Stolen Cues /

Jon P. Nusbaum

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Please be on the lookout for the following stolen cues.
Cues were stolen from an office breaking over the
Thanksgiving weekend. Please be aware people in
Maryland, Virginia, DC, North and South Carolina,
and expecially the Mertle Beach area.

If you think you have spotted any of these cues
please contact me, JP at (301) 452-3600.
Thanks for your help.


John Robinson Custom Cue w/ 12 silver-lined points

Tim Scruggs Custom Cue w/ Brazillian Rosewood

Bob Frey Sneaky Pete w/ Mother of Pearl ring

Bob Frey Sneaky Pete two w/ Rambo Buttcap


Silver Member
I'm sorry for your loss. I live in Florida and will certainly keep my eye out. I remember people cue's more than I remember their faces in alot of cases... People often say "Hey, do you know "so and so"?. My common reply is, What kind of cue does he play with, what's it look like?... For what it's worth I'll file these in my mental rolo-o-dex... Let you know if I see them. Good luck in your efort to recover them.



Consistently Inconsistent
Silver Member
Man that totally sucks!!! I ordered my cue from you 2 yrs back and you even sent me a replacement sniper tip without asking me to send my defective one back. You're a class guy. Sorry that this had to to happen to you.

I went to a university in Baltimore, and some parts of Maryland are as dangerous as they come. With the economy going bad, it can only get worse~

Hope you can recover your lost goods!


Known Sinner
Silver Member
We had 3 cue stolen earlier this year and they have not turned up anywhere. I hope you catch the thieves and get your cues back.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Stolen Cues

Good luck getting them back. I had 2 cues stolen about 6 months ago and have just about given up on them ever resurfacing.

I can tollerate a lot of things, but a thief is not one of them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jon......................that turns my stomach. I will keep my eyes open.



I will keep an eye out in the Sterling/Winchester pool halls J.P.

Jon P. Nusbaum said:
Please be on the lookout for the following stolen cues.
Cues were stolen from an office breaking over the
Thanksgiving weekend. Please be aware people in
Maryland, Virginia, DC, North and South Carolina,
and expecially the Mertle Beach area.

If you think you have spotted any of these cues
please contact me, JP at (301) 452-3600.
Thanks for your help.


John Robinson Custom Cue w/ 12 silver-lined points

Tim Scruggs Custom Cue w/ Brazillian Rosewood

Bob Frey Sneaky Pete w/ Mother of Pearl ring

Bob Frey Sneaky Pete two w/ Rambo Buttcap

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
bchilton...A thief is one thing...a CUE thief is another animal entirely! Hanging would be too good for them...I was thinking a stump, a hammer, a nail...and the appropriate testicles!* :eek: :mad:

* Edit: Still attached to the vile perpetrator, of course!

Scott Lee

bchilton said:
I can tollerate a lot of things, but a thief is not one of them.
Last edited:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'll put the word out in the Charlotte NC area that I'm looking to buy a few cues and see what happens, good luck.--Leonard


My light saber is LD
Silver Member
That sucks

I can't imagine stealing a person's cue, or any property for that matter. I've had a few nights of playing where someone left their cues at the hall. I always just put em behind the bar if I didn't know em or had their phone number.

I'll keep an eye out around Hickory NC for ya. I'd also like to thank you again for taking care of me when I ordered that case a couple weeks ago. You didn't have to give me a discount just because you were out of what I originally ordered. Your customer service is top notch....thanks
