Pool Ball Collecting.

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Hello again, Michael.

Sincere thanks for such kinds words and offer of help regards my Pool Roulette idea. I drew all the illustrations myself, sir… it’s a little hobby of mine.

Alas, having submitted the concept to just about every ball manufacturer on three continents I finally had to accept that the design was just too complex for the tool makers to cast accurately. One for the back burner for now.

Your own venture sounds fascinating, dear chap. I’d love to hear a bit more whenever you’re ready to share publicly. Or if you ever wanted to contact me privately, my personal email address is…


Best wishes. 🙂


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
I just wish I could get a high quality version of new numberless balls. Basically a modern Raschig set without having to spend so much to get them, then be afraid to play with them and damage them. The sets I've seen are usually very worn and scratched up anyway yet they still command a high price due to rarity.

I know there is a set you can buy off of a European website but I've heard they aren't the best quality.

It seems like it should be much easier to make "blank" balls than balls with numbers on them. Maybe I'm a weirdo but I think numberless balls just look nicer.


Greetings Gentlemen,
I've been enjoying this amazing thread about billiard ball collecting for a long time now. I just finished reading the entire thing form start to finish, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. The content, camaraderie, and civility of this online community is unsurpassed, in my experience.

I was fortunate enough to have a 6-foot refurbished coin-op table to play on as a kid growing up in Erie,PA, and some of my favorite memories involved playing 8-ball with my Dad, brother, and uncle. I seem to have caught the collecting bug as of late, so I thought I would post a few pics of what I have so far. Nothing as grand or hard to find as the treasures lauded here, but they will serve as an introduction for now. Additions of Hyatts and Brunswick cents are forthcoming, and from there, who knows?

I also look forward to developing my meager skills and making a friend or two by joining my first league (APA) in Rockaway, NJ.

To the best of my knowledge, the collection includes (from top to bottom):
Aramith Premier Snooker
Cuemate by Vigma
Cue Elf (grey swirls)
Classic Sport
Hyatt "Fancy O's" (1930s clays)
Fei Ma
Xin Kang TV Pro Cup
Dynaspheres Tungsten
Dynaspheres Platinum
Dynaspheres Gold
Predator Arcos II
Aramith Premium

If I am mistaken about any of these, please feel free to set the record straight - I'm here to learn.

I LOVE the Vigma Cue Mates! Also have the laminated instruction poster and rack. I really enjoy the game just can't find anyone around d I terested in a game!

Knockout Pool

New member
I LOVE the Vigma Cue Mates! Also have the laminated instruction poster and rack. I really enjoy the game just can't find anyone around d I terested in a game!
My set included the laminated instructions, but no template for set up. I would make one for myself, but I can't find anyone to play this game either. I purchased on ebay from the creator, Duane R. Smith. He still has six sets available, if anyone is interested.

What do you think about the weighted Queens? I'm an amateur player, but even I can feel a big difference when shooting them. Gotta love the concept though! I think keeping a piece on watch for the opponent's pawn promotion is an important tactic in the game. Need to play more for sure.



Yes the Queens are magnetic if I recall so they can be returned on a coin op table. Really a genius creation. Wish it had really caught on. I also bought the black T Shirt because I think the graphic is so very cool. Really excellent artwork.

Knockout Pool

New member
So I picked up a set of Brunswick Cents and started cleaning them with Aramith Ball Cleaner. I included a picture of the first two balls cleaned (the 8 and 9 balls) and noticed a big difference in the luster and grime removal - you can see the coloration of the white microfiber towel. Even after cleaning, the ivory parts appear to be more yellowish than other ball sets. Is this inherent to this set or is it due to accumulated nicotine build up that I haven't removed?

Brunswick Centennials.png
Centennials uncleaned.png
Aramith ball polisher.png
Brunswick cents box.png

I'm pretty pleased with them and can't wait to see how they play compared to Predator Arcos II and Dynasphere sets...



It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
So I picked up a set of Brunswick Cents and started cleaning them with Aramith Ball Cleaner. I included a picture of the first two balls cleaned (the 8 and 9 balls) and noticed a big difference in the luster and grime removal - you can see the coloration of the white microfiber towel. Even after cleaning, the ivory parts appear to be more yellowish than other ball sets. Is this inherent to this set or is it due to accumulated nicotine build up that I haven't removed?

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I'm pretty pleased with them and can't wait to see how they play compared to Predator Arcos II and Dynasphere sets...

Definitely wait for someone more knowledgeable than me, but I wonder if they will need the Aramith Restorer before the cleaner. Maybe something a bit more aggressive than hand cleaning, see if a pool hall with a diamond polisher will run them through for a few dollars.

That said, it may just be age but probably won't effect playing.

