Should i buy a better cue?

Matt Tatum

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
hello there, this is my first post so i thought i would say hello....... i payed pool alot as a teenager and into my early twenties, but havent played much since then, i recently decided i would start playing again at 43 and just bought a diamond table and am having lots of fun, and getting better with pracitce and games with family and friends........ was wondering if a better cue would help, i have an old $120 Viking cue i bought about 23 years ago, i know technology has changed and wanted some feed back, as well as recommendations

thanks in advance



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just had this discussion with a friend that's getting back into pool. He asked me if the low deflection shafts, laminated tips, and expensive chalk is anything but a bunch of b.s. marketing.

In my opinion, there is definitely some amount of *significant* difference between a low deflection shaft and a standard maple shaft. However, I truly don't believe there is a *significant* difference between laminated tips and solid leather tips, and expensive chalk and whatever chalk is sitting on the rail for free.

Yes, I know there are a bunch of people that will scream that brand X shaft is best, brand Y tip is best, and brand Z chalk is best. I'm not arguing that these advanced products aren't "good". I'm just saying that in general there isn't really that much of a *significant* difference than the old stuff.

For instance, a good player can break and run using a warped bar cue, with a 4 year old LePro, using Silver Cup chalk. But, a bad player can't run out with a Predator Z shaft, with a Moori, using Kamui chalk.

"Better" equipment doesn't instantly guarantee better play.


Maker of Joey Bautista Cues
Silver Member
If a new custom cue inspires you, order a new one.
From what I've seen those old Viking cues really had heavy
stemmed/threaded on ferrules. They are what would be classified
as high squirt shafts.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Matt; I'm afraid I have to say NO, to your question. As a Qmaker I don't believe the new low deflection shafts can help a beginning or a player such as yourself, who has been away from the game & now starting up again. Save your money, keep your old Viking & instead spend some money on lessons. IF YOU CAN'T HIT A BASEBALL, A $400 BAT WILL NOT SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM...JER
P.S. If it has been a long time since you have played, I would definitly recommend a new tip. Leather dries out over time.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
A good cue that moves the cue ball with less effort will allow you to concentrate more on your aim and allow you to hit a little softer. I think that would help you get back in stroke faster. Now some of the old Vikings played pretty good. If you were local to me I would invite you to bring your cue by and come hit with one of mine and decide if it would help you to upgrade. So I would suggest going to the ICA link below and click on the members page and find a cuemaker within driving distance that will let you try one of their cues.


son of 3 leg 1 eye dog ..
Silver Member
I wish

Everyone would refrain from the phrase, 'It's the Indian, not the arrow'.

A player using a bad cue can NOT shoot as well as using a good cue. Especially when you get to the upper levels of playing, and one mistake, can lose you the whole match. When using poor equipment you always have to compensate in some way for how badly the equipment is performing.

Equipment does make a difference, doesn't make all the difference, but it does make a difference, especially when it has been built for you.

I seriously doubt that Mickey Mantle or Roger Maris could have broken the home run records by using a cheap bat. You can bet they each had a special bat that was good quality for 'their' bat.

If the cue didn't matter, wouldn't everyone just be buying the cheap Chinese cues, and putting a good tip on them ... food for thought!

Get a cue that fits you, in feel, balance, and hit, you will play better with it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'd try and hit with as many cues as possible to figure out what kind of hit you like. I've recently gone through this myself and wish I did it long ago.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Matt, I'm not a cue maker, but I do have a few of the older Viking cues, as well as several multi-thousand dollar cues. Depending on the Viking.. assuming that it is straight.. then a new tip should be all that you need. Just to be sure, try to find a pool hall or cue dealer that will allow you to test hit with various cues. If you're at my level (I also played a ton when in my teens and early 20's, but came back after the age of 50), then pretty much any decent cue with a good tip on it will play well for you. If you're able to draw a ball from the head rail to the foot rail and back, then you might want a better cue, as you're a hell of a lot more advanced than I am =) Good luck with whatever you decide to do.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wait until you have a clear picture of what your present cue is not doing for you.



