Quitting winner...eh, when can I quit


The Pool Guy
Silver Member
People don't like to lose... and by neutral do you mean this is your first game? If so... then I believe you should at least play one more game and if you win, then bounce, if not then your even again, and you may want to play again... I've never really gambled.. but do be aware of hustlers haha... then again I don't know how good you are.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"If you beat a blackjack dealer out of money, would you offer him a chance to win the money back? MT. Cheverest, just like pool, you owe your opponent nothing. You gambled, he gambled you are both taking a chance period!"

Correct me if I`m wrong but if you beating a black jack dealer(I`m assuming you mean a casino dealer) out of money it is not his money it`s the casino`s.In a private game the dealer might be betting his own money.
Also if you compare a card game to a pool game you have to make it a fair comparison.A 5 handed poker game would be the same as a 5 handed ring game.If someone quits the others will probally keep playing and you will have a chance to get some of your money back.
Now if you and 1 other person are playing heads up cards then it would be the same as you and that person playing a set of pool.
Now lets say that you and that 1 person play no limit heads up poker.You play about 10 hands and the guy you are playing is catching every card he needs and is up a good chunk of your cash.Now he gets a bad hand and says he folds and quits.Your stuck and have no chance at getting your cash back.
Now you tell us that you wouldn`t be mad and try to get him to play more? I highly doubt it.
By what some of you have posted you would just smile shake his hand and leave without a bad thought.Sorry but seriously doubt it.
If it`s a multi handed game thats different because there are still chances to get even.i haven`t read anyone yet that has talked about losing at cards heads up.
Just posting my opinions.
I`m not ever going to play someone and not give them a shot at their money back but thats me.


The Pool Guy
Silver Member
"If you beat a blackjack dealer out of money, would you offer him a chance to win the money back? MT. Cheverest, just like pool, you owe your opponent nothing. You gambled, he gambled you are both taking a chance period!"

Correct me if I`m wrong but if you beating a black jack dealer(I`m assuming you mean a casino dealer) out of money it is not his money it`s the casino`s.In a private game the dealer might be betting his own money.
Also if you compare a card game to a pool game you have to make it a fair comparison.A 5 handed poker game would be the same as a 5 handed ring game.If someone quits the others will probally keep playing and you will have a chance to get some of your money back.
Now if you and 1 other person are playing heads up cards then it would be the same as you and that person playing a set of pool.
Now lets say that you and that 1 person play no limit heads up poker.You play about 10 hands and the guy you are playing is catching every card he needs and is up a good chunk of your cash.Now he gets a bad hand and says he folds and quits.Your stuck and have no chance at getting your cash back.
Now you tell us that you wouldn`t be mad and try to get him to play more? I highly doubt it.
By what some of you have posted you would just smile shake his hand and leave without a bad thought.Sorry but seriously doubt it.
If it`s a multi handed game thats different because there are still chances to get even.i haven`t read anyone yet that has talked about losing at cards heads up.
Just posting my opinions.
I`m not ever going to play someone and not give them a shot at their money back but thats me.

Nobody really likes to lose... but what he was asking was if it's wrong to get challenged, play one game then leave. I think not.


I'm better with a wedge!
Silver Member
That's fine, I respect your priorities. I on the otherhand keep playing if I am winning. My wife undestands that if there is an ATM at the poolroom that's spitting out $20 bills I am gonna stay. It's not like it happens every day, and I play mostly at home anyway. It ain't about needing the money to buy her dinner either, as a CPA I earn plenty. I think Eddie said it best: "Money won is twice as sweet as money earned!" That's just me. I respect other viewpoints, but I don't necessarily understand them.

lol, my wife would say, let someone else stand in front of the ATM spewing $20 bills, and let's go do something. And honestly, I feel the same way, in fact, if I'm winning every single set from someone, I'm gonna get bored, and offer a spot to make it more interesting. More than 3-4 hours in a poolhall and I get restless anyway....

I don't expect everyone to understand, just like I don't understand the fun in clubbing baby seals. To some that is the ultimate goal in pool. The guy who can't win willing to play until he takes out X amount of mortgages on his house; I don't want that at all.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
One game of pool is not a big deal.
I played $100 a game 9 ball recently.I was stuck $900 and got back even.My opponent ask me if I wanted to quit.I said lets play one more game so someone wins other than the poolroom(tabletime)I lost and payed.No problem.We had a good conversation afterwards and he left.I will most likely not see him again as he was from a different part of the u.s. but he did keep playing me instead of quiting me $900 winner.For that reason alone he will always have action with me and can always bet it up.I have alot of respect for someone like that.
I know a person that will loose money in the 6 figure range playing pool.Not dippy.
He was playing a pro and his road partner(not naming names) and the pro had him stuck $60,000 they adjusted the game and the whale started getting his money back and they pulled up $35,000 winner.They can never get action with him again.They have tried several times.I bet if they had it to do over again they wouldn`t quit winner.They would have let him get even and then tried to adjust.If they had done that he would still be playing them.
He has probally lost over 7 figures in the last 10 years.