SVB vs Strickland race to 11 on 8/22/18 6pm EST


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike -

Just now I took the camera out in the dark and fired it a few times.
You made me check something i had not been aware of - there is a small very low light indicator that lights briefly and goes out when focusing. It is in no way a flash, and it is lower intensity than some of the lights from your equipment. But if indeed you were able to notice it, perhaps it was a distraction. Earl looked toward the other corner (not mine) a few times. There were cell phone flashes going off around the room at times.

Again, i do not use flash for even posed shots - it is counterproductive to good photos with depth and balance. At the distance last night, it would have been impossible to capture the detail with flash (would have washed out the foreground and everything else black.) I am also perfectly aware and careful about creating distractions when shooting performance type events.

Considering the level of your spleen, you probably looked far enough to notice i posted one poor Youtube video about 10 years ago, on surface grinding a planer bed. That is about the limit of my expertise in that area (video), but especially manipulating stuff on electronic media. Wish i could, but just not one of my skill sets. No social media here.

Good luck with your vendetta, i know a publisher once stole from me. The copyright forms came back as per usual. Tossed them in the file drawer without opening. A couple years later the publisher re-used a (paid) series of magazine articles in a book without compensation. Admittedly it was with some glee that i went to the file drawer and tore open the copyright return notices. Then i had to swallow hard when it was clear it was not a verification of registration, but "this is to notify you of the recent rate increase. Your application will expire in 30 days if you do not send us an additional $XY.xx" The publisher knew it, they never touched the registered ones.

Everyone owns their copyright. However, getting legal action is tough even when everything is clear. I think social media has only confused things more. Will personally be happy to hear if you get better results than i did; despite the fact that you seem to be having some awkwardness backpedaling from your fairly nasty and fully unfounded personal accusation.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hmmm...some people jumping to some low conclusions here.

I'm a semi-pro photographer* and don't use flash. It makes for crap pictures. I also know about distractions at events. For some reason SCB heard my focus and assumed the same thing, instead of stopping the person who did not know how to take their phone off flash.

I also have nothing to do with your content. I don't even know how to access it (your content, since i am not on social media). It was on youtube when i got home.

You guys act like a bunch of prissy self entitled royalty. That tenor diminishes the afterglow of an otherwise great event.

*background by application.


I stood next to you and saw the light off your camera. I asked you nicely to stop and you gave me attitude.

Prissy self entitled royalty? What is your problem? We throw a free pool party for everyone and you are gonna knock us? Don't bother coming back.

1st Wednesday in January we are looking to have 2 very big guns play for serious cash. Race to 25. That will run along side our 4th pro/am and the amateur bar box minis. We do this because we can and we are fans of the game.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i stood next to you and saw the light off your camera. I asked you nicely to stop and you gave me attitude.

Prissy self entitled royalty? What is your problem? We throw a free pool party for everyone and you are gonna knock us? Don't bother coming back.

1st wednesday in january we are looking to have 2 very big guns play for serious cash. Race to 25. That will run along side our 4th pro/am and the amateur bar box minis. We do this because we can and we are fans of the game.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"Attitude" is a bit strong - I showed you the camera and that it did not have flash.

Per my experiment in the dark last night, & the ready/indicator light i do feel stupid and apologize.

Given my ineptitude with technology, does Mike really think i had anything to do with his video? I'm not malicious.
The only reason i posted on here was to show appreciation for what you are doing. Clearly i put my foot in it.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"Attitude" is a bit strong - I showed you the camera and that it did not have flash.

Per my experiment in the dark last night, & the ready/indicator light i do feel stupid and apologize.

Given my ineptitude with technology, does Mike really think i had anything to do with his video? I'm not malicious.
The only reason i posted on here was to show appreciation for what you are doing. Clearly i put my foot in it.

Yeah cause you kept doing what I asked you not to. People just do whatever they like....then you call me a tyrant or whatever. When you open youroom and have top pros in please invite me. Then maybe you will get it.


Professional Live Stream
Silver Member

Yeah ok. Logic proven right again it was you with the flash. You trying to tell me that a FLASH on a camera is not a flash?

You said something about the lights my equipment gives off? What the hell are you even talking about. ZERO LIGHTS in my production. I don't need them, my experience and level of equipment makes up for them.

Listen if you don't think there was a flash going off ask Mike Andrews who is sitting in the picture who was commentating with me. He saw it directly and pointed it out to me and it was multiple times.

He then notified the room owner who just verified the story here and you were a dick to him? That's just absolutely rude.

Now whether or you posted the Youtube clip, it's been taken care of. I work fast and theres been a strike and a DMCA notice on the account.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"Attitude" is a bit strong - I showed you the camera and that it did not have flash.

Per my experiment in the dark last night, & the ready/indicator light i do feel stupid and apologize.

Given my ineptitude with technology, does Mike really think i had anything to do with his video? I'm not malicious.
The only reason i posted on here was to show appreciation for what you are doing. Clearly i put my foot in it.


It's called a focus illuminator. It puts out a beam of light so the camera sees it to autofocus... which you shouldn't being using for pool. Manual pre-focus on a spot where your subject will be, and for god's sake don't take a shot when they're down on a shot..