

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
(from the 10-ball thread)
Onemoreyouth said:
did anybody see the google video's of alex p running out two racks of 10 in a ring game? iirc he gets to the table on the 2 or 3, runs out.. breaks and runs out PERFECT position... comes up dry on the 3rd rack and throws his stick on the floor....

sad he has bad sportmanship about something like that... maybe one day he'll 'grow up' and i'll enjoy watching him more. just seems like he expect to win every tourney he plays in... not out of confidence, but cockiness though...

sorry if i'm wrong.

I'm surprised to see someone who finds alex to be a bad sport. i think he is one of the most enjoyable people to watch because of all the enthusiasm he brings. Watching the last couple of games he and Keith played on the non-TV table at the US Open a few years ago, Alex seemed to be almost in a league with Keith for making a game fun, and he cetainly showed no poor sportmanship when he didn't get out when he should have on the final rack. I wish pool had more personalities like Alex.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
sorry if my post was offensive... i have not had the opportunity to see Alex play much, nor in person. i just know from the 10 ball matches i watched him play he seemed to be throwing a fit everytime he missed, despite having a huge lead over the other guys in the game.

i do know keith is one of my favorites to watch, so if alex is actually more like keith on a usual basis, then my first observation was obvsiously wrong.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
gregory said:
(from the 10-ball thread)

I'm surprised to see someone who finds alex to be a bad sport. i think he is one of the most enjoyable people to watch because of all the enthusiasm he brings. Watching the last couple of games he and Keith played on the non-TV table at the US Open a few years ago, Alex seemed to be almost in a league with Keith for making a game fun, and he cetainly showed no poor sportmanship when he didn't get out when he should have on the final rack. I wish pool had more personalities like Alex.

Perhaps Alex can be categorized with Vivian Villareal in this regard.

Animation that is, in the eyes of some, overly demonstrative, may be viewed as poor sportsmanship, and those who see it that way are entitled to their opinon, for it is a matter of opinion. Still, the majority enjoy such behavior, and find it entertaining.

Neither Alex nor Vivian can please all the people all the time, but each has added a lot of style, flair, and charisma to pool, and have, consequently, been very good for pool.


Registered User will do
Silver Member
bruin70 said:
he's one player i wish were at the 14.1 tourney
Another one is Rempe. I'm actually really pissed off he's not playing...


You also have to take into consideration the ring game at the DCC (I don't know if you've been to it) is ALL about the spectacle. The players are actually encouraged to talk to the crowd and among each other, show their respective personalities, and joke around. Grady realizes Pagulayan's behavior is actually a huge crowd pleaser.

If you've seen Pagulayan play in the U.S. Open 9 ball, you'd seen a much more 'serious' player. Though even then he's not exactly a Souquet. Still, Pagulayan is a gentleman, don't let your first impression fool ya. :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
gregory said:
(from the 10-ball thread)

I'm surprised to see someone who finds alex to be a bad sport. i think he is one of the most enjoyable people to watch because of all the enthusiasm he brings. Watching the last couple of games he and Keith played on the non-TV table at the US Open a few years ago, Alex seemed to be almost in a league with Keith for making a game fun, and he cetainly showed no poor sportmanship when he didn't get out when he should have on the final rack. I wish pool had more personalities like Alex.
Ditto. Alex is a freakin' comedian. His impersonations of other players will crack you up. I've never seen him out of line at a tournament. Fantastic player also, but everyone knows that.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I personally saw his bad side several years ago when he was in Japan and showed up at a local house tournament. Several Filippinos live here and make a living on the house tournament trail. Alex showed up one night with Japan based group of PI players and was refused entry into the tournament because it was limited to non pro players (which I think sucked). He started mouthing off and trying to find somebody to match up for cash. Nobody here in Japan matches up for anything more than about $50 a set, so when he couldn't find any takers, he started off with his mouth teasing and humiliating all the players for not having the balls to play for more cash. At the time, I didn't even know who he was until I saw him win the Tokyo 9 ball a year or so later. Love his game, and really enjoy his personality on the pro stage, but he was an @ss around the non pro players.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've seen Alex play lot's and haven't ever seen him get out of line, he can get quite emotional in the heat of battle, but in a good way. He's not shy to give a fist pump when he wins a tough rack or to fire the crowd up when their rallying behind him. He is one the most entertaining players I've had the priveledge of watching play.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
sniper said:
I've seen Alex play lot's and haven't ever seen him get out of line, he can get quite emotional in the heat of battle, but in a good way. He's not shy to give a fist pump when he wins a tough rack or to fire the crowd up when their rallying behind him. He is one the most entertaining players I've had the priveledge of watching play.

Alex sometimes has or in the past had a drink or two too many and maybe was a bit boisterous but ive never seen him be anything but fun to watch around the pool table.

A real crowd pleaser always. I cant imagine the DCC thing was anything but clowning.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Onemoreyouth said:
...i just know from the 10 ball matches i watched him play he seemed to be throwing a fit everytime he missed, despite having a huge lead over the other guys in the game....
As Room101 stated right after your post in the other thread, Alex was clearly joking around. I don't know how anyone could have watched that video and think that Alex was genuinely throwing a tantrum by throwing his stick on the floor. Did you even watch the entire match? He was playing and entertaining the crowd every 5 minutes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When Alex won the World Championship, he had one exceedingly tough rack. He was rather antimated. after a couple of the toughest shots.

When he won, he kissed the referee, Ms. Tabb. She seemed rather surprised.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was at DCC, front row for the ring game and everything was in fun. Alex was smoked by Reyes in the one pocket and behaved, and played, like quite a professional. I have seen him play several times and nothing but entertaining. That doesn't mean that in a smaller forum he wouldn't get an attitude, heaven knows Keith had one when he was that age.

Cameron Smith

is kind of hungry...
Silver Member
Alex did the same thing in the World Pool Masters. After running 7 racks against Tony Drago he scratched on the break and threw his cue on the floor.

In that instance he was screwing around. I'm sure was in ring game as well.


going broke! got there!
Silver Member
alex cue throwing

in the ring game he did throw his stick on the jest.he picked it up and did it again for the people that didn't see it.he's a joker for to watch.

bud green

Dolley and Django
Silver Member
I find it hard to believe ANYONE doesn't like A. Pagulayan's attitude. Besides being a fantastic player, he always tries to entertain the crowd and makes pool seem fun. I can't think of another player who gets the crowds smiling more than him.

Guys like Alex are what pool needs to becomes popular on TV and he doesn't need to act like some of the poker players becoming well known for their behavior like Mike Matsukow, Phil Hellmuth,etc...

He does pool impressions, jumps on the table and rolls around in the money, supposedly has some kind of Bruce Lee act where he kicks balls out of the pockets. Watch the Scott Frost/Pagulayan DCC one pocket match; they both are laughing, and entertainin ghte crowd the whole match. Alex makes a crazy kick shot to win a game and Scott just laughs and shakes his hand. They make pool seem fun.

Name one player who has as much animation and crowd appeal who doesn't act much worse sometimes (the Pearl, for example)