The Fargo High Run?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Do you have a timeframe yet on when the app will be available?
If my rating was based on how many balls I could run in 14.1 it would be lower than homeless person bank account.

I think I’ve only played 14.1 about 3 times in my life. I did manage to run 30 once though.

I know people that consider themselves better than average 14.1 players that do good to run ~30 balls with ball in hand.

Also, keep in mind that the average run in actual 14.1 play is far below 30 for EVERYONE that's human and not an actual pro.

In short, this is 14.1:

Player 1 safe breaks....
Player 2 also plays safe......

Fast forward several battle....

Someone sells out and the other runs hmmm... probably 6,7,8 balls and then plays a safe...

Rinse and repeat.....

So, 30 ball run will put you in the running with 90% of the pool population at most rooms as long as you have a good safety game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I stand corrected iusedtoberich.

I was probably rationalizing my horrible 14.1 game. Or maybe it's an east coast thing as there are so many great 14.1 players there. (Think you're from the East coast).

14.1 is funny though, I still hear stories about Mosconi making the rounds on exhibition and every town he visited had multiple 100 ball runners that could play him. I guess I just don't see players in my neck of the woods below 650 having the skill to run a 100 but maybe that's due to too much bar table play. I know..I know it's all the same in Fargo.

I know playing the game for a few hours here and there is enough for me to want to quit pool as my high run doesn't lie to me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Have you ever figured a formula for either playing the ghost or high ball run to figure a fargo rate? Obviously, one run or set against the ghost would not be high enough, but rating against some known stats might be comparable. For example, what is John Schmidts average run and then how would a 100 high ball runner be compared?

Just food for thought. All chime in please.

Since you can map Fargo ratings to other ratings methods and you can figure out skill ratings in general with the ghost play, it's not too hard to figure things out, even with doing it yourself.

C players should be able to play vs the 4 ball ghost. B players 5-6, 7 at times for a high B. A players 7-8, good A and up 9 ball ghost, 10 ball ghost.

C = 400ish Fargo, B = 500ish A = 600 Open high 600, low 700, Pro 750 range.

My Fargo has rotated around 550 mark, and I have beaten the 7 ball ghost several times, probably 4 out of 5 times from what I remember. Have not really tried 8 ball or 9 ball ghost, but I know even with ball in hand with 9 balls on the table I don't get out over 50% of the time.
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