Pool Table diagrams


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I give lessons and write about pool. Recently I decided I want to start including diagrams for my local people, so I need a pool table diagram with balls going where ever I want them. I will be using word and my email, NO forums. I tried pool.bz but could not get it to work. Anyone know of a site or soft ware I can use for this application? Jim S.


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
I gotta say, pool.bz is pretty much the tops for this. Not a ton of other options available, unless you happen to have a program like photoshop?

IMO It's worth the extra hassle to get pool.bz working. I'd be glad to offer assistance, I do tech support all the time for this sort of thing.

To get it going you need shockwave first, which you can get here:

Afterwards, pool.bz might work (if something pops up asking permission to run you will say yes).

If it doesn't, let me know and we'll figure it out.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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I gotta say, pool.bz is pretty much the tops for this. ...
I'd go with Virtual Pool and one of the many free screen grabbers. VP has the tremendous advantage of showing actual ball paths on shots. It can also show close-ups with much better resolution than on pool.bz.
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Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
Looking at their site, it looks like at least one version is being offered for free... is the freebie a full version, or at least enough to draw diagrams? Also, any example of what a top-down virtual pool diagram would look like?