Pool Tournaments During COVID Pandemic


I am the storm
Silver Member
Johnny Archer just tested positive for COVID after competing in the 5 Rivers Holiday Classic 9-ball event at Jac's All American Billiards & Brews in Tennessee. He has a fever and is in pain from coughing. I pray for Johnny to have a full recovery.

Everybody on-site at that event should get tested. It is a shame folks did not wear masks and practice social distancing. Photos below are from the event in Tennessee. When you play pool, you touch the rack, the balls, the table, the bridge, et cetera. COVID germs can be transmitted on surfaces. One person can infect thousands and not know it, and some people get COVID but are asymptomatic and never know it, yet they can transmit the virus to others who can get deathly sick.

Pool events continue to happen daily, yet I read pool people are getting sick and/or dying from COVID daily. Do you think it is okay to have pool tournaments like this during the pandemic? I realize this is a difficult and contentious issue. Pool rooms are suffering from the economy, and pool players, social shooters and pros, have nothing to shoot for anymore. Weekly leagues are ongoing, but I see very few people social distancing or wearing masks.

Share your thoughts.


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AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Johnny Archer just tested positive for COVID after competing in the 5 Rivers Holiday Classic 9-ball event at Jac's All American Billiards & Brews in Tennessee. He has a fever and is in pain from coughing. I pray for Johnny to have a full recovery.

Everybody on-site at that event should get tested. It is a shame folks did not wear masks and practice social distancing. Photos below are from the event in Tennessee. When you play pool, you touch the rack, the balls, the table, the bridge, et cetera. COVID germs can be transmitted on surfaces. One person can infect thousands and not know it, and some people get COVID but are asymptomatic and never know it, yet they can transmit the virus to others who can get deathly sick.

Pool events continue to happen daily, yet I read pool people are getting sick and/or dying from COVID daily. Do you think it is okay to have pool tournaments like this during the pandemic? I realize this is a difficult and contentious issue. Pool rooms are suffering from the economy, and pool players, social shooters and pros, have nothing to shoot for anymore. Weekly leagues are ongoing, but I see very few people social distancing or wearing masks.

Share your thoughts.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Haven't been in a poolroom since early March and I usually hit one of the rooms 5 days a week.
Dying to play tournaments again but I'll pass for now.
Poolrooms closed down again as of today in Pa.


I am the storm
Silver Member
Stupid is as stupid does.
Haven't been in a poolroom since early March and I usually hit one of the rooms 5 days a week.
Dying to play tournaments again but I'll pass for now.
Poolrooms closed down again as of today in Pa.
What is challenging to understand is one person can be asymptomatic and not show any symptoms, yet they can transmit the virus to others. Johnny Archer may have already had COVID before this event and did not realize it until he got symptoms. I think I had COVID earlier this year in January before they made the announcement about it. I have never been that sick in my life, and I thought I was going to die. 101 temperature for over a week and the coughing was so bad, dry cough, that my chest felt like it was going to explode. I could not sleep because of the wheezing. My body was weak. I was sick 3 weeks like this. I went to urgent care center, and at that time, they said I had the flu. I still think it was COVID.

The flippant attitude of those who say it's a "personal choice" whether they want to play pool in public and not wear a mask is concerning. The mask is to prevent the person wearing the mask from spreading the virus. It's not 100 percent safe, but it is 1,000 percent better than no mask. The social distancing is key. Also washing hands and sanitizer. In pool, everybody is touching the same rack, balls, and table. It would be hard to sanitize after each touching. They do it in snooker tournaments, though. In USA, the attitude of some that don't give a damn about this pandemic is why the USA has the most cases of deaths, and it's continuing to climb.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I guess some of us aren’t afraid of a less the 2% chance of dying if you get it all. Most people aren’t showing symptoms. If I can work 50 hours a week in it I can play pool. If your worried stay home. I’m not. I couldn’t possibly care any less honestly.


I am the storm
Silver Member
I guess some of us aren’t afraid of a less the 2% chance of dying if you get it all. Most people aren’t showing symptoms. If I can work 50 hours a week in it I can play pool. If your worried stay home. I’m not. I couldn’t possibly care any less honestly.
Would you feel bad if you weren't showing symptoms and transmitted it to someone who died? How would you feel then? You might not even know it, sad to say. I appreciate your sharing your opinion politely, though. Thanks. :)


'AZB_Combat Certified'
I guess some of us aren’t afraid of a less the 2% chance of dying if you get it all.
+300k of your countrymen/woman aren't afraid of it anymore either....

The restrictions in my part of the world are ramping up again, and with them are the end of tournaments once more. In all the halls I've been in since the pandemic started. The patrons all have masks on their person. While a good portion use them correctly, a healthy percentage use them to catch the drool rollling off their chin.

