Team USA


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Still very early days and a long way to go but...........

Based on day 1's play the USA really need to look at how the team is selected.

In SVB, Dechaine and Bergman they have 3 of the best American rotation players but in Mosconi Cup they just dont/cant do it. Bergman still deserves a chance to prove himself but SVB and Dechaine just dont perform.

Corey should be nowhere near the team either but again he qualified on merit.

It is hard not to pick Dechaine and even harder not to pick SVB but they can have all the results and wins they want during the year but if they cant perform in the Mosconi then they shouldnt be playing imo.

They need to pick players who can handle the unique pressure even if they aren't normally as strong players. Obvious ones who spring to mind are Rodney, Johnny, Oscar even.

If they keep going with teams like this it will be a long time till they win back the cup!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Obvious ones who spring to mind are Rodney, Johnny, Oscar even.

Two of those guys were present in 2013 when you were starched 11-2.

I think you have a decent team this year. Woodward played well last night, so hopefully he can keep that up, and Bergmann is okay, although I feel he gets a bit of an easy ride on here.

SVB struggles at the Mosconi - at least compared to his usual play. I think it's a combination of the team play, the short races, high pressure format, and not being able to rack your own.
Dechaine's game isn't suited to a high pressure TV table kind of event - too loose with his positional play, and too prone to load up and throw his cue at important shots.
Deuel is what he is; he'll make some unbelievable shots... but then dog a makeable one, and is unreliable on longer pots these days.

They all have their flaws, but I wouldn't pick Archer or Morris ahead of any of this years players. I think the reality is this kind of event shows up flaws in your fundamentals, and a lot of the players available to the US have those kind of flaws. Those who don't, seem to have a bit of dog in them under pressure.

Still, it could be a close cup this year. I'm still picking Europe to win, though ;).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am actually European but just like to see a good, close battle! I don't find 11-4, 11-5 enjoyable to watch, you need a bit of drama.

I know what you are saying about Morris and Archer but that is 1 year, they have done great in previous Mosconi Cups.

Also Archer has been out of form but Morris has been really playing well and we know they can both handle the pressure.

They were just 2 examples, there are a few others I would have ahead of the current team (certainly Corey and Dechaine) such as Earl, Hatch, Bartram.

It is about embracing the pressure and playing under intense conditions and this current team cant do it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am actually European but just like to see a good, close battle! I don't find 11-4, 11-5 enjoyable to watch, you need a bit of drama.

Ahhh, okay. Apologies! I'm in the same boat as you, then. 11-5 is no fun - although beating up on the US is fun in its own way, the drama is what makes the Mosconi.

It is about embracing the pressure and playing under intense conditions and this current team cant do it.

I agree, I just don't think the likes of Archer, Morris, Earl or Hatch can do that any more. As players get older they tend to bottle more shots - I've heard Steve Davis talk about it in snooker, and in pool the Mosconi is as high pressure as it gets.

I'd like to see how this team gets on before writing them off, but if they can't get it done I don't really know who else I'd pick in their place.

A US/Canada team could be interesting - players like Morra and Klatt have the fundamentals at least (it's hard to make judgements on the mentality/bottle without seeing them under the lights - and Pagulayan (if he's still representing Canada/playing pool???) would obviously walk onto that team. It wouldn't really be the Mosconi Cup then, though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I enjoyed watching. Lots of excitement. Coreys jump shot. Some great shots. Some surprising missed that turned matches around.
This the team we have. They are trying. Lets support them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Still very early days and a long way to go but...........

Based on day 1's play the USA really need to look at how the team is selected.

In SVB, Dechaine and Bergman they have 3 of the best American rotation players but in Mosconi Cup they just dont/cant do it. Bergman still deserves a chance to prove himself but SVB and Dechaine just dont perform.

Corey should be nowhere near the team either but again he qualified on merit.

It is hard not to pick Dechaine and even harder not to pick SVB but they can have all the results and wins they want during the year but if they cant perform in the Mosconi then they shouldnt be playing imo.

They need to pick players who can handle the unique pressure even if they aren't normally as strong players. Obvious ones who spring to mind are Rodney, Johnny, Oscar even.

