Pool Ball Collecting.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Your continued contributions to this thread and throughout AZB as a whole this past few years, Rubik's, have been nothing short of stellar - and this latest update and contribution of yours is simply exemplary, sir!

Thank you for taking precious time to organize this index for everyone to use comparing sets or just looking for information - what a great idea brought to life.


~ K.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Today's contribution centers on yet another "backyard find" (literally a backyard rummage sale) from this summer's quest for something a bit different...

The latest Highskore Solid Circle ball set:


Not the best of shape by any means - but different from the few other Highskore balls sets I have in the collection with these having colored-in backgrounds with the white numerals. The other set that they sold is similar without colored backgrounds and having the double circle accompanying the lower numbers...


~ K
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Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Good morning, Ghosst. :)

Excellent work, sir, thank you very much indeed. I'll ensure to include those sightings on the next update (along with K2K's interesting new Highskore find of course).

Good morning, K2K. :)

A fine idea regards the inclusion of a date stamp and post reference on the index, they will definitely appear next time.

Best wishes,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The latest to be showcased from my collection today has also been offered up by none other than the creator of this "pool ball collecting" thread, the magnificent Rubik's Cube himself - back a few pages in thread #583: the Aramith Tournament TV Pro-Cup ball set.

I am well aware of the varied opinions that ball sets specifically created for TV viewing have across both the AZB forums and the local players, but would like to share a few thoughts concerning the variations and what really makes this set the very best of them all. IMO of course

Most would agree that the typical objection to any "TV ball set" stems from the odd colors chosen by the powers-that-be in production to help us (as viewers) distinguish the blues from the purples and the maroons from the reds and even changing the greens for whatever reason we don't understand. Because, let's face it, the numbers are hard to read when watching from a wide angle camera perspective.

This is where Aramith showcases their brilliance, folks. And it began (presumably) with someone realizing at Saluc one afternoon, that the answer has been in front of them for decades! An ah-ha moment to be sure.


Other than the US, Snooker has been capturing the attention of viewers and players around the globe - and most are intimately familiar with their trademark single point reds of course, followed then by the easily distinguishable yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black balls for 2-7 points respectively. There is no way anyone has EVER had trouble telling those colors apart from any other ball on the baize. Even when they briefly played Snooker Plus on the telly with the glorious Aramith orange and purple balls, nary a word was uttered about having difficulty telling which ball was which on the table.

In traditional American or English Snooker, there are no maroons or purples --- they are of course using pinks and browns. So, why not carry over that brilliantly SIMPLE notion with the 1-15 numbered balls. Aramith style. Using the exact color formulations from their Snooker set offerings.


And just so you can compare them (with slightly inferior pictures, I admit) to the traditional Aramith Tournament ball set as well as the other typical TV version we are seeing quite often - the early Cyclop adaptation....I have posted them below to let you form your own opinion.



In parting, I will say this: after playing with the Aramith Tournament TV Pro-Cup balls for a few racks and allowing the brain to accept this new "normal", these updated 4/12 and 7/15 colors are significantly easier to distinguish from any distance. A true pleasure to play them.

Until next time, folks

~ K.
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Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Absolutely fantastic images, and equally professional appraisal, Mr K.

The subtle adjustment of camera work is also not lost on me, I'd wager a pound to a penny that many hours of diligent study and practice was invested into that little project. Bravo, sir, perfectly done! :)

Best wishes,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And what a beautiful collection of favorites, branpureza!

Those Zig Zags are spectacular. I've been on a search for a set for some time, so if you know of a set......



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Is there any value for the wooden ball box from Hyatt? I saw one at the antique mall this weekend. The balls are just some cheapos but curious on the collect ability of the boxes?


  • hyatt.jpg
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Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Good morning, gentlemen. :)

Some truly beautiful additions to the thread, sincere thanks for sharing your collections.

Pocket: What a wonderful set of Poker Balls. I must confess that I have never seen that particular design before, which is exciting in itself. Are they for sale, sir?

Best wishes,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good morning, gentlemen. :)

Some truly beautiful additions to the thread, sincere thanks for sharing your collections.

Pocket: What a wonderful set of Poker Balls. I must confess that I have never seen that particular design before, which is exciting in itself. Are they for sale, sir?

Best wishes,

Yeah, I'm sure he would sell them. He was looking to me to determine their value. Set is missing one ball (as I'm sure you noticed). Based on their look, feel and sound these are clay?


F* ks Given...Zero
Silver Member
Good morning, gentlemen. :)

Some truly beautiful additions to the thread, sincere thanks for sharing your collections.

Pocket: What a wonderful set of Poker Balls. I must confess that I have never seen that particular design before, which is exciting in itself. Are they for sale, sir?

Best wishes,

I went through the thread and I'm amazed just how many different sets there have been. Hands down one of my favorite threads for sure! I may have missed it and I apologize if i did but do you display these somehow or just store them?

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member

I did indeed notice the missing ball, sir. What a damned shame, eh? I still think they're a beautiful set nevertheless and would love to see some more pictures, perhaps with a few words on their condition etc. Many thanks again for sharing.


