IF you happen to be after EVERY billiard ball set that the great Aramith offers, you’d eventually be led down a phosphors path mysteriously illuminated by the invisible ultraviolet light that can be had for mere espresso money - good ole black light bulbs from Halloween parties and the secret college soirées
Aramith markets their specialty ball set as a ‘Glow In The Dark kit’ complete with everything you’d need for a special or nutty pool-night.....except the fluorescent black light bulbs of course. Easy enough though. Amazon prime will have a few to you tomorrow if you hit the right buttons.
I’ll say this - Aramith never disappoints. We’ve all come to know that whatever has their (authentic) name on, we can rest assured of one thing: highest quality.
These GITD beauties won’t disappoint. Even under normal lights. They are as perfect as the Tournaments in every way. They play like every other high-end ball set and clean up flawlessly with minimal efforts. They have unique coloring....
The deepest and richest mulberry/maroon you’ll find this side of Crayola. Radiant blues and reds. A reverse 8-ball that is pure perfection. Neon greens you’ll never confuse with any other ball either. Pure purple passion with the 4 and 12.
When I have a few extra minutes to switch out some of the ceiling lights in my pool room to make these beauties jump off the baize, I’ll snag a few other photos to show how they change from fun to fantastic - - Especially if you serve up a fine 18-year Cardhu Single Malt Scotch Whisky favored by our very own Rubik’s Cube and served to equally fine friends on Pals & Pool nights.
Cheers, everyone!
