs and I think it warrants checking out the product line. With all the events being cancelled, it’s hard to really penetrate the market, but give OB a shot.....I think you’ll be quite impressed in the quality and the hit.

Feel free to reach out to Jeremy & Amy........

Mark Griffin


I appreciate you clearing up the air. Last week I spoke with Amy when ordering a cue from y'all. She's a great asset and I wish you folks the best.

Last edited:


Broom Handle Mafia
Silver Member
Briefly, we offer the FUSION, PHOENIX, the new CARBON (with an interchangeable insert), plus a few others that are very unique to OB.

I think removing the OB-1 was a mistake but that's a personal opinion. I've hit with a lot of the shafts out there and that was definitely my favorite, even more than the Revo.

I would like to give the OB Carbon with a Radial insert a try when they become available here. In the meantime I will still say that for me OB has some of the best products out there and while I had a little trouble during the reshuffle everything got sorted out in the end. I'm happy to keep supporting them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Some questions Mark,
Is it THE Jeremy Jones, pro player? Lot of respect for him, unlikely he'd get involved with so-so products (but you never know).
Also, whatever happened to the DigiCue electronic training device that OBCues was featuring for so long?
Appreciate your response and Best to You...

Just to set the facts straight.......

OB did go through a rough time with staffing changes and it did affect the quality of our products. I became CEO of OB around October 2019. We closed the shop, stopped production and made a lot of adjustments.

It took several months for things to really get straightened out, and the biggest changes took place when Jeremy & AMY Jones took over the actual operations. We did not go through a bankruptcy.

As of right now we have a real solid staff - with several guys that have been there for years. We eliminated several shaft lines and now offer what I feel are the best shafts in the industry.

Briefly, we offer the FUSION, PHOENIX, the new CARBON (with an interchangeable insert), plus a few others that are very unique to OB. We are all American made in Plano (Dallas) Texas. Our customer service is back where it belongs and I think it warrants checking out the product line. With all the events being cancelled, it’s hard to really penetrate the market, but give OB a shot.....I think you’ll be quite impressed in the quality and the hit.

Feel free to reach out to Jeremy & Amy........

Mark Griffin


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just to set the facts straight.......

OB did go through a rough time with staffing changes and it did affect the quality of our products. I became CEO of OB around October 2019. We closed the shop, stopped production and made a lot of adjustments.

It took several months for things to really get straightened out, and the biggest changes took place when Jeremy & AMY Jones took over the actual operations. We did not go through a bankruptcy.

As of right now we have a real solid staff - with several guys that have been there for years. We eliminated several shaft lines and now offer what I feel are the best shafts in the industry.

Briefly, we offer the FUSION, PHOENIX, the new CARBON (with an interchangeable insert), plus a few others that are very unique to OB. We are all American made in Plano (Dallas) Texas. Our customer service is back where it belongs and I think it warrants checking out the product line. With all the events being cancelled, it’s hard to really penetrate the market, but give OB a shot.....I think you’ll be quite impressed in the quality and the hit.

Feel free to reach out to Jeremy & Amy........

Mark Griffin

Really do appreciate having a CEO of a pool company come on here and talk. It was pretty awesome too back when OB started that Royce would come on to AZ and chat. I was in college when OB first started and that interaction was pretty good from a business building standpoint. However, in business once your reputation gets tarnished it really is difficult and almost impossible to rebuild. Any thoughts on how your team plans to recoup the reputation? Honest question and hope you regain the momentum.

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
OB cues

I tried to make a nice complete response and I got a phone call and I lost my post because I had to log in again......grrrrr

Bottom line: a manufacturer is only as good as his last product Nader. OB is making the best stuff out there, and we’ve got s couple more products that aren’t released yet.

The market is tough right now, but when things open back up, you’ll hear more about OB. But I think yiu would bd wise to look at what OBcues.com gas going on.

I don’t think we hurt ourselves in the long fun. We do corrected the customer service issues and our quality control is excellent! I hope you get a chance to check out the new stuff.......

Mark Griffin

L I F D 1

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'll never turn to carbon.
Don't like it at all, not its appearance, not the texture.
Can't recall anything in my world that's carbon based, except for me. :grin-square:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’m not a fan of CF shafts only because I’ve played wood shafts for 60 years.
Making a switch at this stage is just not in the cards for me. But I’m very fussy
about the original cue shafts and always have them made to my specifications.
Nonetheless, I think CF shafts is the future with pros & players under 40 yrs. old.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Is pro pool like Nascar VS Formula 1

the equipment can mean the difference vs the skill of the shooter?

If new equipment plays a role, then how about more challenging tables.

or should everyone be using cues provided by the tournament to help the billiard industry with cue production and distribution.

Charlie Williams last event he was selling great pool ball sets.
I wanted to but knew I wouldnt have the time to enjoy it.

It always good business to have freebies for young people. Or give them something to think about saving money for.

Earl's commentary on filler's match with kazakis makes it seem like those two are playing pre set shots with pre set conditions because of the laboratory like conditions of a new table.

Would earl prefer if players rotate playing cloth within a match? this way table mechanics can get action at events