Pool Ball Collecting.

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Here are my own two precious Billiard Ball Museum limited edition sets, dear reader.

Expertly packaged by Bfriesth and safely delivered across the mighty Atlantic.


Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
It’s very satisfying, and something of which we are proud, that our 30 limited edition sets have rolled their way not only to our respective homes in the United Kingdom and United States, but also to Ireland, Germany, Holland, Romania, Italy and Switzerland.

Eight different countries!

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Poker Pool and Romanique limited edition sets number 15 rolled across the pond to England.

Great photograph, Ben. 🙏


Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Here’s the Billiard Ball Museum limited edition sets (both numbered 28 of 30) with their new owner.

Thanks, James!



Well-known member
I'm not familiar with that event. These were on Ebay and I made an offer that the seller accepted. Not sure of the source.
Ah there was an auction with a set of NOS Aramith poker that went for $25 I was hoping you had snagged that set.

I have two full sets and a partial so picking up a third was not in the cards. Plus I'm saving all my pennies for something else.

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

Just a quick heads up that a charlatan calling himself Larry Johnson is advertising Billiard Ball Museum pool balls for sale on Facebook. He stole our own photographs from posts on AZB.

Please don’t be scammed, folks. 🙏


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

Just a quick heads up that a charlatan calling himself Larry Johnson is advertising Billiard Ball Museum pool balls for sale on Facebook. He stole our own photographs from posts on AZB.

Please don’t be scammed, folks. 🙏
One of the scammers "selling" my ball polisher.