I had always thought these old guys giving me crap about safety play were just old bangers that were mad about me beating them. Recently I had a 70 y/o man come over to a table I was pratcing on after he finished dinner with his wife, he asked to play some 8 ball. I slowed things down in the first rack but it was clear pretty quickly he was going to give me all I could handle. After he won the first rack I played a tight game, safeties, took ball in hand on fouls and won the next three. He waited till I was racking to make a comment about safety play, and how it used to never be like that. This was the first time I believed it as he seemed to be a great player at 70 so I figured he wasn't full of it. He didn't give me a hard time but he didn't like it either. I explained why a good hit was imparitive otherwise you can just roll the cue ball wherever you wanted. He didn't bother to explain to me what he likely meant, that they simply didn't believe in playing safe and it was a cowards way of playing, he was likely just being nice
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In the old days before Texas Express took hold, bar rules were that you always had to try a shot. You could sneak in a two-way shot or get away with “I’m just trying to hit it” but an obvious safety could get you taken out back. Road players knew this well. The mentality the OP is facing just grew out of that history and never caught up. It is odd to see that in a rotation game as most get the rules and strategy explained to them before they play. But it is common to see no safeties in a ring 9-ball game. But even then you hear players boast that they gave an “honest effort” with a smile on their face.
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The ring game no safe thing makes sense, there is also no ball in hand, but behind the line in the games i have seen. I mean if you play a safe, you are not benefiting you but the player after the guy you played a safe on.
So on Friday nights I play in a small town rotation league. They do not like safeties at all most of them. There are a hand full of decent teams and the rest not so great. We were playing the worst team in the league Friday night and I was playing a gentleman that hit the ball real hard. This rotation game is slop as long as you hit the lowest ball on the table first anything can go in. Well he made 3 shots that went 4 rails and fell in, not in the pocket he was intending. So he hooked me on a shot and I played a safety and he blew up saying it is chicken %&$& pool. I just kept playing because it isn't worth the altercation, but I got to thinking... How can a safety be considered cheap pool, yet if you miss so bad and go 4 rails and make it that isn't cheap pool? I know he is a banger, but if you play pool against people that do not play competitively safeties are frowned upon, but slop isn't. A good safety can be real hard to pull off sometimes!
Thanks to all of you in this thread for reminding me once again how glad I am not to play in leagues.
Played a safe against a woman, and she asked me "do you have a p#ssy too"
Let's just do ball on hand after every miss. Then there would be no reason to play a safe. Well... almost no reason.
For a lot of us, it's play in leagues, or not at all. Its better then nothing.
I think that is a fine idea.
I also think that would be a great handicap too. I wonder if a 'b' player might be able to compete with a top 10 pro like that?
So on Friday nights I play in a small town rotation league. They do not like safeties at all most of them. There are a hand full of decent teams and the rest not so great. We were playing the worst team in the league Friday night and I was playing a gentleman that hit the ball real hard. This rotation game is slop as long as you hit the lowest ball on the table first anything can go in. Well he made 3 shots that went 4 rails and fell in, not in the pocket he was intending. So he hooked me on a shot and I played a safety and he blew up saying it is chicken %&$& pool. I just kept playing because it isn't worth the altercation, but I got to thinking... How can a safety be considered cheap pool, yet if you miss so bad and go 4 rails and make it that isn't cheap pool? I know he is a banger, but if you play pool against people that do not play competitively safeties are frowned upon, but slop isn't. A good safety can be real hard to pull off sometimes!
Defense is a great part of many sports. Why not in pool?