Welcome to the thread, sir, always great to see a new face on the board. Alas in my case, living in a very small apartment, it is necessary to store my collection in trunks up in an attic space. :( Oh, how I would dearly love a mahogany-panelled pool room with bespoke cabinets lining the walls in which to display my treasured billiard balls.

A regular contributor to the thread, Branpureza, crafts wonderful cabinets as a hobby. A very talented gentleman indeed.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I went through the thread and I'm amazed just how many different sets there have been. Hands down one of my favorite threads for sure! I may have missed it and I apologize if i did but do you display these somehow or just store them?

Welcome to the thread, HUKIT! Hopefully there are a few ball sets that have been shared on these pages to inspire a long lost, forgotten game or even plan a future ball set for your table playing days :)

Regarding your question as to storage or display of any ball sets within a collection, I can only speak for myself as one of the collectors within this thread, that I display ever ball set owned - with over half of them openly arranged on shelving within a dedicated ball vault if you will to the other half of the collection being behind cabinet doors within the game room for easy access and viewing. I actually play every ball set owned regardless of the vintage, condition or value, with 95% of the sets I have being in near flawless condition. Some obviously get played more than others, but even the clay Hyatt’s are brought out for a slower paced game of One Pocket Points or Rotation - depending on the friends and guests of course

If you have a ball set or two lying around that you’d like to share or tell us all about, please don’t hesitate one more second! I’m sure I speak for nearly every member contributing or perusing this thread when I say it’s the stories and experiences behind most of the ball sets we all own that makes them special in one way or another.

So - what else do you AZB members have out there by way of balls, sets or stories that you’re not sharing or even hiding?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok......writing that last piece on how nearly every ball set must have a unique story, here is one I somewhat reluctantly agreed to purchase this summer....mostly for the story

I am told by an eagle-eyed friend of mine that a guy is selling a set of NASCAR balls. With the older design logo. 70 years of history is hard to ignore. Plus, I have a few nephews and friends that think NASCAR is more important than anniversaries and birthdays, so it couldn’t hurt to have a set in the collection. Could it?

Turns out, “the guy” actually has 3 sets of new, never used NASCAR balls in original boxes for sale. “Out of pure curiosity, may I enquire as to why you are selling three boxes of these same balls, mister?” I asked. “Well”, he says, “my wife decided to throw a surprise birthday party for me on the damnedest of weekends - a big race weekend - and no one showed up! But they all sent gifts. And three of them sent me these here NASCAR ball sets! What do they do - they all went to the race instead of my party. So I decided to show them boys and sell em! Keeping one set for myself of course. The one set my wife bought for me when she realized the party she planned for me was on a big race weekend and prolly felt guilty.” (Words used were his - I’m just sharing the experience, remember?)

Well, that kind of story is hard to turn away from, so lo and behold these doozies show up a few days later perfectly wrapped and packed like it was a family heirloom - I’m guessing the wife did the packaging as well:


I wish he would have at least grabbed the set without the crooked 9 ball

Now the bet around my house is when in the world will anyone want to play pool with these NASCAR balls - and I have a crisp Franklin saying it will be before New Years Eve.

Anyone want to help me win this bet
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Happy to help! Just let me know when :grin:

Ok......writing that last piece on how nearly every ball set must have a unique story, here is one I somewhat reluctantly agreed to purchase this summer....mostly for the story

I am told by an eagle-eyed friend of mine that a guy is selling a set of NASCAR balls. With the older design logo. 70 years of history is hard to ignore. Plus, I have a few nephews and friends that think NASCAR is more important than anniversaries and birthdays, so it couldn’t hurt to have a set in the collection. Could it?

Turns out, “the guy” actually has 3 sets of new, never used NASCAR balls in original boxes for sale. “Out of pure curiosity, may I enquire as to why you are selling three boxes of these same balls, mister?” I asked. “Well”, he says, “my wife decided to throw a surprise birthday party for me on the damnedest of weekends - a big race weekend - and no one showed up! But they all sent gifts. And three of them sent me these here NASCAR ball sets! What do they do - they all went to the race instead of my party. So I decided to show them boys and sell em! Keeping one set for myself of course. The one set my wife bought for me when she realized the party she planned for me was on a big race weekend and prolly felt guilty.” (Words used were his - I’m just sharing the experience, remember?)

Well, that kind of story is hard to turn away from, so lo and behold these doozies show up a few days later perfectly wrapped and packed like it was a family heirloom - I’m guessing the wife did the packaging as well:


I wish he would have at least grabbed the set without the crooked 9 ball

Now the bet around my house is when in the world will anyone want to play pool with these NASCAR balls - and I have a crisp Franklin saying it will be before New Years Eve.

Anyone want to help me win this bet


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Happy to help! Just let me know when :grin:

You’re on, zen master - we’ll coordinate soon

I imagine you think you’ve got the pole position don’t you? Balls will be NASCAR of course, but you haven’t seen the game we’re playing yet.

~ K.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
back on topic

Do any of you that collect billiard balls also collect Carom Balls?

I haven't checked the entire thread but I haven't seen any.