Schon Cue - with a nice change


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here is a Schon i bought recently from this Forum.
It had a white linen wrap with black specs. But my plan was to change the wrap as soon as i got it. The new wrap was black linen with red specs and the result was just what i thought and expected. A pretty decent change.
Although the pictures dont do justice.

What do you Guys think about the change ?






AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Looks much better. One of the shortcomings (shortsightedness?) of Schon cues in recent years - besides some of the truly hideous large radius cnc inlay/point work - has been a habit of using black/white or white/black wraps on everything - whether it made any aestethic sense or not. Often the effect was as with this cue, the ungainly wrap choice distracted your eye from everything that really mattered about the cue. Going to a dark wrap returned the "cue" to the forefront of your eyes' focus.
I had a Schon, eezbank has it now, that had a truly exceptional cocobola forearm. Ivory points with jade green & maple veneers. The coloration was beautifully striking. Came with a black/white speck wrap that had nothing to do with anything about the cue. Had a rich brown Stack leather wrap put on it. No comparison.
Enjoy your cue. Ebony & purpleheart are a super combo!
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Jim Baxter

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The new wrap looks Great . I went Leather on all but 1 of my Schons. Jim
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