Huge Balls
Silver Member
Matt, I also just got back into the game after a 10yr layoff. I had a high dollar cue that is about 19 years old. I wanted something new. I bought a new cue with a low deflection (LD) shaft. I can say without a doubt that it has helped my game. I tried going back to my old cue and I don't get near the smae play as my new one. It's a night and day difference for me. LD shafts aren't for everyone. I would suggest find someone with some newer equipment and ask them to try it out before you buy something

Good luck


Hi Matt, I'm new to this forum as well. I like this forum and have been reading posts for two weeks now. Great information!

I'll probably get some feed back, but here is an event I witnessed a while back.

I was at a bar that was holding an 8 ball tournament. It was a Saturday night, so there were 35 entries @ $20.00 per player, double elimination, $500.oo 1st place and $200.oo 2nd place. I watched a loud mouth player with a McDermott G series cue and another McDermott break cue. The guy played a good game but he was mouthy, heckled everyone including a guy sitting at the bar having a beer. He kept telling the guy at the bar that he was the best player that ever walked into the place.... annoying!

To make this as short as possible, the annoying player won every game and ended up nu-defeated with $500.oo in his hand. He walked up to the guy at the bar and challenged him to a one game, winner gets bragging rights. The gentlemen sitting there minding his own business got up, walked over to the pool table and laid out 10 $100 dollar bills and said "Put up or shut up". At this point everyone was silent. The loud mouth actually put up a $1000.oo, I though he would run.

The two decided they would shoot closes to the rail for break. The loud mouth shot to within 6" of the rail, the other gentlemen went into the restroom and came out with a broom! I'm dead serious, he came out with a friggen broom! And he sot to within 1" of the head rail. So I'm sitting there thinking WTF?

The gentlemen with the broom broke and ran the table shooting a three rail shot on the eight in the side pocket. With a broom! He actually chalked the end of a wood broom stick and spanked the guy. The loud mouth instantly said "Come on, best out of five". The guy with the broom let the looser break. He made three five in a row and missed. The guy with the broom rand the table. Game three... The guy with the broom broke and ran the table.

To this day I can remember every game like it was last nigh. It was truly amazing. I've told people this night and everyone says BS! But I swear, this guy played a flawless game and he used some impressive english.

So in my humble opinion, I agree with the other comments here. You can buy the most expensive and/or the best cue stick in the world.... It may help your game and it may not. But it's the skill in the player not the tools being used.


After reading what I typed, it appears that the guy with the broom shot with better english than I can type. Wow... I apologize.

Matt Tatum

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Matt, I'm new to this forum as well. I like this forum and have been reading posts for two weeks now. Great information!

I'll probably get some feed back, but here is an event I witnessed a while back.

I was at a bar that was holding an 8 ball tournament. It was a Saturday night, so there were 35 entries @ $20.00 per player, double elimination, $500.oo 1st place and $200.oo 2nd place. I watched a loud mouth player with a McDermott G series cue and another McDermott break cue. The guy played a good game but he was mouthy, heckled everyone including a guy sitting at the bar having a beer. He kept telling the guy at the bar that he was the best player that ever walked into the place.... annoying!

To make this as short as possible, the annoying player won every game and ended up nu-defeated with $500.oo in his hand. He walked up to the guy at the bar and challenged him to a one game, winner gets bragging rights. The gentlemen sitting there minding his own business got up, walked over to the pool table and laid out 10 $100 dollar bills and said "Put up or shut up". At this point everyone was silent. The loud mouth actually put up a $1000.oo, I though he would run.

The two decided they would shoot closes to the rail for break. The loud mouth shot to within 6" of the rail, the other gentlemen went into the restroom and came out with a broom! I'm dead serious, he came out with a friggen broom! And he sot to within 1" of the head rail. So I'm sitting there thinking WTF?

The gentlemen with the broom broke and ran the table shooting a three rail shot on the eight in the side pocket. With a broom! He actually chalked the end of a wood broom stick and spanked the guy. The loud mouth instantly said "Come on, best out of five". The guy with the broom let the looser break. He made three five in a row and missed. The guy with the broom rand the table. Game three... The guy with the broom broke and ran the table.

To this day I can remember every game like it was last nigh. It was truly amazing. I've told people this night and everyone says BS! But I swear, this guy played a flawless game and he used some impressive english.

So in my humble opinion, I agree with the other comments here. You can buy the most expensive and/or the best cue stick in the world.... It may help your game and it may not. But it's the skill in the player not the tools being used.

thanks for the story, made my day :grin: