Pool Ball Collecting.

Good question, Mr P.

It is just the balls, case and certificate, dear chap.

No playing cards… or whisky! 🙂
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Incredibly, gentlemen, less than four hours in and we’re already past halfway!

Just 14 sets remain and selling quick!
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It is getting rather late here in the UK, my friends, and I must retire to bed soon.

Before bidding you good night, I wanted to share the quite incredible update that only 9 limited edition Poker Pool sets from 30 now remain available.

It is beyond our wildest expectations to go into single figures on day one, ladies and gentlemen. We are sincerely grateful.

Thank you! 🙏
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Mr Friesth on the way to the post office this morning.

Hello, Bob.

I was led to believe that Aramith had ceased marketing their full sets of the Premier Baseballs, but may be mistaken.
I just ran across these. I guess they are still being made/sold....

View attachment 727508
Bob this guy bought up all the remaining sets Aramith had and is now the only seller of new sets as far as I know. He's who I purchased mine from.

He also sells just and expansion set of the 16-21 balls and the rack but I belive those are poly-resins made in China.

Bob this guy bought up all the remaining sets Aramith had and is now the only seller of new sets as far as I know. He's who I purchased mine from.

He also sells just and expansion set of the 16-21 balls and the rack but I belive those are poly-resins made in China.

There is also another site selling a complete set I have yet to order from yet. I've been watching both sites and the one above I have contacted and he said it is a complete set. fyi
Hello, everyone.

Just a quick update on the Poker Pool balls.

There are now just 8 of the 30 limited edition sets available. We plan to keep availability exclusively to folks here on AZB and a small private collectors’ group on Facebook until the weekend. Then, if any sets remain, to advertise further afield until sold out.

Full details can be found in the FOR SALE section.

Sincere thanks for such wonderful support during our launch, ladies and gentlemen. It is very much appreciated indeed.
A member of our pool ball collecting community is seeking a single XIII ball from a Romanique II set.

If anyone could point them in the right direction it would be sincerely appreciated indeed.

Best wishes,

A member of our pool ball collecting community is seeking a single XIII ball from a Romanique II set.

If anyone could point them in the right direction it would be sincerely appreciated indeed.

Best wishes,

Found one!

I simply cannot understand it… I’ve just purchased yet another super rare set! The Aramith no number Pro Ex.

This sudden run of really rare and desirable sets truly has now become so outlandish to be almost supernaturally spooky. It’s kinda concerning… why me and why now? It is just bizarre in the extreme.

After literally decades of treasure hunting resulting in perhaps one notable purchase per year, if that, all at once these past few months has pretty much seen every set on my wish list acquired. I honestly don’t have any sets left that I really desire anymore. How weird is that?

I simply cannot understand it… I’ve just purchased yet another super rare set! The Aramith no number Pro Ex.

This sudden run of really rare and desirable sets truly has now become so outlandish to be almost supernaturally spooky. It’s kinda concerning… why me and why now? It is just bizarre in the extreme.

After literally decades of treasure hunting resulting in perhaps one notable purchase per year, if that, all at once these past few months has pretty much seen every set on my wish list acquired. I honestly don’t have any sets left that I really desire anymore. How weird is that?

Reproduce this set!!
It’s kinda gone beyond surreal.

The pool balls that have come my way these past few months are not ordinary sets…

Romanique I
Romanique II
Hyatt Lettered
Aramith Striped Pokers
Scanospheric Pokers
Aramith Pro Ex
Aramith Hybrids

I’m struggling to comprehend how such a baffling coincidence can happen. I have spent decades looking for each of those sets… I thought most of them would never be found to be perfectly honest.

And then all of them turn up together at once! It’s simply unfathomable. I’m completely perplexed and shocked how it’s happened.