Shot Pad


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I downloaded the iPad one and fooled around with it for a few minutes. I found it to be very difficult to use. I will be watching to see if it improves. Beslow are the bigger issues I had with it.

1. First, it sees accidental touches. If you touch the screen in two places, it goes crazy, drawing huge weird lines everywhere. Besides these weird lines, I also had several balls spontaneously disappear to the bottom of the screen due to this.

2. Its difficult to draw a line from a ball to a pocket. You touch near the ball, and it moves the ball instead of drawing the line.

3. The balls do not seem proportional to the table. Its important to have the correct size balls when diagraming a shot.

4. There is a ton of wasted space around the perimeter of the table that could instead be used for a bigger table.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sorry for all the confusion. I built an iPhone app about 3 years ago. It was very basic since I was just learning how to build mobile apps. So the version people are mentioning with the drills is the original.

A few months ago I started to work on an interactive one. I tried to put a lot of features on the screen, and it didn't look good on the iPhone so I just released it for the iPad. But I will finish up an interactive iPhone version this week! :)

The Android app works on both phones and tablets, and it is interactive. Unfortunately I've been building them separately so they all look different. lol. My bad on that. So another thing I'm working on now is making them all look and act the same. Less confusion and easier to make updates to all platforms at the same time.

Thanks for all your feedback. My goal is to have 1,000 people download the app by the end of the year. Today I hit 45!

And I plan to always keep it FREE ;)


First time I heard of this, glad someone posted it here. Going to get it for Android ASAP. Thanks for making it!