There are still tournaments to take part in, but you have to travel to get out of the business restricted areas. These events are getting in higher and higher demand obviously. I just reached out to a TD last night to see about availability for this upcoming Saturday event, and he has a 32 player wait list for a full 50 player feild....lol
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I am the storm
Silver Member
+300k of your countrymen/woman aren't afraid of it anymore either....

The restrictions in my part of the world are ramping up again, and with them are the end of tournaments once more. In all the halls I've been in since the pandemic started. The patrons all have masks on their person. While a good portion use them correctly, a healthy percentage use them to catch the drool rollling off their chin.
I was kind of upset a few months ago when Matchroom wrote they were canceling an event in USA. Allison Fisher wrote in a thread that it is because the USA is not handling the pandemic the way the rest of the world is, and that is why nobody wants to take a chance and come here. At first, I found her comment a wee bit annoying, but now I understand why she wrote it. She's right.


I am the storm
Silver Member
People have died every day before and during covid and they'll continue to die after it, I won't ever be a person to tell someone how to live their life .
I could get run over by a truck when I cross the street, but if I look both ways and be careful, I will not get hit by that truck.

Texas is number two on the COVID list for deaths and transmission at the time of this writing, sad to say. California is number one. The death toll is rising daily in the United States because of people believing they have the right to go out as a personal choice and not wear a mask or social distance. You can see how well that's working now with COVID in the USA.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it. It is good to learn how folks around the world think on this issue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Masks don't work. Stop being so damn gullible and believing the bullshit fear porn being put out 24x7. That afraid, stay the fuck home.
Masks do REDUCE the transmission radius.

That said, I think with all the confirmed diagnoses, there are far more undiagnosed cases and most folks will be ok in the long run.

I tell you what though, it seems folks can get it more than once, with antibodies decreasing to ineffective levels in 6-9+ months. It would suck to find out that repeated infection leads to more significant sickness for each individual. If that is documented....we'll think 2020 was nothing, re: restrictions.

Pool halls and tournaments would not be the first scene I'd return to, for sure.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't get the cavalier attitude toward covid but it is certainly prevalent in my world, especially the churches. How enlightening. And I had four high school friends die from covid in about a month recently and others became deathly ill; they are lucky they did not die. But they are still suffering. Pool tournaments and league play, it seems rather silly to continue them during a pandemic. As for social distancing and wearing a mask, I'll lower my odds and do both, as I absolutely do NOT want to become a covid statistic due to arrogance. Anyone can catch it at any time unless they 100% isolate but the key is to lower the odds. I'm in. And as someone said above, I would be devastated to know I transmitted the killer virus to someone else or multiple others due to my arrogance.

The evidence that the cavalier attitude prevalent in the USA is not working is ridiculously obvious. And it might cost you or a loved one life itself.

The other biggie is the hospital system becoming overwhelmed. We're very close or there now. This is why someone's lack of cooperation is bad; it affects everybody else. There are only so many beds to go around.

I can only hope that this bug does not keep mutating. We really do not know yet what we have. Best of luck to everyone!

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
I could get run over by a truck when I cross the street, but if I look both ways and be careful, I will not get hit by that truck.

Texas is number two on the COVID list for deaths and transmission at the time of this writing, sad to say. California is number one. The death toll is rising daily in the United States because of people believing they have the right to go out as a personal choice and not wear a mask or social distance. You can see how well that's working now with COVID in the USA.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it. It is good to learn how folks around the world think on this issue.

And people get hit killed by incoming traffic on the highway late nights is nothing new.
I'm greatful to have personal choice rather than being ruled over


I am the storm
Silver Member
And people get hit killed by incoming traffic on the highway late nights is nothing new.
I'm greatful to have personal choice rather than being ruled over
Personal choice could be killing others, but I'm glad you're happy with your personal choice. May you live a long life.

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
I feel sorry for Texans, number two in the United States for COVID transmissions and deaths. Yeah, personal choice. How's that working for Texas?

Alvin texas chose to not mandate masks, it's their choice to wear or not


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And people get hit killed by incoming traffic on the highway late nights is nothing new.
I'm greatful to have personal choice rather than being ruled over

It's unethical and illegal to drive while drunk because you are a hazard to others lives. If you refuse to wear a mask nor social distance during a pandemic, when the healthcare system is nearing capacity, you are a hazard to others. Not just due to covid risk. If the healthcare system has no way to take you in when you have a health crisis unrelated to covid, everyone who didn't cooperate with the guidelines because they felt it infringes on their rights worsened the problem.

Would like to see your response to that, truly curious. Change my mind.