Sarah Rousey


the Unknown
Silver Member
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May your day be special...not special like short bus, but like wicked cool special.


Silver Member
Happy Birthday Sarah!


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Happy Birthday Sarah from the Amateur World. Hope you have a great day.


Silver Member
jazzn4444 said:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May your day be special...not special like short bus, but like wicked cool special.

Damn Jazzn4444, you were a bit early with your wishes, LOL!. And yeah Sarah, but should be short bus special. Oh, and you are now offically too old to be a Toys R Us kid...sorry to be the bearer of bad news on your day (your half any way.)

Oh and here is a birthday song that reminds me of your birthday for some reason...of course you have to play it for the right audience. ;)
Happy Birthday to Me by Cracker

Happy Birthday Sis. :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Happy Birthday to you.....

Happy Birthday to you.....

You look like a pool God...

And you stroke like one too....

Hope you are having a special 23.

Don't listen to landshark either. I'm STILL a Toys~R~Us kid.


P.S. The Juvenile Diabetes Tourny was higher attended this year, in spite of the spike in gas prices 2 days before the event. As a town, we raised over $250,000.00 this year. This is a little under our average, but we were also scrambling to get donations for hurrican victims relief. So all in all JDRF is pleased with Jackson, Mi.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
landshark77 said:
Damn Jazzn4444, you were a bit early with your wishes, LOL!. And yeah Sarah, but should be short bus special. Oh, and you are now offically too old to be a Toys R Us kid...sorry to be the bearer of bad news on your day (your half any way.)

Hey wait a minute..... I am 50 and love Toys R Us.... :( Do you mean I can't play any more???? Just kidding. I do love that store.


pro player
Silver Member
Thank you very much everyone. I really appreciate everything.

landshark...I didn't know there was an age limit on Toys R Us. Or maybe I did know that and my age is getting to me and I forgot. :)

cheeserider...I'm glad everything went well. That sounds like a really good number in spite of all of the other things going on in the world. Wish I could have helped in some way.

Thanks again everyone.