If they keep going with teams like this it will be a long time till they win back the cup!

Have to agree
The process for picking players for team events like this should be different from picking players for singles tourneys :grin-square:


What time is it?
Silver Member
Rodney was 2-8 his last two Mosconi Cups.

These posts with people talking about what they think they know without any facts are pure nonsense.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is going down to the wire this year. Mark my words it's going to get good. All these guys are ready to catch a gear. There's just something about last night that has excitement in the air.


Indiana VNEA State Champ
Silver Member
If the Mosconi is the only event with this format and pressure, then I would recommend using Mosconi results for members. If that was the case, Justin Hall would be on this years team and he played fantastic last year.

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What time is it?
Silver Member
If the Mosconi is the only event with this format and pressure, then I would recommend using Mosconi results for members. If that was the case, Justin Hall would be on this years team and he played fantastic last year.

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Another genius -- so how would a new player ever get on the Mosconi Cup with your brilliant idea. Beyond that, Justin Hall was a shadow of himself in 2015 so that's why he isn't on the team.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
mosconi cup

It's a good team I think it will be close i'm born European living in Canada and i'd like to see North America vs Europe Alex Morra Klatt would be very interesting for NA.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's a good team I think it will be close i'm born European living in Canada and i'd like to see North America vs Europe Alex Morra Klatt would be very interesting for NA.

Do you think they would all make the team?

I'm asking because I think there would be a case for it, and I'm not sure how it would go down with some American fans to see a majority Canadian team ;).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Out of those three alex has the best shot i think their our best three it just that europe has more choice with it's population to choose it's going to be tough to beat them.


rack master ;)
Silver Member
I'd like to see the event expanded a little bit... Make it a Pacific vs. European vs. North American Cup....

All matches would be call pocket 10-ball, race to 7.

The Team who won previous year gets 1st round bye, and the other two duke it out to see who gets to play for the cup.

That would take twice a long, but you'd be opening up viewership and streaming revenues to much larger audiences...1


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Team USA (and perhaps fans) is putting too much pressure on themselves... They should just PLAY as they'd play, according to their personalities and styles. I've seen numerous YouTube videos of these guys play, and Day 1 didn't seem like these guys...

I'd say Team USA has nothing to lose, it's time to unleash the full firepower of the team... Take the risks, toss away convention, stay loose, throw the opponents off balance...

Whatever happens, we stand behind TEAM USA!!!


Big Tuna
Silver Member
It's a good team I think it will be close i'm born European living in Canada and i'd like to see North America vs Europe Alex Morra Klatt would be very interesting for NA.

Klatt would not make the roster. Morra and Alex would be great additions though. This will never happen anyways

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I enjoyed watching. Lots of excitement. Coreys jump shot. Some great shots. Some surprising missed that turned matches around.
This the team we have. They are trying. Lets support them.[/QU

Good post, well said.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'd like to see the event expanded a little bit... Make it a Pacific vs. European vs. North American Cup....

All matches would be call pocket 10-ball, race to 7.

The Team who won previous year gets 1st round bye, and the other two duke it out to see who gets to play for the cup.

That would take twice a long, but you'd be opening up viewership and streaming revenues to much larger audiences...1

I don`t like changing the format just because we are on a losing streak. That is crybaby shit. It is only 3-2, we can still, very easily, win this thing.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Still very early days and a long way to go but...........

Based on day 1's play the USA really need to look at how the team is selected.

In SVB, Dechaine and Bergman they have 3 of the best American rotation players but in Mosconi Cup they just dont/cant do it. Bergman still deserves a chance to prove himself but SVB and Dechaine just dont perform.

Corey should be nowhere near the team either but again he qualified on merit.

It is hard not to pick Dechaine and even harder not to pick SVB but they can have all the results and wins they want during the year but if they cant perform in the Mosconi then they shouldnt be playing imo.

They need to pick players who can handle the unique pressure even if they aren't normally as strong players. Obvious ones who spring to mind are Rodney, Johnny, Oscar even.

If they keep going with teams like this it will be a long time till they win back the cup!

Say what you want about SVB but there is not a player on either team that has a chance gambling with him. Take the good with the bad, he is the best player in America, by a long shot.