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  • are you still making joint protectors?
    Jim Baxter
    Hopeing to hear from you . A nice clear picture of logo . Black lines on white paper . Thats a MUST . Thanks
    Jim Baxter
    Text is best to 253-226-0932
    i don't have a cell phone so texting gets complicated, for a set with matching woods and engraved Hurricaine symbol with the H inside rough estimate what a set of 2 may cost?
    Hello Jim! my name is Rick Ballman & I have ordered many sets of JP's from you over the years. I was wondering if you are still making these, & if so do you have any black Dymondwood sets in 3/8-10 for an Andy Gilbert cue, or if you will build a set with this material. I thank you for your time, & hope this finds you well. Take care, Rick
    Jim Baxter
    text me at 253-226-0932 Yes , i have black webbwood . I can not send pictures here , easily .
    Jim Baxter
    whooooooops old messsage
    Hi this is Michael Langarica, I want to wish you and the rest of the AZers a Merry Chritmas and A Prosperous New Year but I don"t know how to do on AZBilliards
    On the ebony cue are the points even does it come with j/p cheap ones what tip is on it and does the shaft have a pro taper. I hear ebony cues hit great I don't know thank you for your time . John
    Hello Jim. Just got my cue couple days ago in mail. You said to send ya pics. It's a Michael vollmer cue. The joint and butt is ebony and amboyna burl. Joint is radial. I'd like to get set of joint protectors made with the V at top and on each shaft peice with a small 1 and 2 to label each shaft. Here are pics. Let me know what ya think. Thanks. I'll send pic to ur email
    Can you send a picture of the slight lift at the joint? Also please send a pic of you puppy that needs surgery. My wife did not believe me when I told my purchase would help get your dog his surgery. We have a dog that has been a member of our family for 11 years. Thank you. mb112073@yahoo.com
    Thanks for the reputation, Jim. But YOU deserved this.
    Your olivewood cocobolo copper cue is one of the nicest cues to be seen!!!

    Wish you all the best. Greetings from Germany, Chris
    Hi, was curious how much a black unilock joint protector set would be? Possibly with initials on the set?
    hey Jim. I'm Joe, the one who recently inquired about JPs for my Joss then switched to the Diviney. I'm pretty new to AZ so figured I'd reach out. Take care and I'll keep you posted once I get that Diviney in hand.
    Wishing you a day filled with joy!

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