The Monkey Principle


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What does this have to do with online forums? Be specific. Who are the "new monkeys?" What is the online forum equivalent of climbing the ladder to get bananas?

Lay this out for me, I'm not sophisticated enough for your riddles.
Have a banana while you're trying to comprehend how this can be applied to our fellow AZB'ers :smile::

The Monkey Principle
This is a principle or theory, if you will, that explains how a leader deals with problems:

People in leadership positions are confronted daily with the fact that people under them, people in supervisory positions over them, their customers, the law enforcement community, any and all other interested parties to their line of work will come to them with a monkey. Some in fact come with more than one monkey. Their objective: They will be trying to give you the monkey(s).

Sometimes you will take the monkey and pass it on to someone else. Sometimes you will take the monkey. Sometimes you will give the monkey back.

Lets examine what happens as a result of each of the three scenarios.

You pass the monkey to someone else. First, the person that brought the monkey is happy (they now have no monkey). Secondly, you are happy (or maybe not, depending on how person receiving monkey acts) to no longer have the monkey. Lastly, the person with the monkey is probably not happy.

You take the monkey. This is worst case scenario...being left with the monkey makes more work and often becomes complicated as you try to cage the monkey.

The third option: giving the monkey back is preferable. However, if some one that is a supervisor over you brings you a monkey oft times you are stuck with that monkey. Unless you can hand it over to someone else.

You seem to get many more monkeys (disproportionally) from persons over whom you have supervisory position. The reason being is that these people have probably created the monkey.

Words of Wisdom?
Do not take Monkeys.
A Barrel of Monkeys is NOT FUN.
Peace Out!
Posted by Charles "Tiger" Edwards


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Have a banana while you're trying to comprehend how this can be applied to our fellow AZB'ers :smile::

The Monkey Principle
This is a principle or theory, if you will, that explains how a leader deals with problems:

People in leadership positions are confronted daily with the fact that people under them, people in supervisory positions over them, their customers, the law enforcement community, any and all other interested parties to their line of work will come to them with a monkey. Some in fact come with more than one monkey. Their objective: They will be trying to give you the monkey(s).

Sometimes you will take the monkey and pass it on to someone else. Sometimes you will take the monkey. Sometimes you will give the monkey back.

Lets examine what happens as a result of each of the three scenarios.

You pass the monkey to someone else. First, the person that brought the monkey is happy (they now have no monkey). Secondly, you are happy (or maybe not, depending on how person receiving monkey acts) to no longer have the monkey. Lastly, the person with the monkey is probably not happy.

You take the monkey. This is worst case scenario...being left with the monkey makes more work and often becomes complicated as you try to cage the monkey.

The third option: giving the monkey back is preferable. However, if some one that is a supervisor over you brings you a monkey oft times you are stuck with that monkey. Unless you can hand it over to someone else.

You seem to get many more monkeys (disproportionally) from persons over whom you have supervisory position. The reason being is that these people have probably created the monkey.

Words of Wisdom?
Do not take Monkeys.
A Barrel of Monkeys is NOT FUN.
Peace Out!
Posted by Charles "Tiger" Edwards


Tigers have monkeys for brunch.


Silver Member
What does this have to do with online forums? Be specific. Who are the "new monkeys?" What is the online forum equivalent of climbing the ladder to get bananas?

Lay this out for me, I'm not sophisticated enough for your riddles.

It iz just rambling, JoeyA loves to jump on his soapbox :embarrassed2::frown::boring2:


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
You can have the bananas. I'm heading over to the Texas Roadhouse and get me a nice, big 'ol 12-ounce sirloin. Gotta ease the carnivorous cravings :thumbup:!!!


For some reason, the way you wrote this, I'm thinking of that scene from Beverly Hills Cop, when Eddie Murphy walks into that fruit stand, and the vendor "gives him the bananas."

"Sshhh! Take those bananas."




AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Social Scientists put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling. Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable. Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder. One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room. Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious, but, undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder. All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly.

He has no idea why. However, he no longer attempts to climb the ladder. A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the crap out of him. This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he's not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are doing it. However, he has no idea why he's attacking the new monkey.

One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any idea why.

Unfortunately you are this week's new monkey...

For those who invest in the stock market, this reminds me of stock analysts.



Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
I suggest you ask JAM - she was the original 'new monkey' and the reason I wrote the Monkey Principle in the first place...

I'm glad you finally arrived. Didn't know if you were going to grace our thread or not and didn't know if you wanted recognition for authoring the Monkey Principle so I purposefully left out the author's name. Most know what a great write that you are.

David is the author of a book called Hamster Tales and yes you will like it if there are any copies still available. :smile:


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
I suggest you ask JAM - she was the original 'new monkey' and the reason I wrote the Monkey Principle in the first place...

You wrote that? It really is a great concept - I thought it was pure genius.


The Hamster

David Malone
Silver Member
You wrote that? It really is a great concept - I thought it was pure genius.

More like pure plagiarism... <g>

I stole the original concept from a 'leadership' training course I attended once and adapted it to try and explain to JAM what was happening when she joined RSB back in the 'good old days'...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
More like pure plagiarism... <g>

I stole the original concept from a 'leadership' training course I attended once and adapted it to try and explain to JAM what was happening when she joined RSB back in the 'good old days'...

I get PTSD just thinking about it. :grin:

However, there used to be quite a few really informative discussions at one time there. I do miss that. :smile: