Poor Losers Refuse to Shake Your Hand When Beat


Don't you just hate when a poor loser makes all the excuses why he didn't beat you and refuses to shake your hand?

I just say: "I got lucky!" (Firepower and lock up safeties) :thumbup::D
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from way back when
Silver Member
i fall into that category. i dont want to shake your hand if you just beat me. and i dont want you offering to shake my hand.


Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
Don't you just hate when a poor loser makes all the excuses why he didn't beat you and refuses to shake your hand?

I just say: "I got lucky!" (Firepower and lock up safeties) :thumbup::D

2 kinds of players...bad sports and good sports.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Me too

i fall into that category. i dont want to shake your hand if you just beat me. and i dont want you offering to shake my hand.

You do it in tournaments and leagues. I've never seen it when gambling. I would sure
be careful of offering a nice hand shake and "good match" after busting someone.
Although I know it would really take the sting out of going busted, losing my cue,
pistol,and ring, for me anyway.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
Staff member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Don't you just hate when a poor loser makes all the excuses why he didn't beat you and refuses to shake your hand? ...
Sometimes the problem is the thieving, cheating winner. No matter how good a sport you are, there are a few people whose hands just shouldn't be shaken. Fortunately, I don't recall any opponent of mine quite that bad in tournaments. Well, maybe one, but he didn't win, so he got a handshake.
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Call me Grace
Silver Member
I think as the winner of the match you should acknowledge your opponent and offer respect due to another player....... unless they were a dick. Then it's on


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When they refuse to shake my hand, it's because they lost and they lost by a substantial margin. I can tell they are really angry and throwing their childish temper tantrum. If it's aimed at me, I throw a little icing on the cake I and tell them while their buddies are listening "If you'd like, I can book you an easier game."
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one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You do it in tournaments and leagues. I've never seen it when gambling. I would sure
be careful of offering a nice hand shake and "good match" after busting someone.
Although I know it would really take the sting out of going busted, losing my cue,
pistol,and ring, for me anyway.

A true warrior respects his opponent I love a sign of weakness



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When they refuse to shake my hand, it's because they lost and they lost by a substantial margin. I can tell they are really angry and throwing their childish temper tantrum. If it's aimed at me, I throw a little icing on the cake I and tell them while their buddies are listening "If you'd like, I can book you an easier game."

I actually did this to a guy one time. Me and my buddy "Captivebred", from the forum were playing when in walks this kid in his early 20s, wearing a 1970s looking pimp suit. It was one of those double take situations.
Anyways, he starts barking, so I play him some 8 ball. Kid is a C player at best, and after beating him out of a little bit, I recommended he play my buddy over here, as he might be closer to his speed. I fibbed though..;). :thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In handicapped tournaments I've had losers refuse to shake my hand and run off to the tournament director to have my handicap raised immediately. It wasn't;)


Seen Your Member
Silver Member
i fall into that category. i dont want to shake your hand if you just beat me. and i dont want you offering to shake my hand.

You are what this thread is about... a poor loser. You really shouldn't be gambling if you don't have the money to lose. Seriously!
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I see you made it through day one, well done. Maybe tomorrow you could step it up a bit.

Im thinking you could get a cte/ toi of your own.

You need others to get excited enough to get themselves banned.

I wish you good luck!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don't you just hate when a poor loser makes all the excuses why he didn't beat you and refuses to shake your hand?

No I don't hate it.

I could care less if someone shakes my hand or not.

Why is everyone constantly wining and complaining and getting butt soar from what other people do or don't do?
Geeez.....if someone won't shake your hand what does it really matter?

Had one guy tonight who wouldn't do it. Just packed up his cue and left.
So what? No I didn't hate it at all. Just happy I won is all.


recreational banger
Silver Member
Maybe being germ phobic enters in? I don't like playing anyone with a bad cold...let alone shake hands after they've been covering their cough with their right hand.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have refused to shake hands with "Dave", and choose to fist bump instead after he crushed my hand the first time we played.

My first night of league a couple years ago, I had a very nice out and a big win. My opponent was obviously upset and refused my handshake. Maybe she thought I shouldn't be in the B league.

In a local tournament that I help with, I really dislike it that one player will shake hands after every game. Geez, wait until the match is over.. time is short, keep it moving... I had to switch the winner and loser on the bracket after the first time it happened.
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Seen Your Member
Silver Member
Being germ phobic, the other person acting like a jerk and the bone crushing handshake are all very good reasons not to shake hands after a match. But not just because you lost.


Belgian Malinois
Silver Member
It's usually a mean safety game that results in the non-handshake. Run outs don't piss em off nearly as much.


I even see this kind of poor sportsmanship sometimes when I watch the pros on YouTube. Loser reluctantly engages in a half assed handshake, without eye contact. Sulks back to his chair. The sort of conduct my dad would have smacked me on the head for when I was a kid.

It's amateur, disrespectful, and I'm sure harmful to the game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think it's a sign of emotional immaturity when an opponent won't extend his or her hand, except in situations where someone has cheated.

The match is over, congratulate the winner and move on.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No I don't hate it.

I could care less if someone shakes my hand or not.

Why is everyone constantly wining and complaining and getting butt soar from what other people do or don't do?
Geeez.....if someone won't shake your hand what does it really matter?

Had one guy tonight who wouldn't do it. Just packed up his cue and left.
So what? No I didn't hate it at all. Just happy I won is all.

This post is spot on.

I think I've always shook someones hand but people love to judge others on their worst moments and oneself at our best moments. Give people a damn break.