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Just my personal view, of course, but I very much prefer a yellowish tint to the white areas of pool balls. 🙂


So I picked up a set of Brunswick Cents and started cleaning them with Aramith Ball Cleaner. I included a picture of the first two balls cleaned (the 8 and 9 balls) and noticed a big difference in the luster and grime removal - you can see the coloration of the white microfiber towel. Even after cleaning, the ivory parts appear to be more yellowish than other ball sets. Is this inherent to this set or is it due to accumulated nicotine build up that I haven't removed?

View attachment 756912View attachment 756913View attachment 756914View attachment 756915

I'm pretty pleased with them and can't wait to see how they play compared to Predator Arcos II and Dynasphere sets...

I had a set for 20 years that got pretty run down. I cleaned them well and they were that awesome yellow antique color still. I bought a brand new set last year and they were a little yellowish from the factory. Very unlike my Aramith Tournaments which are very white. Much like Rubik I find them much more visually impressive as they age.

Knockout Pool

New member
Hey Ball Collectors,

I picked up a set of Hyatt Challengers, and I'm loving them! I don't know what it is about this set, but I'm playing noticeably better. Maybe I perceive them as vintage and shoot softer? Whatever it is, I'm not complaining. They cleaned up really well. I haven't seen muted colors quite like these and I really like them, especially the "tangerine" orange - the blue is interesting too.

The red and maroon colors are not so easy for me to distinguish, and with the numbers on the solids being rather nondescript, I have to look twice sometimes when shooting 9-ball. Actually, the cue ball and the one-ball can also look rather alike to me.

Hyatt Challenger Ball Set.png
Hyatt Challengers cleaned.png

One other thing I noticed, the sound these make when dropping into a pocket on top of other balls is exactly what I expected. I would describe it as a "plastic" sound, low in pitch and rather hollow sounding. By comparison, I was really surprised by the high-pitched clinking sound that my Brunswick Centennials make when landing in a loaded pocket at pocket-speed; they really sound like they are made out of glass. Others have commented here on different sounds made by various balls, mostly while breaking them. Give a listen to your Brunswicks clacking together in a pocket and let me know if you hear a noticeable difference...



Hey Ball Collectors,

I picked up a set of Hyatt Challengers, and I'm loving them! I don't know what it is about this set, but I'm playing noticeably better. Maybe I perceive them as vintage and shoot softer? Whatever it is, I'm not complaining. They cleaned up really well. I haven't seen muted colors quite like these and I really like them, especially the "tangerine" orange - the blue is interesting too.

The red and maroon colors are not so easy for me to distinguish, and with the numbers on the solids being rather nondescript, I have to look twice sometimes when shooting 9-ball. Actually, the cue ball and the one-ball can also look rather alike to me.

View attachment 757409View attachment 757410

One other thing I noticed, the sound these make when dropping into a pocket on top of other balls is exactly what I expected. I would describe it as a "plastic" sound, low in pitch and rather hollow sounding. By comparison, I was really surprised by the high-pitched clinking sound that my Brunswick Centennials make when landing in a loaded pocket at pocket-speed; they really sound like they are made out of glass. Others have commented here on different sounds made by various balls, mostly while breaking them. Give a listen to your Brunswicks clacking together in a pocket and let me know if you hear a noticeable difference...

A very interesting comment on the sound. I own 20 something sets, and I do honestly believe I could pick out the Centennials, Vigmas, and Dynaspheres blindfolded. They really are distinct. I also like your thought that you may be shooting softer! That is such a good thought. One of my best friends favorite comment when we play and I hit too hard is... "speed kills" :)


I was given two sets of balls with a table I'm restoring. Presumably they are from a defunct pool hall and are about 25 years old. Are they identifiable?


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Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Welcome to AZB, dear fellow.

They look like Aramith Premiers at first glance, Mr R, but one of the countless copy sets that have been made in China over the years is also possible.

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Attention all Billiard Ball Museum collectors.

We are delighted to announce that our second limited edition set is now available. Private emails have been sent to all our previous (Poker Pool) customers who retain guaranteed first dibs.

Please let us know if you did not receive the message.

Best wishes,

The Billiard Ball Museum.


So this sold yesterday on ebay. I am really interested in finding out if this was for a specific game or a mimic ball. If it was for a game, what the games was. Thanks for any guidance.

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
It has the look of a Tru-Line ball by Pearce Simpson of Florida to me, Mr P, but that is purely speculation.

I have seen the ball before, but really don’t have a clue as to its purpose, dear chap. I would hazard a guess it might just be a fun novelty.

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Good morning, everyone.

The Billiard Ball Museum is proud to report that its second limited edition pool ball set, Romanique 3, was successfully launched a few weeks ago.

As you can see in the images below, ladies and gentlemen, the thirty sets were presented in what we truly believe to be the finest billiard ball box ever created. With solid walnut construction throughout, recessed brass hinges, magnetic closing mechanism and laser-etched logo, it is testament to beautiful American craftsmanship.

Sincere thanks to the pool ball collecting community. Your continued interest and kind words of support make all the hard work worthwhile.