Team USA


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'd like to see the event expanded a little bit... Make it a Pacific vs. European vs. North American Cup....

All matches would be call pocket 10-ball, race to 7.

The Team who won previous year gets 1st round bye, and the other two duke it out to see who gets to play for the cup.

That would take twice a long, but you'd be opening up viewership and streaming revenues to much larger audiences...1

Call pocket 10-ball may appeal to enthusiasts, but remember the aim (I assume) of The Mosconi Cup is to appeal to a wider, perhaps more causal viewer and they (again I assume) prefer faster games such as 9-Ball.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Say what you want about SVB but there is not a player on either team that has a chance gambling with him. Take the good with the bad, he is the best player in America, by a long shot.

I agree. I have said svb is the best player but it doesnt change the fact that he is well below par every year in the Cup


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree. I have said svb is the best player but it doesnt change the fact that he is well below par every year in the Cup

And many other short race events featuring the alternate breaking format.

the Professor

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Rodney was 2-8 his last two Mosconi Cups.

These posts with people talking about what they think they know without any facts are pure nonsense.

You really wouldn't rather see "today's" version of Rodney going out to play an important singles match against Europe than Corey?

I think the the Mosconi event two years ago was such a train wreck because of context and negative synergy that it is really hard to use when evaluating an individuals performance. There was a lot of negative energy on that team that effected everyones performance.